part 12

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After claming down sangjin, jungkook took her home, and while walking home, they didn't talk because sangjin was not feeling too well, as they got home, her mom was waiting for her.

S: Oh, mom.
M: What were you thinking leaving home at 1am?
S: im sorry it's just...jungkook needes me.
M: ok. Well, go to bed.
S: ok. Bye jungkook
Jk: Bye sangjin goodnight.

She smiled, and then jungkook looked at her mom.

Jk: um Mrs. Jeon, can I ask you a question.
M: Yeah, what is it?
Jk: sangjin had a panick attack, and when she calmed down, she told me she had ptsd.

Her mom widened her eyes.

M: So you knew...
Jk; what happened? And what does she mean by that?
M: we didn't want to worry you, but I guess you did. When sangjin turned 8, she was kidnapped when I wasn't looking at a park....when I looked back, she was already gone, I called 911, and we sreach everywhere for her.  2 days later, someone found her with a lady we had never seen before...after that the police arrested her and bought sangjin back to us.
Jk: Who was the lady?
M: it was a lady maybe in her 30s  I think I heard she lost her kids in a battle of custody with her ex husband, and when he took the kids she went crazy and took sangjin..the cops say that she took sangjin because she looked exactly like her daughter.
Jk: Was sangjin hurt?
M: No. But she was really scared for her life, she didn't want to eat or go to school after the incident she was always in bed with a blank face on.
Jk: I should have known...
M: she didn't want to bother you after her asthma news. She's already happy with you, and I hope you treat her will.
Jk: I will, I'll do anything for her.
M: Good. Go home.

As she was about to leave, jungkook stopped her.

Jk: um Mrs. Jeon
M: Hmm?
Jk: Is it okay if I stay with her? I can't go home right now, I had a fight with my parents.
M: Oh sure. Come in.

Jungkook walked in, and later, he opened sangjins' room door, and she was already sleeping, jungkook out his blanket and pillow down, and went to her and kissed her forehead.

Jungkook pov: I'll never let you get hurt ever.

He smiled and got ready to sleep and fell asleep. Next morning sangjin woke up she rubbed her eye and looked down and cover her mouth with widened eyes, she saw jungkook with no shirt on sleeping on the floor in her room.

S: what??? Didn't he go home?

Sangjin kicked him as in tapping his body he grunt and rubbed his eye and looked up at her.

S: didn't you go home last night?
Jk: no I asked to stay your mom let me.
S: why didn't you go home?
Jk: remember I told you this last night.
S: oh right you did. Well then move I need to use the bathroom.

As she got up jungkook also stood up standing infront of her she was looking down but her eyes move up to his body, he smirked.

Jk: like what you see?

Sangjin just saw his tone abs she snapped out of it and shake it off.

S: no I don't like it.
Jk: im your boyfriend.
S: yeah I don't want to see you naked.

She push him aside and open her door and there her mom was standing by the door jungkook gasp, grab his blanket and cover himself.

S: mom what you doing?
M: oh I was gotta wake you up, but it looks like you up.
S: yeah.
M: sorry to bother you guys.
S: no mom we didn't do anything.
M: right...

She left and sangjin close the door as she walked out, jungkook sigh and put on his black shirt and went to the bathroom with her. Sangjin was brushing her teeth.

Jk: can't believe your mom saw me.
S: no shit.

She rise her mouth and did her hair jungkook looked at her.

Jk: going somewhere?
S: yeah Emma and Rose wants to hangout. It's our spring break.
Jk: right. Hey what didn't you tell me you had ptsd?
S: oh.....
Jk: your mom told me the story.
S: I don't want to remember that day, I'm sorry if you worried but I'm okay now, I guess it wad just dark out and I didn't feel safe but you...

Sangjin turn to jungkook and slide her hands to his hip looking up at him smice jungkook is taller.

S: you were with me...I felt your were my light jungkook.

Jungkook sigh looking at her and carry her up she gasp and he made her sit on the sink counter.

Jk: don't pull those puppy eyes on me.
S: like it?
Jk: totally it was cute.

She giggle and kissed her patiently, sangjin kissed back and without knowing jungkook slide his hands under her pj shirt she gasped as she felt his warm hands touch her skin she broke the kiss looking at him.

S: jungkook wait....I can't, I'm not ready.
Jk: I know....I'll wait, I mean I know we just started being couples but I know.
S: im sorry.
Jk: no its okay.
S: you know how long your gotta stay here?
Jk: maybe a couple days, I'm not ready to face my brother after everything.
S: ok.

She pat his head and he put her down as she went back to the room and changed to comfortable clothes and head out, jungkook then join her parents in the livingroom.

D: how's your parents jungkook?
Jk: their okay. Um where's kimmy?
M: she's at a friend's house for her break.
Jk: oh.
M: I heard your brother came back.
Jk: must have heard from my mom.
M: yeah.
D: how you holding up?
Jk; I can't believe he's can I stay a bit longer with sangjin? I'm not ready to go back home yet.
D: yeah.
M: sure, you can stay as long as you want I know how to deal with your mother.
Jk: Thank you Mrs. Jeon.

Sangjins parents then looked at each other and smirk and look back at jungkook he saw and was confused.

M: soooooooo..
D: you love our daughter?
Jk: um yeah.
D: will this love last forever?
Jk: yes.
M: are you guys planning to...well sleep together?
Jk: huh?! No, I can't force her. I'm waiting when she's ready, I can't do that to her.
D: ah okay.

They laughed and knew that jungkook was innocent and knew that he loves sangjin alot ever snice they were kids, jungkook was confused why they gave him questions like that.

D: oh right. Can you stay here for the whole spring break?
Jk: why?
M: well me and my hubby here has a business trip out of town. We don't want sangjin to be alone snice her younger sister is not home with her.
D: can you keep her company?
Jk: yeah, does she know?
M: yeah we told her after she left the house.
Jk: oh. I'll stay with her.
D: thank you.
Jk: when yall leaving?
M: tonight.
Jk: oh.

Sangjin was out with her friends still, they went to the mall for a whole 5hrs shop around and went out to eat pho and went to do karaoke having a blast it was just them girls no boyfriends bothering them. As they were waiting for the bus Emma looked at sangjin.

E: soooo when are you and jungkook going to do it?
S: what? I'm not ready and we just started dating so...yeah..
R: you still got time, you can't lose it at age 20.
S: I know but, I'm not ready.
E: Okay.

Sangjins parents was packing and later led to the airport, and  sangjin got home and rest on the couch with jungkook.

S: finally alone time.
Jk: yeah.

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