part 22(final)

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A year came by and many things have happened to jungkook and sangjin, jungkook became a successful teacher and as for sangjin she became a successful doctor just like her parents wanted, sangjin and jungkook went through alot of things but still made their relationship work for them. Jungkook had proposed to sangjin at a mountain in Seoul she agree to married him, and so many things are getting plan for their wedding thats happening, jungkook bought a house for him and sangjin snice they are engaged now and so sangjin sold her apartment and now they leave together, they both have told their parents about their engagement and both families were happy for them. One night jungkook was at work working late because of grades and homework, sangjin was at the hospital doing papers for patients and she felt something in her stomach so got up and ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up in there. She was shock that it could be that she's pregnant, she was scared at first because she's 23 and having a baby is to much but her and jungkook work at big companies and earn alot, she got up and grab a pregnancy test from the back snice there was only alittle bit of nurses there she went back to the bathroom and test it, after 20mins of waiting it came back positive sangjin was shocked.

Sangjin pov: now? Our wedding isn't even here yet...

She panick, but she knows everything is gotta be okay because she has jungkook by her side. Later, she went home and waited for jungkook to come home. Then, after waiting, he finally came home, and she stood up.

Jk: Oh, I thought you were sleeping.
S: yeah um jungkook....
Jk: Yeah?

Sangjin handed him the pregnancy test. jungkook looked at it and back at her in shock.

Jk: Are you kidding?
S: im not, I took it just today at work.
Jk: omg!

Jungkook dropped his things and went to hug her she giggled and looked at him.

S: im worried.
Jk: Why? You shouldn't be.
S: im well...its not our wedding yet, and I'm already pregnant and all, and also, im scared that I'm gotta lose this baby.
Jk: You won't, I'll make sure to protect the and my baby.

She smiled and kissed him. Later on, they both told friends and family that they were expecting. Sangjins friend Emma got married to her college boyfriend after dating for almost 20yrs are finally married and are expecting a baby #2, rose sangjins other friend was dating her college when she was a sophomore year in college and they both are still dating for almost 9yrs but still going strong not married yet but she's happy for her two happy friends. Seems like sangjins' parents moved back to Korea  to support sangjin and jungkooks' wedding, and also, for kammys education, she was a freshman for her university and is single now Sangjin was at work just working away in her doctor suit and then a nurse came too her.

S: yes nurse Kim?
K: there is a patient here wanting to see you.
S: oh okay, what's their name? What is their problem?
K: Well the name is park seoyoung.

Sangjin widened her eyes and looked at the nurse as she kept reading the paper to her, seoyoung was her ex boyfriend who cheated on her many times when they were together at the states she was shock to hear his name again after all these years.

S: Okay take me to him.

She follow the nurse to his room she was just worried to see him again, and then they enter the room and there stands seoyoung her ex he smiles at her.

S: what are you doing here?
Se: look sangjin  I've been in a car accident not here to asked you back, I have broke my arm can't you see?
S: I see, how did this happen?

As she was fixing his arm.

Se: I hit the other car with my creazy girlfriend.
S: ah I see. So your getting arrested?
Se: I don't know the police are here to I don't know take her or me, idk really .

Then he looked at her.

Se: how you been? I see you are wearing a ring.
S: yes I'm getting married, and I'm expecting.
Se: ah I see.
S: there, now I have to go, good luck at the station.

Sangjij walked out and the police came in to take him away, nurse Kim looked at her.

K: are you okay doctor?
S: yes. I'm fine.

Later after work jungkook got home and there he sees sangjin in the room sleeping after a long day at work 24hrs, jungkook sigh and went up to her taking off her heels she growl and open her eyes.

Jk: hey sorry to wake you.
S: no, ugh I'm so tired.
Jk: I can tell, after having the baby you should take a day off.
S: oh I am.

(This im just skipping through now)

Few weeks came sangjin and jungkook found out the gender of their baby and so they throw a party for their baby and so the party started  jungkook and sangjin was at the cake table ready to cut the cake to see the color, as they cut it everyone sreacm it was a baby girl jungkook and sangjin was so happy hopping around and hugging. After the party everyone went home and so the cute couple went to bed.

After 3 months she was full on showing as their wedding finally started but sangjin was still small snice so she was able to fit her dress and so the 3hr long wedding finally started, it went smoothly everyone wad having fun at the wedding and wad just celebrating all family and friends was invited to the wedding.

9 months came and sangjin was now having their baby at age 24 and at the Seoul hospital where she works, they heard their babygirls cry and was relief snice it took 3hrs to get her out.

Jk: look it's our babygirl babe.
S: hi....your name will be jeon sunmi
Jk: I love it.

They both smiled and everyone came to visit the newest family in the member, sangjin was tired and she rest as everyone left after visiting and jungkook of course stayed with them and was holding sunmi in his arms smiling.

Jk: you gave mommy such a headache and now look at you, you look just like her. Your going to be a big gmirl when I aged haha, I love you and your mom.

After having their baby, sangjin and jungkook has taken lots of picture of their baby sunmi to remember her at this baby age, after a couple of months baby sangjin was now 12 months just walking and bubbling about as a 12 month old, jungkook and sangjin still work the same and have a nanny for her who is each of their mother to take turns watching sunmi. Jungkook was at work as a great teacher he enjoys teaching students that used to be his age when he found sangjin again after many years of finding her and not forgetting her, but he's happy that he was able to find her again when they finally saw each other.


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