part 2

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Jungkook and his family drove to the new place and as they got there he was shock at how big the house was with gates and a fountain in the middle of the driveway, his dad got out and open the gate and drove into the house jungkook got out of the car and gasped.

Jk: Wow, this is our new home?
M: Yep
Jk: How did you guys afford this?
D: With our money, we saved up from the company. Why do you think we take the offer to come here from Korea? They had better positions here and paid more.
Jk: Wow.
M: Our stuff will be here tomorrow, so we'll be sleeping in airbeds
Jk: That's okay. I love it already, but....what if she's not here?
D: I don't know son, if she is here, then surprise, if not, then make new friends.

Jungkook scoffed and then went inside the house, which was bigger on the inside.

Jk: wowww.
D: This house is near the school it's only 3 blocks away.
Jk: Cool

Meanwhile, sangjin was at home fanning herself with a tiny fan in her room.

S: Why is LA so hot!? I hate the sun, but I still love it. It feels like I'm in summer again...ughhh, why is high school so hard than middle school?
E: we're still here, and why don't you turn on the ac?
S: I did, but I'm still hot as ever.

They laughed.

R: What happens if you run into your friend again?
S: jungkook? No, I don't think he's here. He's back at Korea haply with his family and friends.
E: Yeah, but you know how puberty hits boys.
S: I know, and I bet I can recognize him.
R: I bet you won't.
E: I bet he's cute, and if he is, set me up with him.
S: I doubt it.

They giggled, and then kimmy knocked on her room door they all looked at the door.

S: Hey kimmy.
K: sissy I'm hungry.
S: Oh, okay. Excuse me.

She got up and went to get kimmy something to eat and later she came back to the room.

E: Do you think one of us will have boyfriends?
R: Hell yeah, we are, we will be dating anyone. We like it. It's only the first day of school. We can have boyfriends and not get pregnant.

They laughed. And so later the sunset came and jungkook was looking at pictures of him and sangjin he smiled looking at younger them.

Jungkook gkook pov: I wonder if she's changed.

The next day came and jungkook was getting ready to go to school his first day at Riverdale, sangjin was also getting ready to leave the house she put bread in her mouth and ran out of the house. Jungkook was walking to school as he got to the street where the school gate is he saw a girl ran passed him and it was sangjin he couldn't tell but kept walking and look at the school he sigh, sangjin ran to her friends.

S: Good morning, girlie
R: Good morning.

They were walking to class and sangjin saw a boy walk to the office with her side eye, and it was jungkook.

P: So your jeon jungkook the new student?
Jk, yeah, I just moved here from Korea
P; I see you have good grades in korea.
Jk: Yeah, I was really smart.
P: Hmm, interesting. Alright, here's your schedule.
Jk: Thank you.
P: Welcome to Riverdale High School.
Jk: Thank you.

He walked out and went to his first class. Later it was lunch sangjin and Emma was eating together and then rose came running to them with her lunchbox Emma and sangjin looked at her.

S: whats up with you?
E: yeah
R: there is this very cute boy in my first period.
E: who?
R: shoot I don't remember his name, omg he has this lunch

Emma and sangjin looked and there jungkook was walking in the Cafeteria with his food.

S: your right he's pretty cute.
R: I know right! Omg he's so dreamy.
E: damn he's sooooo handsome.

Jungkook looked around and saw girls looking at him he didn't feel comfortable so he sat somewhere by himself, rose was dreaming.

S: rose!
R: huh?
S: wake up girl, he's not gotta get interest in you.
R: I know but he's so dreamy.
E: eh.

Jungkook was looking around not knowing what he's even looking at so he just looked down.

Jungkook pov: this is very uncomfortable.

Lunch was over and as jungkook was heading to class sangjin bumped into him as she was in a hurry to get to class all her books fell.

S: omg I'm so sorry.
Jk: its okay.

He was helping her.

S: thank you, gotta ran.

Sangjin ran off and jungkook looked at her.

Jk: why does she look familiar.

He shook his head and left to class, sangjin open her classroom door and her teacher looked at her.

T: your late ms.lee
S: I know and I'm sorry.
T: ait down.

She sat down and students was laughing at her she was embarrassed and she open her book. Jungkook was in class trying to get used to being a new student he sigh and then the class bell ring and they both got out of class and so as jungkook wad walking passed two girls they laughed and say.

G1: sangjin is always late.
G2: yeah haha.

Jungkook stopped and looked at them.

Jungkook pov: sangjin goes here? But where?

He looked around and just see alot of girls and students and then a teacher tap on him he turn around.

T: are you lost jungkook?
Jk; no, im- nevermind no im okay sir.
T: alright.

Jungkook walked away and Emma saw him she smiles and went up to him.

E: hi, can you find your next class?
Jk; yeah it's upstairs.

Emma looked at his schedule and indeed it was upstairs she was shock.

E: you just transferred her right?
Jk; yeah.
E: how you know your class is upstairs?
Jk: oh cuz well it's not down here.
E: alright bye.

Jungkook sigh and went to class. Sangjin was was bored and then she heard girls talking.

G: that boy is cute.
G2: whats his name again?
G1: it's jungkook.

Sangjin widened her eyes and she looked at them as they giggled.

Sangjin pov: he goes here??? Snice when? How? What? That's not true.

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