part 18

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Jungkook and the others was at the bar talking to their date and Moon young was a freshman like jungkook in the same college and she was really pretty jungkook can see why boys liked her alot because she's dress up like a woman and does her hair like a woman would do for school when they want to become successful. She caught him looking as jimin and his other friend koyong was talking to the other girls she smiled at him.

M; so I heard your majoring in being a teacher.
Jk: um I am, how about you?
M: I want to become a model but it's a lot of work.
Jk: Yeah.
M: Um, so are you in a relationship?
Jk: Um, well...its complicated right now.
M: Oh, so you guys are like together, but not really?
Jk: Yeah, something like that.
M: I see. So is it okay with you if we know get together sometimes?

Jimin looked at them and smirked, knowing that sangjin and his relationship were not going to be well after what had happened. jungkook looked at her.

Jk: Why would you want that?
M: well your cute, and it looks like you have a good heart.
Jk: Oh well...
M: What do you say?
Jk: Sure, I guess snice my relationship with my girlfriend isn't going to be well.

Moonyoung smiled and jungkook pull out his phone and looked at the picture of sangjin he sigh not wanting to end anything and just want to talk knowing she's doing well without him, the reason he left her and moved to korea was because he didn't want to leave her but he saw that university where his parents went and he just fell in love with it. Later they head out to a karaoke and had alot of fun with their date, jungkook had a big smile on his face spending times with his friends and with girls he hadn't get along with til now, sangjin was on her desk with glasses doing homework she hasn't been looking at photos or think about jungkook at all because she's doing will without him and is moving on. After the karaoke bar, they all were going back to their dorm. All the girls were walking ahead while the boys were behind, and jimin looked at jungkook.

Jk: What?
Jm: I see the chemistry you have with moonyoung.
Jk: What do you mean?
Jm: I see you smiling around her. It's been so long snice I seen you smile like that.
Jk: Oh.
Jm: Hey, why don't you just end it with sangjin?
Jk: Why?
Jm: Well, you guys don't talk anymore and are barely in contact with each other. She's doing college, and I bet she wants to focus on school just like you. Why not just date moonyoung, sangjin clearly doesn't want you anymore.

Jungkook thought about it and sighed, looking at moonyoungs back. Sangjins roommates were at a party when class was over, but sangjin didn't go because she wanted to do homework instead of going out to party and drinking like her roommates. Jungkook was in his room and he looks at the messages with sangjin thinking what to text her but he knows that sangjin and him won't workout far distant he sigh and type out what he wants to say. Sangjin then heard her phone ding and she looked at it and was shocked it was jungkook, she opened the message and it said....

"Hi, it's me, jungkook. I know I moved here without letting you know but I have to tell you that a explanation I moved to korea because I fell in love with my parents school where they went after having me, I don't want you to cry when reading this but having you as my girlfriend was the most happy thing I have and also being my childhood friend. I'm sorry for leaving and I bet you forgot about me and already moving on when I never returned home where I belong, I'm sorry I never contact you because I know you hate me for choosing korea then coming back there, but snice I'm here in college I don't think I can handle long distance because we don't get in contact anymore and I know this is the first time your hearing from me again after we both begin our college life after 2 months of graduating, I'm sorry again but I think it's time we end this....goodbye I hope you understand"

Sangjin let one tear drop as she finished reading his broke up text she sob and nodded wiping her tears away putting her phone down.

Sangjin pov: we never worked out anyway it's the best for the both of us.

She pick up her phone and text back, jungkook saw her message and widened his eyes when she responded.

"I knew this was gotta happen one day, but snice you say it, it's okay to break up we never worked out anyway after you lied to me because you broke your promise anyways so I hope you are happy, I'm not mad nor sad and I understand just hoping you don't treat your future girl like this. Lets not meet after this message"

Jungkook sigh and put his phone down as she understood his breakup, but he cired sangjin put her phone down and was proud of herself for doing that she smiles.

S: we both have different paths anyways I knew you were to good for me.

She finished her homework and went to bed, as jungkook was about to go to bed someone knocked on his down he went ant open it and it was moonyoung.

Jk: oh hi.
M: hi, I know it's late but do you want to go on a date tomorrow?
Jk: oh um sure.

She smiles and they say goodbye as they went back to bed, sangjin open her box of the stuff she put his stuff in and throw all of them in a black bag to gave them away, she open the necklace box and hold her tears in and kept only that tying the bag and put it outside for tomorrow. Later she went to bed and didn't want to think about the breakup.

Sangjin pov: I really do hope you find someone better then me, and I know I can do the same thing.

3yrs later

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