part 5

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Next morning sungjin woke up and felt alot better then yesterday she sigh and got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to get herself ready for school, it's already the middle of the month and sangjin still can't believe jungkook was at her school, but she's happy to see him and get to spend time with him more. Junkook was eating breakfast with his family and then later walked to school, sangjin was walking to school, and she saw jungkook near the school gate she gasped and ran up to him.

S: jungkook!

He looked and smiled she hopped on him they both laughed, and she spin them around. Everyone was looking, and Emma and Rose were shocked to jungkook and put her down.

Jk: Are you feeling better?
S: Yeah, I bought more, and I have it with me.
Jk; that's good.

She smiled, then emma and Rose came to her and took her away from jungkook.

E: im sorry, but who's that?
S: it's jungkook.
R: Your childhood friend, you told us about?
S: Yeah.
E: wowwww
R: awwww you both finally got to see each other again!

They hugged her she smiled and then later they all went to class sangjin was chilling and then someone tapped her shoulder she turn and it was jungkook his face was a inch far she smiled.

S: hey shouldn't you be in class?
Jk: yeah but I came to visit.
S: how did you changed so much? I didn't even know that it was you.
Jk: well I got it from my dad, all this is from him.
S: wow,
Jk: you changed alot to, I didn't even know it was you too.

They laughed and then he left and the bell ring, later it was lunch sangjin was with her friends.

E: you think jungkook is gotta like you?
S: fall for me? No. We're friends.
R: we know it's just....we know one person from the friendship is gotta fall. It could be any of you.
S: there's no way. I mean we are close friends we won't fall for each other.
E: what if he randomly confess one day?
S: no, I mean no. There's no way jungkook will fall in love with me, I mean I love him as a friend but I don't think I'll like him.
R: those feelings will changed watch.
S: hm

Jungkook was in class and he was just chilling cuz his class was already over, he got up and got out of the class to get a snack.

Jungkook pov: I should get something for sangjin yeah.

He smiles and got her favorite snack and left and there as he was walking back to his class he saw sangjin he gasped and ran up to her and tap her she turn.

S: oh my god jungkook hi!
Jk: this is for you.
S: *gasp* pokey? My favorite. Thanks.

She hugged him and he smiled and hugged back.

Jk: hey after school wanna come over?
S: really?
Jk: yeah. I live only a few blocks from here.
S: okay

He smiles and they went their own way. Later it was after school, sangjin and jungkook was walking to his house on the walk home they talked.

S: I can't believe we did a reunion at school because we saw each other again.
Jk: yeah I mean we were so happy and that's when I found out you had asthma.
S: yeah. But did I really say that when i left Korea?
Jk: yeah you say "will we be lovers when we find each other again?" And I say yes.

Sangjin looked at him.

Jk: but I know you probably forgot about that because will you never have a boyfriend before
S: yeah.
Jk; and I love you as a friend you know that?
S: yeah same with me.

They looked at each other and smiled.

Jungkooks pov: it's hard to tell you that because I really do love you but not as a friend.

They finally got to his house and his parents wasn't home he got in with the house key, sangjin was stopped that he lived in a rich home and the inside wad more shocking for her.

S: wow. How? Wow.
Jk; they work in a big company and this is where the money bought them, this house.

Sangjin walked in and close the door, they both went up to his room and study later they just chilled sangjin was looking around his room and she saw a baby picture of her.

S: omg baby jungkook.
Jk: mom gave me a pic of myself.
S: cute.
Jk: hey you still have your pokey?
S: yeah.

The pokey was in her bag he grabbed it and bite one end.

S: oh gave me the other end

Sangjin bit the other side and jungkook widened his eyes, sangjin looked at him and widened her eyes and they both kept biting the candy and as they got a little close to lips touching sangjin bit hers off and backed away.

S: sorry.
Jk: no im sorry.

Sangjin looked and smile alittle and then later the afternoon hit and sangjin was getting ready to go home.

S; thanks for inviting me, hopefully this happens again.
Jk: yeah.

As she was about to open the door jungkook shouted.

Jk; wait sangjin.
S: yeah?
Jk: snice tomorrow is the weekend you want to come over for a sleepover?
S: yeah. I loved that.

She smiled and then he smiles, jungkook went back up to his room as sangjin walked home.

Sangjin pov; I wonder hoe long he's been waiting for me, or looking for me..

She sigh and got home then hopped on her bed and was thinking about the pokey challenge that they did, she covered herself and roll around. Meanwhile jungkook was also thinking about that he smiled and blush.

Jungkook pov: am I really falling for her? My childhood friend that I adore for so long?

He sigh and went to bed.

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