part 8

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The next day came, and sangjins' parents were driving her to the school where all her classmates were ready to hop on a bus to go to the trip, but were waiting for the bus outside the school. Jungkook was already there looking for sangjin, and then there he saw her car appear he smiled and walked to them, and sangjin came out of the car.

Jk: I'll get your bags.
S: Thanks.

Sangjin smiled as she grabbed her purse.

M: Awww, jungkook is helping you with your bags, honey.
S: I know, mom.
D: he such a gentleman.
M: Like you, Hon.

They smiled at each other, sangjin smiled and wave bye to them same with jungkook they both went back to the school front and wait with the others.

S: im so excited about the trip.
Jk: same.
S: I wonder what we're gotta do there.
Jk: Maybe nothing.
S: jungkook, it's school.
Jk: I know, but I don't wanna learn anything.
S: oook.

They laughed and then the bus arrived and they all put their bags below the bus and hopped in the bus, jungkook and sangjin sat down next to each other and was listening to music and talking having a good time. As they almost got there sangjin was sleeping on jungkooks shoulders he noticed and smiled, about 10mins later they finally made it to their camp place everyone wow as they saw a big field of nice little buildings and tents, jungkook shook sangjin gently.

Jk: wake up, we're here.
S: Mmmm already?

She got her head up and rubbed her eyes gently, looking at the place, and then they all got out, taking attendance outside when grabbing their bags.

T: All right guys, go find your rooms it should say it in front of the door, girls to the left side boys to the right.

They all walked to their tents, and then their sangjin found her tent first waiting for 2 more girls. Later, they appeared and greeted each other.

S: It looks like we're roomies.

They all put their bags in the tent and gor dressed to come back out to the teacher again. Sangjin was the first one out she walked to where the boys were, and she tapped on jungkook.

Jk: Hey.
S: Hi.

The teacher was talking about this assignment that they got into 2 groups and went to look for different type of leaves in the forest behind them, jungkook and sangjin were partners, and they went to look for leaves.

Jk: This is like a child's game right now.
S: we are high schoolers. Idk why they make us do this.
Jk: Yeah, ....not the best trip I thought it was.
S: Haha, yeah.

They collected so many different types of leaves and came back writing them down.

S: I feel like a kid doing this.
Jk: same.

They giggled as they thought it was funny because their tracher is making do kids stuff on this trip, later it was lunch time they meant at a big lunch building and later went in to eat, sangin was looking for jungkook she spot him and went to sit next to him.

Jk: What took you long?
S: Sorry, the line was huge.
Jk: Hey, I heard that tonight they are going to meet at a big fireplace, wanna sneak out and go hang out somewhere?
S: Like, where?
Jk: I know this place..
S: Oh really?
Jk; I've been here before with my family there's a river nearby and I want to take you there to see something and also...

Sangjin looked at him.

Jk; I have something to tell you.
S: Oh, okay then, you don't think the teacher will notice?
Jk: Trust me, we will be there for attendance and later sneak out.
S: Oh, ok.
Jk; besides, half of the students here just want to go home.

Sangjin laughed and ate her food, looking at jungkook.

S: That's true.

Jungkook chuckled and ate his food. Later, they went back to go learn nature. Everyone was in a river with their boots, looking for tiny fishes that they needed to learn.

Jungkook sighs, looking over at sangjin, who is on the other side of the river trying hard to look for fish he smiled as her face was near to touch the water.

S: Got you.

She got one and put it in her little fish trap. She sighed and got up.

S: Gosh, my back hurts.

She looked over at jungkook, and he was already out of the river sitting down with the others just chilling, she smile and also got out and walked over to him.

Jk: catch anything?
S: Yeah, a few until I let them out, you?
Jk: Just one, I'm done with this heat.
S: Same.

She sat next to him and started writing down and drawing her fish.

Sangjin pov; I am in elementary school again...this is so boring I didn't come her to be a kid ms. Williams. Ugh!

Jungkook sees her being frustrated writing down her fish, and later, she gets up and puts her fish back in the water.

S: There you're free.

Later it was getting dark and sangjin went to take a shower before the fire meeting that's gotta happen, later she got out and it was dark out and so she went back to her tent and then later came back out as she put her towel away, she then saw jungkook and waved at him. After attendance, jungkook and sangjin sneak out and go to the river sangjin was shock at how pretty it looks, with the moon shining down on the water.

S: Wow, so pretty.
Jk: I know.
S: I love this view it looks really pretty and beautiful.
Jk: um sangjin...
S: Hmm?

Sangjin looked up at jungkook, and he saw her eye sparkle in the moonlight.

S: What is it that you want to tell me?
Jk: um... yeahwill I just want to tell you that I know you didn't remember anything from the night of Mike's party.
S: Yeah, I was drunk.
Jk: yeah um...but I told you this while you were drunk.
S: Uh, huh tell me.
Jk: Well, ever snice, I found you again. I have been hiding this from you.
S: uh huh.
Jk; and I have been wanting to tell you this..
S: Yeah
Jk, um, is that? Know that I've finally found you, and being friends with you again makes me so happy. But I want to tell you that I like you sangjin

Sangjins eyes widened, and she was shocked at what she had just heard.

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