Chapter 11

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It's been a couple of days since Peter's birthday party and Lila has been getting me to hang out with the gang. However not once has Luca mentioned or asked about my panic attack. I keep debating when I should tell them but it never seems like the right timing.

I almost said something yesterday but I couldn't go through with it.


"We are going to the park you should come with us. Oh, and ask the kids if they want to come to." Lila says over the phone. Today was my day off anyways so I decided to go.

Lila had set a picnic basket on the picnic table and started pulling food out.

"Do you always make food for everyone?" I ask.

"Yeah. I love to cook especially for boys. They always seem to appreciate it more." Lila say, trying to keep Sebastian, Jerin, and Kaden from eating the food. "Boys! Stop that go throw the football or something." Lila scolds.

"Can I play football with you guys?" Peter asks.

"Sure. Have you played with your dad before?" Luca asks.

"Umm. No. He never played football with me." Peter says, his voice is so sad it breaks my heart. When he looks over at me I give him a small smile before turning away.

"Alright well we can give you some pointers if you would like." Luca says, ruffling Peter's hair.

"That's awesome!" Peter says excitedly. "I always wanted to play football!"

As tears well in my eyes, threatening to brim over, I turn to Lila. "Lila there is something I need to tell you....."

"What is it Em?" Lila asks, putting her hand on my shoulder and looking at me with a confused and worried expression.

"Um..." I stutter, now completely unsure, "I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for me and my siblings. And for being my friend."

"It's nothin really. You are easy to like. I know all the others would agree. Especially Luca." Lila say with a wink, which totally confuses me.

I know I will have to explain it soon, I'm just afraid that once they find out everything will change, that they will treat me differently. I'm getting too comfortable with them and before I know it I'm going to crash and when I do I don't know if I will be able to recover fully.

"Alright, time to eat. Girls first." Lila say as everyone comes racing over. Everyone is laughing and talking as we get our food. The boys shove each other and joke around and the girls giggle at something Blithe said. And me, I just watch, enjoying these moments, because I know that these moments are rare.

"Hey. What are you thinking about?" Luca asks, sitting next to me with his plate overflowing with food.

"Everything. Mostly how lucky my siblings and I are to have meet you. And.... How glad I am that I agreed to come to the cafe that day." I say quietly, as I glance up into his deep blue-grey eyes.

"Me to. You, and your siblings, are pretty amazing." Luca says, he smiles and then nudges my shoulder with his causing me to blush. I look down at my food letting my amber hair cover my scarlet cheeks.

I look around the table at my friends and siblings, and I realize, that there is no other place I would want to be at this moment. Maybe... Just maybe I can let myself believe this, even if it is only temporary.

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