Chapter 17

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Lennon's POV

Heading to my room I change into my comfy PJ shorts and a tank top. I lie there in my bed thinking about what Xavier said. It's times like these that I get angry at my sister for having dated him, however I know she was in a bad place. She had been very close to our mom and brothers. So after Mom died, our brothers left, and dad started drinking she became mom and it was her only way to get away from it all. Emerald has always been unwilling to let others see her cry, it makes her feel weak, and I am surprised at how close she has let Luca and Lila get to her.

I hear the front door close and sneak to the living room to see Emerald getting in the car to take Luca home. I go back to my room and after sitting on my bed for a few seconds I grab my phone and decide to call Jaxson. We started dating around Peter's birthday, but we both agreed to take things slow. I look at my lock screen smiling, it is currently a picture of Jaxson with his brown hair out of his face, his tongue stuck out, and his eyes crossed at me. When I see that it is almost past midnight I almost set my phone back down until I remember that day.

We had been working for several hours and we didn't have any customers. I was close to falling asleep from boredom when Jaxson sneaked up behind me and tickled my sides. I screeched and turned around, lightly punching him in the shoulder. Of course he only laughed. He keep making fun of my squeal and making faces at me. When he made that face I quickly snapped the picture and refused to delete it.

Its because of that memory that I decide to call him.

"Hello?" He says groggily into the phone.

"Hey. Sorry did I wake you up. I know its kinda late. I can call you in the morning if you want." I say.

"No it's fine. Is something wrong?" He asks, sensing the tension in my voice.

"No. Maybe... I don't know."

"Do you want me to come over?"

"Hmm. No its fine I just wanted to talk."

"Alright. What do you want to talk about?" He asks and, as we start to talk about random things, I start to calm down. Eventually I start to drift off to sleep.

"Hey do you want to hang out after school?" He asks, with a yawn.

"Yeah. I have a photography project due next week as well though." I answer, pulling the covers up to my chin.

"We can go to the skating rink or bowling. What do you want to do?"

"Surprise me." I say with a smile and with that I fall asleep, feeling better than I had before I called him.


The next day after school we get into Jaxson's dark blue ford truck and head to wherever he picked.

Finally we pull into the skating rink, we park, and head inside. He is wearing jeans and a red plaid flannel shirt and boots. I am wearing my hair in a messy bun, my favorite rue 21 ripped jeans with black lace leggings underneath , and a purple crop top and black tank top underneath, along with my purple converse. To top off my look I have my camera, that my brother gave me when I was seven, around my neck and my mom's charm bracelet. Emerald got moms black and silver heart shaped locket and I got her charm bracelet that had four charms; a horse shoe, a dog, a cowboy hat, and a dove, to which I added a camera and a heart. Maisy and Peter also got a couple things but wont be able to have them till they are a little older.

We skate for hours. I take pictures of everything. The people roller skating, Jaxson making faces, parents watching their kids from the tables off to the sides, and when Jaxson and I take a break from skating I take black and white pictures of workers at the snack bar and those giving out shoes.

Things get serious after we get to his house. We sit in his back yard, watching his horses graze.

"What happened last night? You sounded upset." Jaxson says after only a moments pause.

"My sister's ex boyfriend, Xavier, showed up yesterday. He.. he told my dad where we live..." I say taking a deep breath then continuing, "And Xavier said that my dad might be getting out of jail early if he keeps up his 'good behavior'." Last week I decide to tell Jaxson about my dad, so he knows about my dad being in jail and that he was an awful drunk most of the time; so this news irritates him.

"Why would they let him out he almost killed someone." Jaxson says unaware of the rest of the story.

"He actually..." I start but stop not sure if I should tell him the rest.


"Jax, my dad did kill someone. There was a couple in the other car and they had also been drinking so...." I stop as the tears flow. I have never talked to anyone about how much I hate my father and what he did. "My sister and him where the only ones who survived."

"Lennon. I'm sorry I didn't know."

"It's fine how could you. There is actually more that I didn't tell you. My dad he. He wasn't just a drunk he was abusive. He would yell mostly. Say hateful things to us and he took any money that Emerald got so that he could buy alcohol. He never hit me or Maisy or Peter, but that's because Emerald always took the blame for anything, big or small. She tried to hide it, and she did from others and our siblings but I saw. She had to be like our mother and our provider after mom died. Especially after my brothers left to do who knows what. I think that the crash was actually a good thing in a way because we got away from dad, but I think having to be like our parent has slowly been breaking her and we both worry about Maisy and Peter because they see there friend with two parents and we don't even have one real parent. Even though Emerald doesn't want me to I have been trying to take more responsibility. I make lunches and use some of my money to buy food and other things that we need." I finish, looking up at Jaxson to see him just looking at me. He doesn't look at me like people back in Georgia use to when they would see us on the streets. He just looks at me like he understands, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

"That must be tough. If you ever need help, taking care of your siblings or driving them places, you know all you have to do is ask. I understand what you are going through I went through kinda the same thing when my mom died. It wasn't until my step-mom came along that things got back to normal for my dad. And I know my parents would also be willing to help."

"Thank you. For listening and offering help. I would love some help here and there. I just don't know about my sister she isn't fond of new people coming into our lives, but I will talk to her." I say.

"I would do anything for you." He says, pulling me into a hug. "I think I'm falling for you more each day."

Startled, I lean back to look in his eyes to see if he means what he just said. And I am pleasantly surprised that he does. I lean back into him, "Good. 'Cause I think I am falling for you to."


(Safe and sounds by taylor swift)

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