Chapter 16

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I pull into the drive barely getting it into park before I jump out and run into the house. I slam the door closed after Luca comes in and head into the living where we currently hear Xavier. By the sounds of it he is drunk and when we enter the room I see Maisy and Peter huddled together on the couch with Lennon in front of them.

"Baby your ba..." Xavier says before grunting when he sees Luca. "What the hell are you doin with my girlfriend!" He says stumbling towards us a bit before stopping. Luca looks ready for a fight so I decide to intervene.

"Luca calm down." I say putting a hand in-between his shoulder blades, before stepping in front of him and talking to Xavier calmly and cautiously. "What are you doing here Xavier. You know I am no longer your girlfriend. And I know you don't really miss me. So why are you here?"

"Baby I do miss you." He says getting closer, close enough that I can smell cheep beer on his breath, and he tries to caress my face but I swat his hand away.

"No." I say forcefully, yet my voice wavers slightly and I feel Luca move slightly closer to me. This gives me more courage than I had before, maybe because Luca is trusting me to handle it but is still there in case I need backup. Whatever the reason, I am able to say what I need to. "Xavier, I don't love you I never have, not really. And you never really loved me either. To be honest I think we were both using each other to distract ourselves from the crap going on in our lives. Now it is time for you to be honest and tell me why you are really here."

"Fine." He says sobering up just a bit. "He knows where you live. I accidentally told him where you guys live and he will be getting out in the next couple weeks if he keeps up his 'good behavior'. And he said something about wanting his kids..." As what Xavier says sinks in I stumble back into Luca. There is only one person he can be talking about and that's my dad. Luca is the only thing keeping me upright at the moment as I blink back tears and push down the fear bubbling up inside of me. "I really did miss you though."

"You need to leave. NOW. And never come back." He stands there unmoving, "Get out now!" I yell and he finally slinks out the door and to his car.

Then I walk to my room slightly stunned. I sit there, motionless, until I see Luca at the door. The moment I see him I start to cry and he just silently crosses the room and holds me.

It feels like I have been crying in his arms for hours, however I know it can only have been mere minutes. Finally I sit back and dry my tears I force a smile as I stand up. Rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans I turn back to him. Nervously I grab my mothers necklace. I start to talk, even though I don't want to. "Luca-"

"It's alright Em. You don't have to explain anything if you don't want to." He says getting up from where he is seated on the edge of my bed.

"Thank you." I say quietly. "I should probably go check on the kids." I say. Luca nods and we head to the kitchen where Lennon is finishing up PB&Js. Its times like these that I am thankful for her and I realize just how much weight is put on her shoulders as well. I feel horrible for leaving the room but with one single look from Lennon I know she understands and knows that I don't want our siblings to see me break because I want them to stay young and innocent.

"Emmy. Are we gonna be okay." Maisy asks.

"Yeah. We aren't gonna have to move again are we. I like it here with Luca and Lila." Peter says.

I glance at Luca, choke back tears before answering. "No baby. We are staying here. Everything is going to be fine guys. Nothing bad is gonna happen to you. I promise." I say crouching down to their level.

"But what about you. He hits you."  Peter says worriedly and I am taken aback. I knew they noticed but I had hoped they wouldn't really be marred by it.

"He wont." I say holding each of there little hands in mine.

"Because you have Luca now. And he is gonna protect us. Especially you because you like each other." Maisy says causing me to blush.

"Thats right. I wont let anything happen to any of you." Luca says, laying a hand on my shoulder. I look up at him and give him a silent thank you, to which he just nods.

"All right eat your sandwiches then I want you to brush your teeth and head to bed." I say getting up.

"Alright. Goodnight sissy." They say going to there seats where Lennon has set their plates.

Luca and I head into the living room after all the kids and Lennon had gone to bed.

"I meant what I said by the way. Back in the kitchen. But I need to know more about what is going on if I am going to help." Luca says, setting his jaw.

"I know. Its been a really long night and I am really not ready to explain it all right now..." I say. "I know you want answers, but I can't give you any right now. I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Luca says standing up. "I should probably head home.... But I don't have a ride." He says as realization hits him and he rakes his hands through his hair a few times before turning to look at me.

"I will take you home." I reply quickly, grabbing the keys and a jacket I head out to the car with Luca.

We ride in silence all the way to his house. Except this isn't the comfortable silence I have grown fond of this is different and almost cold. It's not broken till we get to his house and all we say is goodnight. As I drive home I wonder what I have done and I wonder if this will ruin whatever it is we have or if it will draw us closer. And for the first time since the crash I find myself wanting to be close to someone. Well maybe just him and our small group, but still, its progress.

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