⁀➷ II. 5

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Over the next month Jinx, Harry, and Ron served detention with Gilderoy Lockhart. Ron lucked out and got to spend his detentions with Hagrid.

"Can you two imagine a better way of spending your detentions? By helping me answer my fan mail?"

"Not really" Harry murmured.

"Fame is a fickle friend Harry. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that."

Jinx set down the pen she held, "I'll remember that, it could come in handy someday huh?"

Harry's head snapped to the doorway. "What?"

"Sorry?" Lockhart looked at him.

"That voice" Harry looked to the ceiling.

"Harry what voice?" Jinx asked.

"Didn't you hear it?"

"I think you're getting a bit drowsy...no wonder! We've been here almost four hours! Well. I'm done with you for today, you may go."

Harry rushed out of the room, Jinx on his heels. He turned a corner and Jinx gripped his elbow.

"Harry what're you-"

"Blood. I smell blood. Let me rip you... Let me kill you. Kill... kill... kill!"

Jinx's vision moved down an empty tunnel, she emerged through a wall and Jinx quickly realised she had been in anpipe, her vision moved closer and closer to Ms Norris, Filches cat.

She was licking a puddle lying on the ground. When Ms. Norris looked into the puddle. In the reflection, Jinx could see a snake, wide-toothed.

Mrs Norris dropped to the ground, the snake suddenly had arms. It hung Mrs. Norris by her tail on a light stick. It then rubbed its finger in a jar beige scribbling on the wall.


She let out a gasp and suddenly Hermione and Ron stood in front of her. She looked down at her hand that gripped Harry's elbow and released it quickly, realizing how hard she had gripped him.

"What happened?" Harry asked her.

"Your eyes, they were white," Hermione told her.

"I think...Mrs. Norris!" She ran off, the three following at her heels.

"Slow down!" Ron yelled after her.

Jinx turned a corner and found spiders, crawling out of a window. Next to them ran a puddle of water. In its reflection there was writing. They turned to look at the wall that read, "The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir...beware. It's written in blood." Hermione read.

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