chapter thirty nine

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By now, Thor has joined us, along with Rhodey, Nebula, Rocket and Clint. Tony, however, was the first to arrive. Him being the genius he is, figured out a better solution to time travel. Who would've thought? (Note the sarcasm.)

Everyone present was doing their best to help out on making the time machine, which still sounded absolutely ridiculous. If you asked my six year old self what I thought I would be doing in my late 20s, I would've never guessed time travel, let alone actually helping build a time machine. Although, I was given one of the easiest jobs. I just did what I was told.

I looked up when I heard Tony call out, "Ratchet, how's it going?"

"It's Rocket. Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal." Rocket grumbled a response as he worked on the machine. I rolled my eyes at their small banter.

"Hey, Quinn!" Bruce suddenly spoke loud enough for me to hear all the way across the room, over the sound of talking and tools clanging. "We need you in here." He waved me over to a small room where him and a few of the others were doing work on the time travel suits.

"Okay!" I called out, placing a wrench against the table. "Sorry, Rocket. Be right back."

"Mm-hmm." He hummed, not seeming to care all that much.

I quickly made my way over to the other room to see Bruce, Scott, Steve and Rhodey all talking. Scott was in a white and red suit, which was similar to his Ant-Man suit, and there was another suit left on the table. "Quinn," Bruce smiled, upon noticing my arrival. I nodded at him. "This," he held up the other suit, "is for you. We wanted to do two tests, which can be done at the same time, by the way. We have enough Pym Particles to do it, and we figured you were our best bet."

"Oh," my eyes widened a fraction, not expecting this to be what I was needed for, but I quickly nodded. "Okay, yeah, sure."

Bruce smiled again, handing me the suit. "Here, go put this on. We'll wait." I nodded, and rushed off to change into the suit. I was surprised at how well it fit me. It wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest, and after a few moments of looking at my reflection in the mirror, I made my way back to the others.

"Hey, Bruce," I frowned, entering the room as I looked down at the suit. "How'd you know my size?"

"I borrowed some of your clothes." He pointed towards a chair in the corner of the room, which had a pile of clothes sat on it. I stared down at the clothes, opening my mouth to speak, before closing it and shrugging. I muttered a small 'okay' before standing next to Scott.

Scott noticed Bruce touching some of the Pym Particles, and his eyes widened as he waved him off, "hey, hey, hey! Easy, easy!"

"I'm being very careful." Bruce insisted gently.

"No, you're being very Hulky."

"I'm being careful."

Scott held up a small vile of Pym Particles, "these are Pym Particles, all right? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more."

Rhodey sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, "Scott, calm down."

Scott wasn't letting it go, though. "Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus three test runs." Scott accidentally pressed a button on his suit, which caused him to shrink momentarily, within a second, he was back to his regular size. "Two test runs."

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