Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Between two bodyguards and feeling safe in my house, I finally started to relax. I started to settle into this new life. Though I received a pretty paycheck, I didn't need to keep working every single day to distract myself. I was adjusting and adapting each day to my new world around me. The shellshock was slowly wearing off. What was left was... well, believe it or not, amazement. Beyond my scary personal situation, I had admiration for this new reality.

I wouldn't admit it to Peter, but I took his hypocritical wise words to heart. People, including myself, wasted too much time worrying. Much of my life, I held back, I bit my tongue, and instinctively put others first. That was something I was already aware of; that was why I took the leap to move here. But I never calculated the time aspect of it. I didn't realize how much time I wasted being unhappy. So him reminding me of that, that my life was too short, allowed me to refocus my efforts and attention on myself.

That's why I started taking every chance I could. I embraced my old life and this new one. I started going for walks and runs again, and allowed it to become part of my routine. I could go to work, come home, and be content with both. I could enjoy summer despite the huge threat of demons. Was I still paranoid? You better believe it! My head still whipped around at the sound of a twig snapping. That corner in my room still caught my eye. But I couldn't let it stop me. Having Jamie around, as protection and my personal fun-guide, also helped dim any worries.

"So, where do you think our destination is today?" Strong arm steady on the wheel as he drove, his wispy wavy hair blew around from his cracked window.

"I don't know," I smiled. "You are headed towards town, so maybe the grocery store?"

He gave a pitiful scoff. "That is your idea of a fun time, Jos?"

"It's my idea of a necessity if I'm not going to starve, Jamie," I threw dramatically back.

"Oh my Lanta. Let me guess. Pop-tarts?"

I laughed at his correct guess. "Listen, the last time I bought pop-tarts, I made the mistake of being adventurous and trying wild berry. Then, before I could run to the store, Liz went. And she always buys the lowest grade of pop-tarts."

"Which is what?"

"Fucking blueberry," I frowned. "I hate blueberry anything, but she keeps buying them."

"You haven't corrected her?" he chuckled.

"I'm five boxes of blueberry too deep. I can't say anything now!"

"You're right. There's no going back," he laughed.

"They're all stashed under my bed if you want any. Otherwise, I might leave Peter another gift." Not gonna lie, I think it would be hilarious.

"That's my vote. Drop off more shit you don't want on his porch," he laughed. "Yes though, we can stop at the store, pop-tart psycho. Any other guesses of where I'm taking you first though?"

I smiled in anticipation. "I have no idea. The junk yard?"

We didn't go to the junk yard. However, it was just as creative (and required some rule-bending for Jamie to have his way).

He took me to an outdoor sports complex. It was located in the 'college town' Tilla Rook. There was golf, a driving range, tennis, and so much more. However, there was a storm rolling in, so the complex shut down all their activities just as we arrived. That's why most people were leaving as we entered the store building. You know. Because that's what normal people do when things get closed down. Do you think that deterred Jamie though? Especially when he was determined to use the batting cages?

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