Team 7

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[5633 Words]

The sun beams through Naruto's window causing his eyelids to shutter open. He softly smiles at the warmth the start of the day blesses him with. Even though ironically he hates to wake up so early, he has a feeling today's going to be a good day. Especially since he'll finally be a genin.

Naruto rises up stretching his arms yawning then hops out of bed slowly rubbing his eyes. He walks over to the calendar to see it's circled marking of the 15th of October (I think *hehe*) just to cheekily remind himself of the day he's been waiting for. He gets his insta ramen cup all heated up and ready to go.

"Well, Today's the day.... So let's chow down!"

*Time Skip*

Shikamaru lazily walks through the classroom to find his seat when suddenly his eyes land on Naruto just sitting there all happily smiling and kicking his feet.

"Huh? what are you doing here Naruto? this isn't for drop outs... you can't be here unless you graduate."

Shikamaru says to Naruto all sassy and 'knowingly' in his own way. Naruto just scoffs and sass back.

"Oh yeah, do you see this ? do you see this ? Open your eyes Shikamaru it's a regulation headband!"

He practically yells at him childishly while squinting his eyes and pointing at his headband. His face quickly turns into a bright smile.

"We're going to be training together, how do you like that ?"

Shikamaru just scuffs at Naruto while Sasuke just glares at him for how loud he's being so early in the morning.

"Lemme put it to ya this way, I look great in this head wear! Like it was made for me!"

Shikamaru lowkey starts to find Naruto amusing and starts to laugh and smile at him a little. Sasuke catches this and just rolls his eyes muttering "yeah okay" to Naruto's comment. Naruto felt he heard Sasuke say something under his breath so he snaps his neck to his left staring him down.

"Huh ? You say something ?"

Sasuke just smirks under his hands with his eyes closed and head towards the window completely ignoring Naruto's question. In a way, he's glad he manipulated the attention on him now. Naruto gets irritated by how Sasuke just ignores him like always but also cause of the way he doesn't even bother to look at him when talking. That kind of thing always infuriated Naruto, how Sasuke just acts like Naruto's beneath him. Naruto somehow finds a ways to just shrug it off anyways, he refuses to let anything mess up the day he's been waiting for ever since he started at the academy.

Loud, Obnoxious footsteps start charging through the class door. Sakura and Ino pushing each other just to get ahead. They both simultaneously scream "i'm first!" just to stop and start panting. Ino glares at Sakura once she Catchers her breath.

"I won again, Sakura!"

Sakura Scoffs.

"Give it up! I had to look back to see you! My toe was at least a tenth of an inch ahead!"

Ino laughs.

"Have you always been this delusional?"

Naruto looks back at Sakura blushing, happy he gets to see her again. Sasuke, once again, just sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes. He never thought it was possible to have classmates more annoying than this. When Sakura looks over and finally notices Sasuke she smiles widely while her cheeks turning a bright red. Naruto quickly assumes she's looking at him simply failing to remember Sasuke is right next him. He thinks "She's Smiling at me ?! I think she likes me in this headband..." Sakura giggles and runs towards Naruto. Ino's face is suddenly full of shock.

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