Catching Up With You

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[9138 words]

Naruto's POV

Once I step outside Sasuke's room, weirdly enough, I don't see sensei around nowhere. I thought he said he was gonna be here waiting for me? Where the hell could he have gone?

"Kakashi Sen-"

"I saw that!"

My heart jumps to my brain the way he scared the living shit out of me. I turn around glaring daggers at him for giving me a literal heart attack and he just has his arms crossed leaning up against the wall right next to the door.


So that's why I didn't see him.

"You just made my heart momentarily stop! Quit being creepy scaring people like that sensei!"

He just chuckles a little peeling himself off the wall and puts his hands in his pockets. Him and Sasuke are just a little too much alike.

"You didn't hear what I said?"

I look at him with a confused expression.

"I said, I. Saw. That!"

He leans down smiling in my face and I give him a stank face backing up a little.

"Woah, personal space 1 and 2 saw what?!"

He finally lifts himself up and turns to the side a little.

"Oh you know what..."

He side eyes looking down at me with a very mischievous look on his face. What is going on with him right now?

"Naruto and Sasuke sitting in a tree...."

My eyes immediately pop out of my head and my whole face heats all the way up to my ears.

No he didn't.

Please god no!

"I'm pretty sure I don't have to finish the rest, do I? You should already know..."

He starts walking off with his head held high and I swear If I could kill him I would. Matter of fact, if looks could kill, he would be dead already.

"You big PERVERT!!"

I start charging towards him and jump on his back trying to choke him.

"You was watching and listening the entire time weren't you old man!!"

He starts laughing a little and before I know it he throws himself forward flipping me off of him. I land on my feet in front of him but I still don't let up on my glaring.

"Look at you all flustered in the face after giving your little boyfriend a kiss goodbye. You miss him that badly huh?"

That's it.

I'm done.

I'm absolutely done with him.


I swing my fist at him but he just blocks me catching it. I attempt for another with my free hand but he catches it again. As soon as I try to go in for a kick to his jaw, he immediately turns me around faster than I can blink and locks my arms behind my back. He grabs my hair pulling my head back and starts pushing me to make us continue walking forward.

"You know you're still no match for me Naruto. Chunin or not, you still gotta longggg way to go."

I suck my teeth and rip myself out of his grasp to walk along side him.

"Yeah whatever, I swear i'll get you one day."

"Is that the same thing you say to Sasuke?"

My cheeks heat up all over again and I slap him on the shoulder.

ReWrite The Stars (NaruSasu)Where stories live. Discover now