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"Finished? You really don't get it do you? Your technique is nothing but a crass imitation. I'll never be defeated by a mere copy cat Ninja like you. You are full of surprises though. Very skillfully executed. Nice try but i'm not that easy to fool."

Zabuza appears behind Kakashi when the clone in front of him disappears into water.

"Hey that one's a clone too!!"

Naruto shouts at Kakashi worried for Zabuza being behind him all of a sudden. When Zabuza attempts to swing his sword Kakashi ducks dodging it. He then kicks  Kakashi into the water but before he lands he leaves spikes on the ground to slow Zabuza down. Naruto screams for Kakashi when he falls into the water.


"He has great physical skill too..."

Sasuke analyzing Zabuza trying to find a way he can probably beat him if they need to just in case Kakashi fails. Zabuza appears behind Kakashi creating a water prison jutsu.

"This prison is made of water, but it's stronger than steel. It's hard to fight when you can't move. So much for the great Kakashi. I'll finish you off later, but first your little friends will have to be eliminated."

Zabuza creates another clone making Kakashi frustrated at how he underestimated his skills. Zabuza's clone ends up kicking Naruto right in the face causing his head band to fly off, when it hits the ground he steps on it.


Sasuke screams for Naruto as he lands in his arms from Zabuza's viscous kick. Naruto grunts rubbing his forehead and the bridge of his nose. Sasuke looks down at Naruto gritting his teeth and clenching his collar. He shoots his head up giving Zabuza a deadly glare.

"Why you-"


Kakashi cuts Sasuke off trying to persuade them to not get into a fight with Zabuza.

"Get the bridge builder and run!! You can't win this fight! He's using all his power to keep me in this prison. So he can only fight you with his water clone, but the clone can't go far from his real body. If you get away from him, he can't follow! Now run!!"

After Sasuke witnesses what Zabuza just did to Naruto, to him there's no way in hell that he's going to run away. He also feels like there's no point in running ever since Kakashi got caught. He knows that no matter where they go or how far they run he'll still catch them and wipe em out.

Sasuke calmly tries to analyze Zabuza's abilities and the situation their in to get out of this alive. He realizes that no matter what if they're on their own they won't make it and that their only chance of survival is to rescue Kakashi.

Sasuke looks back down at Naruto on his lap as Naruto stares right back at him with the most focused look ever. Naruto knows that Sasuke is thinking of a plan and it's like he's desperately waiting for Sasuke to give his approval to do something.

"We've got to do it!"

Naruto softly smiles at Sasuke before getting up off his lap. Sasuke quickly jumps up trying to attack Zabuza throwing shuriken at him left and right. Zabuza just tosses them out the way with his sword as Sasuke jumps up in the air attempting to kick him in the face when Zabuza grabs him by the neck. He strangles Sasuke while his feet dangle and kick, fighting for air.


Naruto screams out for Sasuke but still affected by the kick he gave him earlier. He clenches his fist into the ground trying to hold back his anger just to stay calm
but it's damn near impossible with the sight that's in front of him.

ReWrite The Stars (NaruSasu)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang