Fail-Pass: Ways To Your Heart

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[3404 Words]

The timer sets off indicating they clearly failed. Kakashi tied Naruto to a post while the other two sit beside him in defeat. Everyone can hear each others stomach growling completely embarrassed and starving, while the lunch boxes just sit right in front of them.

"Oh oh stomachs growling huh? That's too bad. Oh By the way, about this exercise? Well i've decided, I won't send any of you back to the academy."

Naruto smiles in excitement while the other two look at Sensei confused.

"What? I passed? All I did was faint and fall over. Do you get points for that?"

Sakura starts cheering knowing that she won't have to be separated from Sasuke anymore.

"Wait so then that means all three of us..."

"Yes all three of you, are being dropped from the program. Permanently!"

They all gasp and stare at Kakashi in shock like no way he just said that. Naruto starts going hysterical.

"Drop us from the program?!! That means we can never become Ninja. You said if we couldn't take the bells we'd be sent back to the academy! You can't just change your mind and kick us out! Why would you do that?!!"

"Because you don't think like Ninja, You think like little kids. Like bratz."

Sasuke gets so angry with Sensei he attempts to attack him but fails miserably when Kakashi just pummels him to the ground keeping one hand behind his head and sitting on him with his foot on his head. Sakura screams for Sasuke while Naruto clenches his fist in anger at how Kakashi is treating Sasuke. All he wishes he can do is just break out of the rope he's tied in to help Sasuke but no matter how hard he tries he just can't.

"You think it's all about you!"

Sakura trembles not being able to hold her words back.

"Let go of Sasuke you can't step on him like he's some bug!!"

Sasuke looks at Naruto in frustration and tears start to well up in the corner of his eyes from the pain and anger of feeling inferior to Kakashi. Naruto sees this and it hurts his heart to see Sasuke with that look in his eyes and he can't do anything about it.

"Kakashi I swear to god if you don't let go of Sasuke I'll-"

"You'll what?! You don't even know what it means to be a Ninja!"

Naruto and Sasuke both grunt at the same time under Kakashi's superiority. They're lowkey beginning not to like this guy very much.

"You think it's a game huh?! Why do you think we put you on squads? Did you consider that question for one moment?"

Sakura just looks at Kakashi completely confused while Naruto still can't keep his eyes off Sasuke, angry at his helplessness.

"I don't know what you mean?"

"I mean that you never realized what this exercise is all about! Not even close!"

Naruto just wants this lecture to be done and over with just so Kakashi can get off of Sasuke.

"What's it about then huh?!"

"Use your head!! 3 people on a squad! Why do you think we would do that?!"

"How the hell we supposed to know?!! We didn't make the rules!!"

"It's so basic! Teamwork!! It's too late now! But if all three of you were to come at me you might have been able to take them. Well anyways, it's over."

ReWrite The Stars (NaruSasu)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ