Misunderstood Jealousy

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As the shuriken flies in the air towards Zabuza, he was forced to release the water prison jutsu entrapping Kakashi. The shuriken even went as far as grazing him under his eye. Zabuza gets angry at Naruto attempting to throw the shuriken he has in hands directly towards him.

"I'll destroy you!!"

Kakashi's comes up out of the water and stops the Shuriken from spinning in his hand with his fist. He glares at Zabuza with his sharingan eye trying to show him he won't touch any of his students anymore. As Naruto drops into the water he comes back up to the surface shaking his head like a wet dog.

"Naruto, that was an excellent plan. You've really grown haven't you?"

Naruto laughs at Kakashi's compliment to him.

"I knew I couldn't beat him with my shadow clones. That was just to distract him. While he fought the clones, I turned into the demon wind shuriken, he didn't know what to believe! Sasuke could tell it was me in a split second, so he spun around so no one could see and pulled out his own shuriken. I just didn't know his clone would be wrecked too! Ha that was a bonus!"

Sasuke rolls his eyes at Naruto's bragging.

"Don't brag you just lucked out."

Tazuna gets irritated by how much he thought they were trying to fight and defeat Zabuza all together, not trick them.

"The whole thing was just a fluke!!"

"You can't call that a fluke!! Their teamwork was flawless! They knew what to do without even talking about it! God, most of the time you guys act like you hate eachother, and yet, your a perfect team!"

Sasuke and Naruto glance at eachother straight blushing from Sakura's words about them. They both don't want to admit it but they know damn well everything she said was the truth.

"I got distracted and lost my grip on the water prison."

"Don't flatter yourself. You weren't distracted, you were forced to let go!"

As Kakashi corrects Zabuza, everyone else tries to get back on guard now that Kakashi is free.

"Your technique worked on me once, but it won't work again. So what's it gonna be?"

Sasuke tells Sakura to get back into formation while Naruto still floats in the water. After a long battle of Kakashi beating Zabuza by copying all his jutsu before he can even do it, all the water being used in the jutsu causes Naruto to come back to land. Kakashi throws his Kunai at Zabuza pinning him against the tree while he hovers above him on a large branch.

"Your finished."

"How?? Can you see into the future?"

"Yes, this is your last battle ever."

Out of nowhere senbon comes flying stabbing Zabuza in the neck causing everyone to gasp at the unexpected sight. As Zabuza falls to the ground 'dead' a random shinobi comes to grab him and take him away explaining that he'll take care of him on his own. Kakashi collapses from Sharingan exhaustion and everyone finally heads back to Tazuna's place to rest up.

"I think I over did it with my sharingan."

Naruto comes in happy to see that Kakashi is finally waking up a little.

"Look Sensei's coming around."

Sakura walks up to Kakashi to sit next to his lying body very concerned for his health.

"Listen Sensei, your sharingan is amazing and everything, but if it puts that much strain on you, maybe it's not worth it."

"I'm sorry"

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