The Sound Of Your Heartbeat

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It's been a few days since Sasuke told Naruto they're not friends and every mission they go on with the team makes Sakura want to pull her hair out. The tension between them is so bad that it's silent. Completely, Utterly, Atrociously Silent.

Sakura knows that whatever's going on between them has never been this bad before. Because at least before when they were on bad terms they would argue, say slick comebacks to eachother here and there and just be petty over all. But at least to Sakura that was normal behavior. Now this is entirely a whole different ball game.

The silence is so loud it makes her want to scream at the top of her lungs just so they would interact with eachother. She wants them to say something, just anything. Because the negativity radiating off of them into the air is killing her.

Kakashi can also tell there's something wrong but instead of trying to figure it out he just decides to sweet talk them one on one like he always does. He thinks it'll be better to just cheer them up and make them both feel better about whatever rough patch they're going through. Kakashi believes they'll get over it soon enough.
That being said, before Naruto walks off after their mission Kakashi pulls him over for a quick question.

"What is it Kakashi Sensei?"

Kakashi raises his eyebrow at Naruto seeing as his attitude is still sharp as ever. Regardless he just sighs and brushes it off cutting him some slack since he's in a bad mood.

"Well, It's just that i've been seeing you in a bad mood lately and I thought why not take you to go get some ramen?"

Naruto's eyes go from dark blue to lighting up like a christmas tree. He aggressively nods his head going "mhm mhm" as Kakashi chuckles and they walk off to Ichiraku ramen.

Once they sit down and Naruto orders his bowl, Teuchi wastes no time to bring it out since he can already sense Naruto's gloomy energy.


Naruto slurps up his ramen so fast he starts choking. Kakashi's eyes go wide as he smacks him on the back.

"Relax! Jesus you're gonna give me a heart attack!"

Naruto starts smiling and laughing at Kakashi.

"Sorry Sensei it's just, It's been so long since I had real ramen ya know!"

Naruto goes back in as Kakashi just sighs placing his chin in the palm of his hand keeping an eye on Naruto to slow down. Naruto with a mouth full of noodles starts talking to Kakashi.

"You not gonna have a bowl yourself Kakashi Sensei?"

"No i'm fine, you eat up tho."

Naruto finally swallows as he lifts his head giving Kakashi a confused look.

"I thought you were hungry? You did say you wanted to eat ramen together no?"

Kakashi rolls his eyes as he picks his his chin up from the palm of his hand.

"I told you i'm fine. I invited you because I know you would want some now eat."

Naruto starts smirking real devious at Kakashi feeling like he's got him all figured out.

"Oh I see how it is! You just don't want me to finally see what's under that mask huh?!"

Kakashi starts getting flustered and clears his throat.

"I have a regular face under this mask Naruto nothing more nothing less."

"Yeah right! Is that why you hide it so much?! Come on lemme see sensei I promise I won't tell anybody how you look!"

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