First Morning

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Walking down the halls, you found your way to the den of that floor. Upon one of the soft, beige sofas sat who you recalled to be named Changbin. You slowed down your pace, and he looked up from his phone, looking straight at you, as a smirk formed on his face.
"Morning.." You muttered, stuttering a bit as he was the last person you expected to see that morning.
His face fell flat so you could no longer tell what he was thinking.
"You're finally awake?" He asked, completely blank. You nodded, standing a safe distance from the muscular man. He stared at you for a bit, breaking contact to stare at the floor but connected eyes with you once again.
"Y'know, I don't bite. You can sit over here. Or I can get you some breakfast." He said in a very kind and almost playful tone. You looked around and built the courage to ask him a question.
"Is everyone working?" You asked while already knowing the answer, but you hoped he would answer your real question in his response. To your luck, this did not happen.
"Yeah. Miss them already?" He said while smiling and getting up while crossing his arms. You stared at the floor for a bit before you looked back at him.
"Umm..Then why are you-" And before you could finish your sentence, he began explaining as he seemed to already know what you were going to say.
"They left me here to watch you. Felix really wanted to, but he has an important task to do with Hyunjin. I'm just happy I have the day off, so don't piss me off. You hungry?" The mix tones confused you as couldn't figure out how he felt. So listening to his warnings, you nodded lightly to avoid conflict. He glanced at you for a second before turning and walking downstairs.
"Follow me." He said clearly while lifting his hand in the air. Your feet began following him before you even realized what he said.

Downstairs, you were introduced to a kitchen a bit bigger than you were used to. Changbin opened a fridge, hardly looking inside while asking you what you wanted. You're not completely sure why, but that question made you freeze up. Perhaps you just didn't want to make him upset by saying something too hard to make or he didn't have, or maybe because you were worried he would judge your tastes. He closed the fridge and walked over to you.
"I was joking before. I don't get mad easily, and we won't ever hurt you. So don't be scared." He spoke very softly, a hand on your shoulder. Your body felt lighter with his touch, and you looked at him, easily seeing guilt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry.." You said, guilty yourself, as you must have made him feel bad for not noticing his joke.
"Why are you apologizing?"
You couldn't say anything. You just looked away from him. He frowned, and you felt arms reach around you.
He wouldn't say it, but you felt like you knew what he wanted to say.
Perhaps "I know this whole situation is scary." Or "I'm Here For you." And even without hearing those words, the hug and aura was comforting. You felt the tears that you've been holding back finally fall, and all you could say was, "Thank you."

Eventually, Changbin called over one of the sweet servants working that morning, and she prepared your favorite dishes. It was a bit embarrassing how Changbin watched you eat but he just sat there with his arm holding his face up as he watched you, completely ignoring his own meal.

After breakfast, Changbin gave you a tour of the building.
"This isn't our real home, but it's not our main building either. It's just easier to have everyone together, so this is basically our second home."
It was quite cute how everyone lived together just so they could work.
"Since you know where each of our rooms our, you can always come to us if you need our help." He said, pointing at the doors along the wall.
Compared to other "houses", this one was quite big but not a mansion either. It only had a few servants that lived in the basement of the building to keep them safe, and the building in general was quite secure with security. When you visited the yard during the tour, you noted the various amount of cameras placed around the property. There were even some with the trees of the forest behind, which was puzzling.

Before everyone got home, Changbin and you ordered things for you online.
"Currently, we have been ordered to keep you inside this building unless told otherwise. And since our boss loves you, you can basically use all the money you want." He finished jokingly. It was still baffling on the reason this all happened, but you decided the night before that you'll not worry too much about it.
"So for now, let's just order whatever you need..and umm.. You can order..uh.. whatever we didn't buy correctly.." He said awkwardly, what made you laugh and him more embarrassed. He jokingly hit you in the arm while fake complaining, but then paused when the door opened.

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