Night Before

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You spent the day having heart to heart conversations with Jeongin.
The more he opened up, the sweeter he seemed. You even got him to promise to apologize to everyone and treat them better. Felix will definitely thank you later for that because Jeongin admitted to planning on bombing Felix's house. And Minho's. And setting Changbin's ablaze.
Oh goodness, everyone will be happy about this.

You guys started to feel closer, and he even let you play games on his tablet.
(IPad kid Jeongin!!)
While playing games, Jeongin sat beside you on the sofa. He was studying using a textbook he said he found in the dumpster by a school. He always wanted to go to school but knew he couldn't balance it with his job. "Hey..What's so important about finding the area of a circle? Why are there problems about circle building!? There are none!!" And you couldn't help but laugh.
"Students ask the same thing you do."
"And you don't know either?"
"I do but...Should I tell you?" You teased.
"I'll kiss you till you pass out." He bluntly replied.
"What-" And he leaned his face closer to yours.
"AAA" You scream and accidentally punched him in the face.
He erupted into laughter.
"I was joking babe. Owww That hurt!! Kiss it better! Please babe!"
"Babe..?" You asked, covering your face with your hands out of embarrassment.
"I Like being delusional, you should know that already."
You didn't even think it was possible but your face got redder. You could tell he liked teasing you as he had a mischievous smile plastered onto his face.
"How are you so hot even when you're dying from embarrassment?" He whispers close to your ear and your body suddenly stood up.
"WHAT" You said, quickly covering your mouth as it just slipped out.
"Hmm... What else can I say?" He asked himself, his arms folded.
"Nothing! You can say nothing!" You said, begging him to stop before your heart bursts.
"Okay, Prince. Whatever you say." He winks and you just hide yourself in the corner of your room.

After your heart calmed down, you stood up again.
"Is your heart racing?"
"Not anymore.." You sighed, your hands gripping at where your heart would be.
"Maybe-" And before he could speak, you ran over and covered his mouth with your hands.
"Please just spare me.." You sighed.
You suddenly felt your palms get wet.
"AAA DID YOU LICK ME?" You asked while pulling your hands away from him. He did, in fact, lick you.
"Free trial?" He said with a smirk and you went back to having a red tint.
Jeongin laughed and pulled out his phone. He looked at what may have been a text and started a call.
While on the phone, he walked to the other side of the room.
"Tomorrow? The dinner is tomorrow?" He asked the person on the other side of the phone.
"Okay..Got it. He's behaving. What? What do you mean you meant me? I always behave? I haven't changed at all. What!? I'm done." He hung up the phone and you were holding back a laugh.
"It's not funny."
"You're...right..pff...I mean.." You covered your mouth to help restrain yourself but it didn't work out in the end.
"Fine. But you heard what's up, right? Dinner with Big Boss is tomorrow."
"Ah, okay. Will it be here or..?"
"Don't worry too much about it. The maids will help prepare you and the boss only really cares that you're there."
"Oh. Okay.."
You sat down on your bed and Jeongin sat beside you with his textbook once again.
"What's slope?"
"Bitch what?"
You couldn't help but laugh.

After explaining what you knew, he nodded.
"I'm going to pretend like I understand."
"I will as well." You smiled.
"Hm...Oh! What do highschoolers usually do?"
"You're in high school?" You ask, now wondering his age.
"Obviously not. I'm 20."
"Oh. OH! You never went so you want to know, right?"
You explained simple things you noticed high schoolers would do.
"When I was in high school, lots if popular teens would go to parties. Others would work afterwards. Most just hangout with friends at parks, Karaoke, dinner, and other fun places. Of course there would be the teens with on and off relationships while others lasted a while. High school was the place for people to discover themselves." You explained, remembering your high school years. You weren't popular or really noticed at all. Every now and then, you were picked on or complimented, so you always saw yourself as average. You had some close friends but you noticed they were quite distant from you, so you weren't shocked when you lost contact with them after graduation.
"How old are you?" He asked, seemingly interested.
"Same age as you." You smiled sweetly. You would have had no clue he was the same age as you without finding out just now.
He smirked.
"Did you party and stuff when you were a teen? Oh, did you have plenty of girlfriends too??" You laughed at his questions.
"No..I never partied, and I was for sure not a player. I usually just worked and focused on school." And after discussing your hobbies as well, you began explaining your teen life.
Jeongin sat and listened to everything.
Every small bit.

"Wow. We're very similar! Except well..I did party and date a lot." He laughed and you did too.
"Then what makes us similar?" You asked and he got quiet.
"I focused more on my job rather than myself. I wanted to do everything perfectly and eventually I got what I wanted. I got into one of the best Mafia groups. It wasn't easy either, and then I even found out they're just like a big family!? I didn't go all this way for something I left when I was younger!!"
You listened well to Jeongin's story.
He explained how he admired assassins ever since he was little from movies, and once he got a chance to interfer with a gang he did. They noticed his skills and trained him. At the age of 12 he was a low class Mafia member usually used to go undercover. Soon he became one of the best. He also admitted to feeling not as skilled as his other members since they're only a few years older than him but still accomplished more than he did without as much training. Like Minho and Seungmin only had 3 years of training before winning a spot at the top.

You felt your heart ache at his emotions. You hugged him and gave him comforting words.
"Let's do what we can to make up for your lost teen hood. Maybe when this is over we can hangout at the mall and stuff?"
He teared up before quickly wiping them away.
"Can we do everything on my bucket list?" He asked in almost a whisper.
"Of course!" You responded with a smile.
"Then..Can we makeout?"

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