진정한 마피아 멤버다.

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TW: Slight Abuse

Jeongin walked towards you slowly and then sat himself in front of you, his smirk still visible.
He grabbed your hands with his own and spoke.
"I was just messing with you guys." He laughed as you just stood there. Is he bipolar?
"I'm not gonna do anything and Seungmin is actually gonna work. I may or may not have told Chan the news but I'm still here for you and that's what matters!"
"But..Felix.." You started, and he interrupted.
"I'll apologize to him later. He's mad because I was making fun of Hyunjin earlier. I was really hoping you could do whatever you did to him to me! So I took the job!" He said, the brightest and most innocent smile on his face. Your face, on the other hand, was bright red. Did everyone assume something gross? You didn't even want to think about what they thought.

It was weird. For a bit, Jeongin just stared at you while he sat on your bed, and you sat on the sofa. He gave you nail polish to do your nails, but he wasn't doing anything himself.
"Am I..doing them wrong?" You asked quietly and he just flashed yet again another smile. He's starting to seem creepy..
"You're doing them correctly based off what I've seen from Jisung."
"Oh, does he paint his often?"
"Yeah. Where did you think I got the nail polish from?"
You froze. Is this Jisung's nail polish?
"Did you.." You started but he already began to answer.
"Yup. I stole it from him! It looks better on you afterall!"
You frowned.
"Jeongin..That's not nice.. You can't just say that and also steal his things.."
He surprisingly seemed upset.
"Then give it back." He spoke clearly, in an angered tone.
You immediately passed the nail supplies over to him and he walked towards you.
"Take it off."
You stared at him. What?
He then slammed down the nail polish remover and some cotton. Oh.
You quickly cleaned off your nails and he put the supplies back into a bag, throwing it outside of your room.
You felt tears in your eyes.. Why is he acting like this?
"Shut up! First you-"
He stopped talking when he looked at you. Your head hung low as tears fell down a now created path on your face. You felt a hand on your head.
"What are you sorry for? Leaving us or using Han's nail polish?"
You Looked up, confused. You never left them.. Wait. This reaction reminds you of someone else. His hand began gripping your hair.
"I..I never.." Your Voice cracked between words.
"But you fucking thought about it."
You were quiet for a bit.
"Im..so sorry Jeongin..And to everybody..I'm sorry.. I won't do it again."
He smiled, letting you go and bringing you into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry too. I'm not so sure how I should treat people anymore.. I tried being sweet but you seemed distant. I tried forcing you out of your shell but I just scared you more... I don't know anymore.."
Then you realized what was going on.
He's must have been in the Mafia since a young age. He must have grown up beating people, killing, selling drugs and so much worse. To suddenly have to treat the hostage nicely must be weird.
"You being more honest makes me feel more comfortable, Jeongin..I'm sorry I made you feel that way. Please just.. try being nicer to everyone.. Everyone seems worried for you."
His eyes locked onto yours.
"I see why the Big Boss likes you. You make my teeth hurt."

(Author's Note: I'm just as confused as you guys. I'm just trying to make this realistic and sadly Jeongin was selected to represent this.. Sorry I.N♡♡ It'll get better over time.

(Also, when he says you make his teeth hurt, it just means you're really sweet. Like, when you eat sweet foods to the point it hurts your mouth.^^)

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