A Truce of Sorts

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Asher charged at Luca without a second thought and brought them both tumbling to the ground with a thud. I moved forward quickly, "Asher! Stop! Let him explain himself!" I yell as I can see them struggling with each other in the darkness. Luca is able to get scramble away from Asher for a moment, "Calm yourself rogue, I would hate to scratch your pretty face." He taunts him. 

Asher growls as his eyes taking on their wolf glow, "Oh I'm going to enjoy ripping you apart fairy boy!" 

"Fairy?" Luca quirks with a hint of amusement, "I'll show you fairy."  

I roll my eyes and charge into the center of them at the last minute pushing Asher back as he charges for Luca, "Can you both knock off the theatrics? I think there are more important matters at hand than which one of you can piss the farthest." I say looking back and forth between the two of them with a leveling gaze. Luca relaxed slightly but he kept his gaze on Asher who was staring him down murderously, "This twerp double crossed us and you still want to protect him?" He questions me with a bit of disgust. 

"I only did what needed to be done." Luca snaps back quickly. 

"So handing over the girl your friends are trying so hard to save is what you needed to do?" He growls and moves forward, "Move out of the way Lex and let me show this guy what our people do to betrayers." His chest presses hard against my extended hand. 

I let out a small sigh as a headache begins to build, "Look, I'm not saying I trust him okay? But we don't have a lot of options right now Asher. Either we hear him out and try to escape this place or we just stay here and wait for whatever it is the vampires have in mind for us. Personally I'd rather take a chance than sit around and wait for the vampires."

Asher remains motionless for a moment before released a loud exhale, "Fine, but for the record fairy boy—If you try to double cross us again no one and I mean NO ONE will be able to stop me from ripping you limb from limb." 

"I would expect no less..." Luca says with a soft resignation. I stay positioned between them for a moment longer until the pressure of Ashers chest eases off my palm and I relax my arm with a sigh. When I hear movement behind us I am reminded of the fact that my mother is in here with us and I look over my shoulder quickly to see her pressed up against the wall looking extremely nervous. 

I turn away from the boys and hold up my hands, "It's okay—" I say in a soft reassuring tone, "It was only a misunderstanding but it's find now. No one is going to hurt you—this is our friend Luca..." I motion over my shoulder toward Luca and find him looking between me and my mother with curiosity. Asher snorts and mutters something under his breath but nothing loud enough for anyone to understand.

"This is your mother?" Luca asks with a bit of surprise. 

I nod my head without looking in his direction, "So it would appear—" 

I hear movement behind me and I know that it must be Luca stepping closer to me, "My god—You mean she's been here this whole time?" he whispers under his breath towards me. I bit the inside of my cheek at the though of my mother being trapped down here in the dark for who knows how long having god knows what done to her.

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