Chapter 16

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"Hokage-sama, you wished to speak with me?"

Sarutobi glanced up with a smile as Hyuuga Hiashi stepped into the office, quietly closing the door behind him. The sandaime quickly activated the privacy seals before standing and coming out from around his desk.

"I did," Sarutobi nodded. "I will get right to the point as we may be short on time. You recall the Hyuuga Affair eight years ago, of course?"

Hiashi's already stony countenance shuttered completely. "Of course," the affirmation was clipped and cold but Sarutobi paid it no mind.

"Six years ago," the Sandaime continued carefully. He and Hizashi had worked out an abridged version of the recent events before summoning Hiashi to the tower. "I'd sent a spy to Kumo to make sure nothing like it would ever happen again. Two years ago, that spy came back, bringing with him some very startling news."

Hiashi stiffened at this, "Will Kumo try again?"

Sarutobi quickly shook his head in the negative. "No, no, it isn't that. It seems Kumo has been keeping a secret of great magnitude from the rest of the world and, after my spy reveal the information to me, I sent him back out to retrieve the secret. He and his partner had just returned with him earlier today." He paused here, glancing at his private office. "I believe showing you would be best. Hizashi-san?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Sarutobi watched the Hyuuga Clan Head freeze, eyes widening when the small office's door opened and Hizashi stepped out, face calm but an almost amused gleam in his eyes, mixed with a healthy amount of concern as the two brothers stared at each other.

"It has been a while, Nii-sama." Hizashi hesitated when Hiashi made no move to even speak, only continuing to stare at him, his face having paled considerably. The younger twin glanced wryly at the Hokage. "Perhaps you should have told him first, after all."

Sarutobi shrugged unrepentantly. He rarely ever saw any of the stiff clan heads acting out of character and he needed his own way of keeping himself entertained, Hokage or no.

"Nii-sama, it's me. Are you alright?" Hizashi stepped closer and Hiashi finally seemed to pull himself together, rounding on the Hokage with a mixture of confusion and anger blazing in his eyes.

"What is the meaning of this, Hokage-sama?" the clan head bit out, jaw tight. "This is not my brother, Hizashi died eight years ago!"

Sarutobi raised his hand in acalming gesture and briefly considered calling Natsuki back to explain but deciding against it. The whitehead was probably were busy cleaning and setting for his home right about now, with both of his lovers by his side, giving a hands.

"Hiashi-san, I assure you, this is your brother. My spy happens to be adept at Fuuinjutsu and has assured me that the coffin your brother was found in had a Life Suspension Seal placed on it. He managed to break the seal and bring Hizashi-san back safely only hours ago. Kumo managed to save your brother's life after realizing what the Caged Bird Seal would do upon his death and has kept him alive but unconscious ever since while letting the rest of the world believe him to be dead."

Hiashi took this in with a heavy frown as he glanced between Sarutobi and his brother. Seeing this, Hizashi stepped forward again and bared his throat, letting the older of the two see the obvious scar marring his skin. "I am real, Nii-sama." Hizashi reassured softly. "And I am back."

Hishi continued staring at his twin, eyeing the scar before glancing at the curse seal that, without a Hitai-ate, stood out clearly on Hizashi's forehead. The clan head almost stumbled forward a step, unable to look away as if mesmerized. "What was the last thing you asked me to do before you took my place nine years ago?" the man's voice was nearly a whisper.

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