the feast

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"if this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together"

279 AC, Storm's End

"You all lied to me."

They were inside of Elia's chambers. Lucerys and Lewyn were standing in the middle of the room, Elia's back were turned to them, looking outside from the window.

"Elia"-, Lucerys tried to interrupt her but she continued.

"You all lied to me, my own family, my own parents. You had deceived me into this marriage, let me fool myself in front of the prince when everybody in the kingdoms knew about the humiliation he brought upon me. Why?", she tilted her head a little towards them. "Why didn't you tell me that my husband-to-be had proposed to one another, desired one another, wished to marry with one another? So I couldn't disagree with the marriage? My mother was never going to let me say 'no', this wouldn't affect anything but at least I wouldn't feel like this right now, I would have been prepared."

"Lorenza and Aethan didn't want you to have the wrong idea.", Lewyn spoke softly. "This isn't something you think, I can promise you on this. He did not wish to marry with that girl, not really. He was the one who proposed your idea to the council, fought for it for months."

"And yet, not even once, he thought about asking me.", Lewyn and Lucerys shared a look. "You say he's been wanting this for months, then pray tell, why it never occurred to him to write to me? Or why did he change his mind in the last minute? Will it always be like this? Will he change his opinions with the tide?"

"Please let me explain it with details."

"We are way passed that opportunity, uncle. You should have told me this the moment it happened. You had plenty of time in Sunspear, you knew I didn't want this marriage, yet you looked me in the eyes and told me everything would be alright.", she turned to him with heartbreak on her face. "How am I supposed to trust you after this? Or to him? He is supposed to be my husband and I should be able to rely on him. How will I do it know that I know he is ready to replace me with the spur of the moment?"

"I am not going to defend his actions.", Lucerys spoke with a strong voice. "Nor will I defend your parents'. Both are too far gone within their own ambitions and greed and desire of revenge, they do not care about your happiness only this wedding and they would do anything to make sure it will take place.", he spoke with honesty, not that Elia needed a reminder who her parents were. "What Rhaegar did is not defendable, he did humiliated you and he humiliated Atera with the rest of the Hightowers and the crown to a degree. But his actions do have reasons though I do not particulary understand them."

"What do you suggest me to do then?", Elia asked, her lips were trembling with frustration, her heart was aching. Yes, she knew her parents cared a little for her, but she never thought the dismissal was on these levels. And Doran? For all the Gods above, how on earth Doran could hide such a thing from her? "Act nothing had happened, play pretend the perfect wife"

"Yes.", Lucerys deadpanned and Elia scoffed, Lewyn sent him an annoyed look. "This is not debatable, Elia. The whole realm is just about to murder each other and using this betrothal as a catalyst. A Vulture King is rising in Dorne, Reacher Lords are questioning Mace Tyrell's authority, Marcher Lords are creating chaos left and right in Stormlands, the Crowlands are getting more and more torn between Aerys and Rhaegar, Jon Arryn acts weird, Greyjoy brothers are preparing something, and Hoster Tully and Rickard Stark had just made one of the weirdest packs between the South and the North. Nothing is normal and you having clear signs of displeasure, or having an open beef with your future husband -the prince or with the Hightowers will not help to ease the situation. And the moment you start to create problems, they will have no choice but to get rid of you."

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