the sun and the spear

86 3 12

"power belongs to those who take it"

281 AC, Oldtown

"Morning, beautiful."

Her body was awake but it took a couple of minutes for her brain to wake up too. She could feel the soft winter breeze of the South in her naked body -half covered by white silk blankets. She could feel the ever-so-warm body of her husband, his rather strong chest and the heartbeat under her palm -the way her wedding ring touching to his bare flesh. She was aware that she was half-sleeping on top of him, her entire upper body touching with his, her right arm tucked to her side but still clinging to him, his arms wrapped around her. Her left leg was pulled towards her and was resting between his legs and her right was next to his.

A moment later she huffed due to the extreme warmth she was feeling and then she heard -felt, the low chuckle of her husband and the way his hand immediately rose to her face and pulled her hair from it. Despite his body sometimes feeling like he was on fire, his hands were always cold, which brought relief to her and she sighed with contentedness.

"Good morning.", she said -or she thought that she said, the voice that reached Rhaegar was more like a groan. "What time is it?"

"It is early."

"How early?"

"Early enough that we have quite some time until one of your ladies burst into the door.", his hand lowered to her hip suggestively. "Not knowing I am here."

"Oswell would warn them."

"I had sent Oswell away.", he said nonchalantly, too busy to caress the line of her spine delicately.

"What?", she mumbled but then rose on her elbows to look at him with suspicion, she wanted to see his reaction. "You planned this haven't you?", it was a realization that managed to wake her up. "You bastard, you did plan this.", she said as if she was shocked and all Rhaegar did was laugh loudly as she started to slap his chest lightly, in a playful way.

"I did not plan anything, I swear.", he managed to defend himself between his laughs as he tried to hold her hands. "I just wanted to be cautious."

"Cautious of what?", Rhaegar, when he could not stop her, rolled her to her back and brought her knuckles to his lips, placing kisses all over them.

"I knew when I came here last night,", he sent a deep look to her and their playfulness went right off the window. "that I was hanging by a thread to not to give into you.", he murmured, his thumb was caressing her lips. "I wasn't sure that if I could have some restraint, some self-control though I hoped so. I wanted to believe that I did but,", he sent her a look and a smile appeared on her lips. "apparently I did not."

"You are talking as if I am some kind of a seductress and not your wife.", she raised her hand to trace his jaw with her index fingernail. "It is not my fault that I am unresistible and well, who's to say that you were not willing to fall anyways?"

"Arthur might.", he wrinkled and Elia snorted. He's been through literal hell in the past weeks because of them. "He will slap me silly when he finds out that it was Oswell's plan that worked after all."

"Was it Oswell,", she raised her eyebrows. "that made you that worked up for Baelor Hightower?"

Rhaegar closed his eyes and growled slowly. "Let us not say his name in our bed."

"Why?", she teased, her nail almost scratching his chin. "You were too eager to talk about him last night. Made a whole plan in your mind."

"Elia, there is something you should know about me.", he leaned on. "I truly am an idiot.", he blurted and Elia snorted like she already know it. "And all along in this marriage, I will make mistakes.", he was laying between her legs and supporting him with his right elbow to her side but his left hand was playing with the ring on her finger. "I will screw things up, I will make you go crazy with anger, you probably will want to hit me more than once, or throw a hairbrush,", he sent her a look. "and maybe even curse to my obliviousness but know that; I will always, always, try to be better. I swear to you now that I promise you, I will always move forward."

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