chapter 2: It begins

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I truly hope you enjoy this next chapter i had lots of fun writing it.



Later that day once the staff had left, my mother and father had went into the library to enjoy the large granite fire place with two gargoyles on each side of it. My mother on one side and my father on the other. I then walked to the security and shut off the cameras smirking as the image of my parents sitting peacefully disappeared from the screen. I then entered my room and grabbed a box out from under my bed and in the box was a 6inch long knife with a jagged spin on the back of it and a saw blade pattern from the base half way up the knife. Perfect for cutting through tough objects and still great for slashing flesh. I then pulled a metal gauntlet out. It had blades at then knuckle and a chain mail lining because at the end of each finger was a sharp spike. I giggled like a demonic child as I place the gauntlet on my left hand and grab the knife and begin to walk to the library.

I began to chuckle as I saw the library door but then I stopped short from the handle and composed myself. I then slowly entered the door, I saw my mother's head tilted slightly obivously she was sleeping, I continued to walk up behind her and looked at my father who is clear hung over. "What the fuck do you want boy" he says in groggy and scratchy voice. I tilted my head smiling and started to chuckle and laugh "oh nothing dear father just dropping by" I say in a polite manor. "Well that and also this" I say as I grab my mother's hair ripping it violently making her scream in agony like the pathetic swine she was, It was such an annoying scream one that must be silenced I looked at my father who sat there stunned by what he's seeing. My mouth slowly curled into a malicious grin and laughed as I lifted my knife and stabbed it Into my mother's mouth silencing her filthy mouth and it felt so wonderful I continued to stab her multiple times and finally stabbing her one last time and twisted it.

I looked back at my father and lifted my hand and licked the blood off of my hand. "What's the matter father you look scared" I say as i walk toward him. He got out of his chair and stumbled back tripping he began grabal like the worm he is. He then lunged at me and clawed my right eye I began to laugh as the pain engulfed my face. "Aghahaha!!! Yes I love the pain that's why I've always laughed when you would hit me you pathetic piece of shit! Aghahaha!!!" I laugh psychoticaly. My father then tries to strike my temple but I grab his fist with my left hand digging the spikes from the finger tips of the gauntlet into his hand making him scream like the filthy peasant he was the pain forcing him to his knees. "Beg peasant beg like the filthy price of shit you are! No one will care about your death!!! But I will laugh as the life leaves your eyes" my father then spit in my face again. "Mmm now that wasn't very nice" I say laughing as I wipe it off my face. "You... you will regret this boy!.... I'm gonna get you!!!" He yelled through his pain. "Silly man you don't realize your going to die now I will personally send you to your God" I say with a sly grin as I lift my knife. " I'm going to get-" my father screams before I stab my knife into his mouth and then repeatedly stab his mouth also silencing a worthless dead beat...

I laughed as I watched the life leave his eyes "tsk tsk tsk you lived like a pig and yet died like one as well" I laughed as I threw his lifeless body across the floor and landed infront of the fire place. I laughed psychoticaly and licked the blood from my hand enjoying the taste of the blood it was absolutely intoxicating. I then giggled like a child and jabbed my left hand into his stomach using the spikes from the gauntlet to carve out his inside and I put them in a metal trash bin I then drained the blood from him into a large jar labeled father and did the same for my mother. I looked at their mutilated bodies and had the greatest idea. "Lets make sure they never see the light again" I say as I grab a needle and thread to sow up their eyes.

I then continued to poor gas into the small trash can containing their organs and set it a blaze and enjoyed the sweet smell of burning flesh. "Mmm smells delicious" I say as I begin to fill another jar up with blood labeled mother then I hide the jars in the safe behind the painting in the study. I then walked over to the phone and called the police.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency" the woman asked in a polite manor. I began to whimper and while forcing myself to cry I say "my.. my parents h-have been brutally murdered and the man he beat me and clawed my eye please send help!!!" I said like a scared little child. "Ok ok sweetie we will send police to your house what's your name" she asked in a comforting way. "Orcus Samuel Atan" I replied continuing to cry. "Your the son of the infamous Atan family ok we have 7 police cruisers on route now If you want to stay on the line I will gladly continue to speak with you until they arrive". Oh my God another pathetic follower of my family name just because of our wealth I thought to myself. "No it's okay I can manage" I say whimpering. As I hung up I wiped away all of my finger prints and used forgery finger prints from one of the 21 gardeners that slept with my mother I decided one of them deserve to suffer also. The police had arrived and I opened the door to greet 14 men with guns drawn pushing me to the side and keeping me from harms way. As they searched the rooms and looked at where my parents were murdered by a "random assailant". I chuckled slightly but continued to pretend to cry and sob as the officer looked at me.


Wasn't that just a delicious lie he told that pleasant woman on the phone hahaha just wait there's more fun to come.

I hope you enjoyed this do tell me what you thought of it I'm dying to know ;)

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