chapter 14: a investigation, then dinner

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The door bell rang and one of my staff answered it, the police had arrived and wished to ask me questions about one of my staff that had gone missing. They knocked on my door and entered finding Zoey and I laying on the floor reading books. I was laying on my stomach and Zoey on her back played across mine. "Sir Orcus S. Atan we have some questions for you." The officer said calmly. I finished the sentence I was on and got up Zoey extremely interested in her book just rolled off of my not missing even one word as she continued to read. "I'll be right back zoey " I said placing my book next to her she kissed my cheek and I walked with the officers.

"We have been investigating a missing persons report and sources have told us this is we're he was last located. We were wondering if we could ask you some question." He ask and in return I shrugged and agreed. "Have you ever seen anything strange things happening with some of your staff?" He spoke stairing into my eyes. With a blank stair I reply with "no" and he continued to ask away. "What about you did you know one of you staff was missing." He asked. Looking behind him I saw the other officer getting aggravated to each one of my answers. " I did not but I will be sure to keep close eyes on everyone." "HE LYING!!!" The other officer screamed as he slammed his hand on the table. I looked at him calmly, "I'll ask you to please respect the fact you are a guest in my house and should act appropriate." I said politely the other officer looked behind him at the one who screamed and glared at him. "Forgive him he's a hot head." "Oh there's no trouble just he should work on his manors." I ignored the officer and they then asked for the security cameras video. I thought for a second and they looked at me like I was  guilty and then I smiled, "if that's what you wish come with me." I said smirking a  I walked to the security room. Before I opened the door Zoey jumped on my back, "give me a piggy back ride orcus" she said playfully, I smile Carried her. "Miss I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" one officer said. "No she doesn't not I'm giving her a piggyback ride...." I said aggravated at how he tried to stop zoey from having fun. "But orcus we have business to-" "I don't care... if she wants a piggy back ride She gets one now shall we look at the videos...." I sad cutting him off and walking away into the security room with zoey giggling happily, the officers hesitated and entered  the room.

We showed them the videos they studied them closely as I walked around with zoey. "Excuse me but what are you two throwing into the wood chipper here." I froze in my tracks and smiled carrying zoey over and turned on the tv showing video feed from last week showing us cutting up wood and throwing it into the exact bag. Zoey giggled knowing we editors the video expertly to go over the video of me brutally ripping apart that man's chest. The officers stopped the tapes and shook my hand and I escorted them out while still carrying zoey. "Orcus can we go out today? I wanna have a romantic dinner with my love" zoey said as I shut the door behind the officers. "That sounds wonderful zoey."  I said blushing slightly.

I got dress in my most elegant tuxedo and looked in the mirror. I looked over my face my hair slightly over my right  eye, the eye that has the claw marks. I smirked at the four scars my dad claws  into my face and then noticed zoey standing there watching me look a the scar on my face. She walked up to me slowly and kissed my right eye. "How did you get these." Zoey asked softly as she rests her head on my shoulder. "My father did it... just before  I killed him." I said chuckling. "He would beat me every time he saw me and he deserved to die. " I said chuckling. Zoey Whimpered and kissed my cheek, "let's go we will miss our reservation in the restaurant." I nodded and escorted zoey but before headingto the limo, I said good bye to Sofia and David. we then entered the limo "Charles please we're have reservations please hurry" I said. charles nodded and started the car. I looked at zoey in her beautiful dressed she looked like a true princess and I could feel my heart beat faster. "I love you zoey..." I said quietly. Zoey shocked by what she heard blushes  so intensely her face turned blood red. "I-I love you too baby" she said shyly.

We arrived at the restaurant and I escorted zoey in I pulled out her chair for her, we both sat down and ordered. We enjoyed each other's company and I asked her how she found me and why she decided she wanted me. "Um well" zoey said blushing. "I first saw a picture of you when you were twelve, at the time I was 13 but I still couldn't imagine how handsome you were." Zoey said blushing. "Then what did you do about it?" I said curious. "I um well I stalked you" she said blushing shyly. "I started to find pictures of you shirtless and.... I'd get upset seeing all of your bruises and I would imagine killing your parents everyday." She said clenching her fist, "so when did you decide you were going to take action and make me yours?" I said taking a bite of my steak. "When I turned 16 actually I couldn't imagine you being with some skank... so I decided to get a job as a maid but I as to young until I turn 17, but when I was finally able to I found out your parent were killed " zoey said giggling. "And then here we are" she said smiling and placing her hand on mine.

I smiled and paid the bill leaving a 125 dollar tip, "well it's getting late shall we go?" I said holding out my atm for zoey. She giggled and grabbed my arm and we walked to the limo. "Home Charles please and thank you." "Yes sir Orcus" we were driving and noticed several fire trunks passing us and I finally noticed that they were heading to my house. We turned the corner to see my house  set a blaze.... I quickly jumped out of the limo and asked the firefighter if anyone was inside they told me several people were trapped inside. "Have you seen a woman and man named Sofia and David!" I yelled grabbing the firefighter. "No they must be still trapped inside." He said regrettingly. My wife's widened and zoey covered her mouth almost crying, I looked at zoey and then back to the firefighter. I then turned to the house and sprinted to the door and kicked in the large chard oak door.


What's gonna happen to Sofia and David? Find out next chapter in will change everything.... or maybe nothing ;p I hope you enjoyed please continue reading comment and fill free to ask me questions if you want.  Please enjoy reading.

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