chapter 6: Breaking News

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The time is 11 a.m. zoey had woken up early and decided to cuddle with Orcus she placed his head on her chest and began to pet his head gently. "You are see cute laying here so peacefully covered in blood" she whispered quietly as she gently hugged my head. I then began to wake up, "zoey please tell me your not trying to choke me." I said uncomfortable with her arms wrapped around my head. "I would never choke my darling Orcus." She said giggling. I stood up and went to take a shower I turned on the hot water and stood under it enjoying the water falling down onto my face clearing my mind as the water falls on me. The water had began to turn red as the blood started to wash off and I began to pour soap in my hand and wash my body I gritted my teeth because the soap had seeped into my open wounds. "Mmm the pain it's so delightful" I spoke aloud. "My my my you have such a nice body especially between your legs" zoey says giggling in a seductive way as she watches me. Ignoring her I kept my eyes closed so I wouldn't get any soap in my eyes as I began to wash my hair. "Please stop it zoey I am trying to enjoy my shower" I say in lazy half awake way. "I heard what you said about pain it gave me chills" she says as she slides her finger up my leg. "It's such a shame you ignore poor wittle zoey" she says pouting as she slides her finger past my knee. I gave her a deep growl and zoey pulls away submissively, "s-sorry..."

"It's fine zoey" I say shutting off the water and stepping out of it and then using a towel I dry myself off. I then throw the towel in the dirty clothes basket and pull zoey off her knees making her stand infront of me. She blushes as I man handle her and then zoey looks at me in disbelief as I begin to remove her clothes and remove hear underwear. "W-what are you doing sweetie" she asks twisting her body to show off what she has. "I'm removing your clothes.. now" I point to the shower."get in the shower and clean yourself off we can't have you walking around smelling like a a filthy dog. Zoey giggled and barked like a puppy and jumped In the shower wiggling her butt at me and I then shut the curtains and leave to my studies. "Hmm she is most cute and clearly attractive but why is it I feel such a strange feeling around her hmmm...." I shrugged it off got dressed and then e ntered my studies to find David working diligently I smirk. "So you enjoying the job?" I asked watching him typing away on his laptop like he was a machine. "It's been the best job ever but it's pretty stressful at times." David smiles at me and continues working. My phone then rings and I look at the number and its one I have never seen before I answered and heard a woman's voice. "Hello sir Ocrus this is David's wife Diana can you please give my husband time off his children miss him so much." She begs. "I understand no need to worry dear I will fix this right now." I hung up the phone and looked at David and he looked at me "something wrong sir?" He questioned.

"Yes David something is very wrong you haven't been spending enough time with your children.." I say disappointed. "But sir I... I have so much work to do.." he says worried. I slowly walked up to him and look upset. "You need to take some much needed time off and spend it with your children understand." I say closing his laptop. "But-" "David! I said go home now" I smile handing him his coat. "Get the hell out of here and enjoy the time with your family." David exited the room and I sat on my desk and stretched my arms out.

"Oh master" zoey said entering my study with a cookie in her mouth she was holding it with both hands like a child. "Forgive me but May I ask why are you so childish and yet a vicious murder?" I asked watching her munch on her cookie. "Hmmm I dunno but I do know that I am hungry and I want your blood again." She demands fussily. I looked at her with a raised brow and crossed my arms "And if I refuse?" As soon as I said that zoey began to sniffle and made a super pouty face as a tear fell down one of her cheeks. I got a weird feeling and it hurt for some reason even though I had not suffered a recent wound, it felt as if I had a cut over my heart I didn't like it so I gave in. I sighed "oh fine come here." I said holding out my arm, zoey's face lit up and she stumbled over and bite my arm real cute like. I bit my lip from the pain and moaned slightly, Zoey had began to suck and she shut her eyes enjoying the taste of my blood. "I'm assuming you will be staying here now huh" I asked and she drank my blood greedily. She nodded and let go of my arm but still licked my arm eagerly. "Like I said before Orcus you are mine now. No one else's. Mine!!" She yelled like a stubborn child. "Whatever you say I suppose I will find you a room to stay in." I say opening a book and begins to read it. "No thank you I already have one and its close so I can keep you in sight." She said snuggling to my waist and began playing with my shirt. "Fine whatever just please stop with this constant sexual advancements" I said standing up and heading to the living room. Zoey followed me like a lost puppy, "are you saying you don't find me even a little bit attractive " she says pouting as she hugs my arm.

I sat in the large couch and turned on my tv and began to watch a show. "I will admit you are adorable, sweet, murderous and sexy and a bit sadistic." Zoey giggled and rested her chin on my chest looking up at me. "Then why don't you take me Ocrus are you gay?" I looked at her surprised. "I am bisexual if you must know." I say slightly offended. "Oh my you are bi how interesting are you also a masochist?" She asks interested. Blushing I turned away from her "maybe". "Oh my so have you ever been with a man? Or a girl?" She asks as each question become more personal. "No I refuse to let some random person have their way with me just because of my sexual desire I am the master of my life not my hormones and I will not be with someone unless I know I will die for them..." I said in a serious tone. Zoey listening intently got up and straddled me and pinned my arms. "So was yesterday the first time you ever kissed someone?" She asked leaning over me. "Yes" I said not amused by her dominant actions. Zoey then giggles and kissed me deeply, I pulled away slightly then slowly kissed her back. Then all the sudden the television blared and had a alarm from a news report. "Horrifying news for a suburban boys hold when two unsuspecting parents arrived home to find their sons body horribly mutilated and the walls of the house covered in blood."

I opened my eyes wide and pushed Zoey off me and listened closely. "Police said that they found the child's head in the parents bedroom and on the walls was spelled
"welcome home this is what happens to those who hurt the innocents" police have sweeped for finger prints or leads as to how this had happened but nothing has turned up the killer is still at large. More on this story at 10 please stay tuned." I look at Zoey and smile and begin to laugh. And I then lean over and kissed her deeply and zoey shocked by this melts to my touch. I then stood up and walk to the dinning room. "Come on Zoey we must have a feast!" I say ready to celebrate. Zoey still shaky from the kiss followed Orcus like a lost puppy.


I do hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment and I hope you continue to read my story i am happy to see people reading please continue reading... *bows gratefully*

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