chapter 26: ...Rebel with unborn child killed....

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I woke up the sound of gun fire and bullets shooting up threw the floor. I struggle out of bed grabbed my knife and heard Raven scream. I gritted my teeth and sprinted out of the room and down the hall with unimaginable speed and made it to the open walk way, where I found two soldiers on held Raven back by her pony tails and Zoey on her knees with the barrel of a gun between her eyes. "NO!!!!" I screamed, they looked at me and he started to pull the trigger. I began to sprint towards him and as I did I saw the barrel of the gun recoil. It was like a horrible dream everything was happening in slow motion and I was forced to watch and try to save my wife. I got half way to Zoey but the bullet already splattered her brains a crossed the kitchen floor. I slide on my knees to catch her body as it fell and just looked at her lifeless corpse in disbelief.

They let go of Raven and looked at each other, "our orders was the girl leave them be." They said as they exited the house calmly. I sat there stroking Zoey's beautiful hair. "I-its ok baby... I... I know your just t-tired that's it..." As I spoke two slow trails of tears formed down my face. "Zoey wake up please... Raven w-wants to play please w-wake.. Up wake!! Up!!! Please!!!" I screamed desperately. Raven was hugging my back crying, as she yelled Mommy. "DON'T LEAVE US ZOEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed starting to cry uncontrollably. I look at her stomach and reached for it shakily. "N-no.... Why......"As I started to ask why, I was snapped back into reality, And something inside me snapped. Suddenly the house shook and the darkness surround my entire body and Raven stepped away scared. "D-daddy.." She said shaking. I ignored her and walked out side to see the to soldiers getting in their car, I jumped up and land in front of the car. The got back out and pointed their guns at me. "What the fuck are doing. you just get back in your house we don't want to make that little girl an orphan. "Now your concerned about my DAUGHTER!!!!" As I screamed the sky started to get dark and the darkness was closing in my body was nothing but a black void leaving my eyes luminous white. "YOU JUST KILLED HER FUCKING MOTHER!!!!" I walked up and kicked the car launching it back and at that moment they opened fire on me. I took a step back and disappeared in the darkness. I appeared behind one of then and snapped his neck and pull out his tactical knife and ran up to the other, and gutted him violently. I screamed in anger and started violently stabbing their corpses. Suddenly I felt a hand on my back and quickly turned around ready to kill who ever it was.

I turned to see Raven with red soby scared eyes. I stopped with the blade inches away from her eye. The sky started to clear up and my body returned to normal, "sweetheart... I'm so sorry..." I hugged her tightly and swore I'd never hurt her. I picked her up and went back to Zoey's lifeless body and both Raven and I sat by her body I held Zoey in my arms and Zoey laid on her lap we hugged her and cried. After about two hours I looked at my loves lifeless body and kissed her, then told Raven to head to her room. I watched her leave and then looked back at Zoey, its obvious in my face their was absolutely no more compassion I was a hollow shell with only enough kindness for my daughter.

"Orcus....." I suddenly heard. I looked over and saw Gary standing in the broken door way. With a shocked expression and no words to say I just started at him. Gary clenched his fist and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I-I couldn't save her Gary... I-I wasn't fast enough...." I started to cry again and i pressed my forehead against Zoey's. "Why did they do this Gary!!' I demanded answers. Gary walked up slowly and gave me a USB, "This was Zoey's she told me to give it to you..." I took the USB and looked at Gary.

Later that day we buried Zoey and I put over 50 roses on her grave and then went to my laptop and plugged in the USB. One file showed up, labeled 'Orcus' I clicked on it and a bunch of photos popped up. My eyes started to tear up as I looked at all the photos and videos of us. One of when we visited Paris, the day we went to Davids for his kids highschool graduation party, and dozens of photos of Zoey and I cuddling and acting a fool. I covered my mouth and then sobbed into my hand as our wedding video played. I watched the video of Raven taking her first steps with Zoey fallowing right behind her worried shell fall and I found one of her and I snuggling.


"Zoey turn off the camera I hate being on tape." I said covering my face. "Awe come on love do it for me tell the future me you love me please" she begged like a child. I sighed and looked at the camera. "Hello future Zoey odds are your still the most beautiful girl in this existence so let me tell you I love you so much." Zoey giggled and kissed me and the looked at the camera. "Hey Orcus can you see that?" "What?" She pointed at the camera and smiled "There it's you, your watching us."

-I collapsed my face into my hands and cried.-

"Your a Daddy and are doing your best to take care of us" she kissed my check and I rolled my eyes. "I love you Orcus"

*end of video*

As the screen went black I took a deep breath trying to compose myself. Suddenly another video played.

*final video*

"Hello my precious love if your watching this I am dead... But how I can not say I may have died in my sleep, or from old age, maybe even cancer. But the more obvious one maybe I was executed... If so I put together this so you would never have to forget the love we shared.

Now you must know my brother is the leader of the rebellion and that is why I may have been killed by the soldier of our government. I believe in the world my brothers trying to form and yours and Ravens safety was my first priority. Please don't be angry with me my love. I never intended on leaving you or Raven. I want you to know your my only reason for living Orcus, I love you so much." She said with tears in her eyes as she turned off the camera.


I looked at the screen sort of angry but more sad then upset. "Then I will make his world a reality for you Zoey...."

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