chapter 11: Chloe

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Speeding down the highway at 123mph, I hit the breaks fast and turned arriving at the address. I looked up at a window to see a shadowy figure waving at me I glared at then and suddenly heard tires screeching and looked over to see a car speeding toward me. They flicked on their high beams and stunned I tried to move but was hit by the car and it sent me flying towards a brick wall my head hit hard and I was knocked unconscious....

I woke up to a pleasant strike to my left temple. "Wake up you son of a bitch" a man said in a bitter husky voice. I opened my eyes slowly and my vision was hazy and I couldn't focus and without any help from the man he strikes me again knocking out one of my teeth. "That's it rich boy wakey wakey" he said mockingly. I looked up at him furious and saw that I was In some kinda bomb shelter by the looks of the cylinder shaped hallway form of the room, and as I looked over the room I spotted someone chained to a chair, It was zoey..... "Oh look at that you noticed the little whore. The boss said we couldn't rape her." He said pouting. I looked at him with the lust for blood, "that is until you were here to watch" he said with a disgusting smirk. "Don't fucking touch her!!" I screamed as I began to run getting off me knees and running towards him. He began to walk towards zoey who had just woken up. "O-Orucs..." She said through watery eyes her face beaten and bruised. I got about 6ft before suddenly I felt my wrists pull back I realized my hands were chained behind my back with a chain tied to a steel bolt to the floor. I tried to force my way towards the man as he walked slowly towards zoey I was struggling to get to him and was screaming desperately for him to stop I began to pull so hard straining the chains on my wrists so much my wrists began to bleed. "Why not boy this is what you for killing my friend haha" he said as he stood infront of zoey, and began to unzip his pants.

Watching horrified I began to think desperately and spoke without thinking. "Your friend huh you know he died like a pig!" I screamed. The man stopped, it worked keep talking I thought to myself. "And he choked like a pathetic weasel on his own blood!" I yelled egging him on. The man turned and began to walk towards me with malicious intents. "No stop leave him alone!!!" Zoey screamed crying. The man walked up to me and round house kicked me in the stomach, I puked and dropped to my knees. He then began to viciously strike me. I sat there accepting every punch and suddenly saw my chance and I used one leg and stood up Launching myself up slamming my skull into the pressure point just bellow your sternum, causing him to drop down I stood up fast moving out off his way letting him to fall face first on the floor. I quickly jumped up sliding my arms under my feet so they were in front of me I then quickly wrapped the chain around his neck and pulled him closer to the wall so I had more chain to tie around his neck. I then stood on his back and began to pull the chain visciuosly. With each time I tightened the chain I could hear the bones in his neck begin to shift and finally I slammed my foot down between his shoulder blades his neck shattered making a sound like someone was stepping on glass. Looking down I let go of the chains and saw his head drop limply like a new born baby who couldn't support the weight of its head.

I spit on him and then saw the keys to the chains on his belt I unlocked my chains and turned to see zoey. I nearly cried as I walked up to zoey, smiling with tears in her eyes she spoke softly. "I-I knew you would come f-for me O-Orcus..." I placed my hand on her cheek. "I love you zoey I won't let anyone hurt you again..." I said. I then looked at her hands chained to her side's I was about to unchain her when I heard the sound of lock gears turning. Without a second thought placed the key in zoeys hand and looked behind me to see 5 people and four of them guns drawn. "Oh my look at what you did to Joe, looks like I shouldn't have left him alone with you hahaha" the woman in the middle of the four man said with a seductive tone and evil laugh. Pissed I looked at her and spoke in a hash tone. "Who the fuck are you bitch...." "bitch? Me? Aghahaha oh stop your to kind. But if you must know my name is Chloe and your the little bastard who murdered my husband so now you both will die haha shoot them boys." She spoke smirking. Without hesitation they readied their weapons and pulled the triggers.

Without any thought my body moved in front of zoey, not one bullet hit her every single bullet hit my body I used my arms to cover my face and 21 bullets found there way into my flesh. They stopped shooting and Chloe began to laugh. "Oh how noble of you Orcus saving the damsel in distress." She clapped and continued laughing. Shakily I let my hands fall to my side's and I began to walk towards Chloe. "Awe he wants to play." She said eagerly. I stepped weakily but after my fifth step they shot two bullets at my legs one bullet for each leg. I grunted from the pain and could no longer walk and I dropped to my knees. The loss of blood finally kicked in and I fell on my face and passed out.


I watched as the man I love fell to the ground lifelessly. "ORCUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed unable to believe what had happened to my sweet orcus. Chloe the cunt who decided to toy with my poor little orcus and make him feel such pain had begun to walk towards me. She stopped in front of orcus and used her filthy foot to lift orcus's face to look at him. "Don't you touch him!!! He's mine!!!!!!" I screamed furiously. She glared at me then smiled and continued to walk towards me with the four man following her. They surrounded me and pointed there guns at me, without hesitation I loosened the chain around me and swung it around me expertly whipping the guns from all of there hands and wrapped it around one guys neck and used my momentum to swing my body around and drop kicked the following guy directly adjacent from him and pulled the chain downward slamming the other guys face off the ground. The other two quickly grabbed my legs and I used the chain to slash it across one of the men's face and punch the other in the temple killing him from the blunt impact to the soft parts of the skull. I used my feet to break the man's neck who had still been holding my leg.

"My my my aren't you a feisty one" Chloe said picking up a gun. I grabbed her arm and punched her chest, in response she grabbed my hair and slammed my head against a wall. The pain was nothing compared to my anger I grabbed he her left arm and broke her wrist. "Agh!!!! You bitch!!" Chloe screamed bashing the butt of the gun to my skull. I collapsed to the floor and saw Chloe standing over me. "Awe see you will be able to see your bastard lover soon so stop fussing." She said pushing the barrel of the gun to my forehead.

This was it I am going to die.... "I love you Orcus..." I said as I saw her finger begin to squeeze the trigger then closed my eyes. "AGH!!!!!" Chloe screamed as I opened my eyes shocked as I saw Chloe's chest push out violently and saw a hand burst threw her chest holding her heart. It disappeared as it began to pull out of her and she fell lifelssly to the floor. I watched as she fell and looked back up to see orcus holding her heart in his left hand that was covered in her blood and her heart was still slightly beating. "O-Orcus..." I said in disbelief. He then lifted his hand and took a bite out of Chloe's heart and then through it to the floor. I looked into his eyes and saw what true evil was such hate and loathing was in his eyes it terrified me... then he looked at me and all that disappeared and was replaced with tears.

*end of Zoey*

As I throw Chloe's heart to the wall I savored the taste oh this filthy wenches heart and could physically see all the people she and her husband had killed all the innocent family's they slaughtered. I chuckled in my head as I watched the visions of her memories killing people then finally swallows the bite of her heart and looked at zoey.

My heart filled with hope, "Z-Zoey.... I told you I wouldn't let her hurt you again.." I said as I dropped to my knees and embraced Zoey. "I thought you were dead...." Zoey said crying. "I was...." I said honestly. "The truth is I don't know why I am alive right now but I do believe I came back because I promised I would protect you...." I said holding her tightly. "Why isn't your chest bleeding orcus?" She asked concerned. "Because I'm wearing a light bullet proof vest but it only blocked some bullets I am still suffering serious wounds and... am having a tough time I am slowing my heart rate so I don't bleed out anymore...." I said shakily. "Lets get out of here quick" Zoey said lifting me up and carried me out. I don't remember what happened after that but I woke up in my bed with several bandages through out my body with zoey cuddling g with my left arm and Sofia asleep at my bedside.


Well I hope you enjoyed all of these fun chapters I enjoyed writing these and hope you enjoyed them immensely. Please comment and ask me questions if you like I will happily answer them. Please forgive me for not updating sooner I have just had a lot going on lately at my job and stuff so please forgive me *bows respectfully*

OrcusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora