chapter 12: day of relaxation

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I tried to get out of bed so I didn't wake Sofia or Zoey and attempted to walk but dropped to the floor making a loud noise waking both Sofia and zoey. "ORCUS!!!!" Them both scream as I look at them confused. "Um yes?" "What do you think your doing!!!" Sofia screamed. "I am trying to take a shower but I can't walk." I spoke feeling a huge pain in both my legs. "Because the paramedics removed the bullets and you will have trouble walking for a little bit." Sofia spoke helping me up along with zoey. "We take care of you Orcus" zoey said in a childish way.

Sofia and zoey helped me to the shower. "Ok well you guys can leave me alone now." I said pulling off my shirt exposing my scars. Sofia covered her mouth from the scars on my back and she left naturally zoey stayed. I turned around to see her naked. "Um what the hell are you doing?" "I am helping you shower" she said jumping into the shower turning on the water. She pulls me up and shampoos my hair. "This is so degrading...." I said ashamed. "Oh hush just sit still and I'll be finish with your hair soon love." She said rising my hair she then began yo was my back then my chest and slide her hands down my abs. "Whoa!! Ok I can do that bit ok!" I said covering my crouch. "Awe you still don't let zoey have any fun you meanie." Zoey said pouting as she pressed her curvy body against me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I blushed and covered my crouch more as the thought of zoeys naked body pressed against me. "What are you doing down there sweetie. " She said watching my crouch. "Please leave me be I really would appreciate it." "No" zoey said pushing me against the wall pinning me and kissing me deeply running here hands down my chest.

Zoey ground against my crouch and I finally pushed her off my breathing heavily. "Stop..." I spoke in a dark voice causing zoey to become submissive again. "S-sorry orcus..." She spoke softly and left the shower in a hurry. I stood there breathing heavily mesmerized by what zoey did. "That was interesting" I spoke to myself. I shook my head and shakil y stood up in front of my mirror, I grunted from the pain of standing and moaned slightly. I then picked up the clothes Sofia left out for me and got dressed and limped to my closet and grabbed a elegant cain. I used it to walk and exited my door to find zoey sitting there waiting like a puppy.

"O-Orcus I'm sorry I just can't handle myself around you sometimes" she spoke shyly. Pulling her up I kissed her gently, causing her to blush. "Don't worry my love." I said winking causing zoeys face to go completely red. "Oh my" she spoke shyly "can you go to my studies and bring me a cup of blood please?" She nodded excitedly and ran to my studies. I shook my head grinning as I began to limp down stairs when I heard crashing and slamming, and then I heard a scream. ...sofia's... scream.....

I hurried downstairs as fast as I could and opened and down to see a employee pushing Sofia against a counter and covering her mouth as he pulled down her pants. It was obvious he was drunk... without a word I used the tip of my cain to force into the man's Adams Apple causing him to be pin to the wall while I push hard enough to choke him but not kill him keeping him under control. "What the fuck are you doing you filthy drunk...." I said pushing my tip of my Cain harder against his throat. "Get off my y-you rich asshole. I.. *hiccup* am trying to get some here.." he said with a drunk slur. I looked at him with a dark glare that made him stop everything. I looked back at Sofia and leaned down and helped her with her pants and wiped away her tears. "Leave ok sweetie" i say patting her gently pushing her out of the room. "Don't enter this room again today no matter what you hear...." I say slamming the door behind Sofia. I look back at the man who is barely breathing from the pressure of the cain against us throat and I decided to slam it against his throat pushing his Adams Apple in, causing him to cough up blood and his eye to roll back. I grabbed a knife from my pocket and stabbed him in the eye and throw him to the floor.

I looked at his lifeless body and got down on my knees and decided you stab his throat and cut down his throat and cut throat his caller bones. I ripped out his caller bones with my bare hand and threw them down, this decided to pull his veins out and brutally mutilate his torso beyond comprehension. Then all the sudden the door opened I looked over my shoulder and probably looked like a rabid animal with blood covering my arms chest and mouth. I heard giggling and realized it was zoey, "awe look at my little cannibal enjoying his play time." "This isn't play time!!!!" I say stabbing a knife into the man's skull causing his body to twitch. "Why not? " "because he tried raping Sofia...." Zoeys eyes got wide and anger filled them. "Lets put him in the wood chipper....." Zoey said bitterly, I nodded and slowly got up using my cain to help me. We stuffed his body in a black trash bag and dragged him to the garden shed, We cut up his body into little pieces.

We burned his body and pulled out his bones to grind up and used for spreading of the rose bushes. "We have to go see if Sofia ok..." I said trying to walk normally. Zoey helped me walk even though I didn't want it. We made it into the house and I heard whimpering from a bathroom and walked in to find Sofia in the shower, I got in the shower and say down next to Sofia and zoey did the same. Sofia immediately wrapped her arms around me shocked I slowly hugged her and zoey kissed Sofia's forehead.

"Th-thank you two for being here for me.... and thank you Orcus for saving me.... " She said sobbing into my neck. "He won't hunt you anymore I promise Sofia...." I said thinking of that disgusting pig. Zoey, Sofia and I then fell asleep in that bathroom and enjoyed the peaceful quietness of it all.


I truly hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment and tell me your thoughts. This will be my last chapter for a while I will have three chapters coming soon I promise I just have to finish my a few drawings for my sweetheart so please be patient.

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