chapter 4: The Advancement

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I woke up to find myself randomly in my garden shed covered in blood. "Oh dear what have I been doing?" I laughed as I licked the blood from my hands. "Wait a second this is my blood how on earth did I get covered in my own blood?" I ask myself as I stand up to find my leg chained to the steal support beam in the shed. " What on earth did I do last night?" I questioned as I looked around and found bolt cutters and released myself and wiped off the blood from my arms and shoulders. "Wait a moment are those... bite marks?" I looked closely to see the blood was coming from bite marks on my arms and torso. "Now that is most curious." I said pulling off my chains and walking out of the shed and up to the house. I waved to the new staff members and they waved back confused and embarassed as I noticed I was still naked. "Well I think I should put on my clothes huh.." I got in the house and put on my clothes and exited the house to take a stroll in the garden.

I was approached by Sofia who was screaming and obviously worried sick. "Orcus where have you been I looked into your room and found your bed empty and covered in blood I thought you just got up early and your wounds had opened but I couldn't find you and oh my I was worried sick!!" She screamed as she hugged me. "What the he'll has someone been biting you!" She said pull my arm up and looked at the bite marks still bleeding slightly. " you know I honestly have know idea what had happened I woke up chained to the garden shed." I explained chuckling. "What!" She yelled obviously upset. " Oh don't worry I am fine I figure out what happened sooner or late" I said smirking. "I will find out because I do not appreciate being used and will not allow my blood to be drinking unless they ask permission" I thought to myself and as I thought this sort had walked in the garden and saw me shocked and obviously surprised to see me. "Hmm perhaps I should speak to the new maid." I spoke chuckling slightly as I walked after zoey who had now turn and walked away in quite a swift speed.

"Dammit he's escaped how on earth did he get out maybe I shouldn't have left him alone his blood tastes so yummy and he has to be mine! MINE AND ONLY MINE!!! " zoey thought to herself as she ran away from Orcus. She ran into the maze and turn a corner and saw Orcus leaning against a bench smirking at her. "Zoey my dear zoey did you want to try the maze out also." I spoke in a dark voice as I walked up to her slowly. "Yes I um.. thought it would be fun how was your morning master... I mean um sir Orcus" Zoey bit her lip feeling thrilled by calling Orcus master. "He's so damn sexy" she thought to herself as she watched him walk slowly up to her. "Now please can you help me understand why my arms are covered in bite marks and my own blood?" I ask as I grabbed her hands and showed her my arms covered in bite marks then I looked at her face it was obvious she enjoyed the site of my blood.

"Look at all his delicious blood it's just dripping onto the floor such a waste" zoey thought. "Do you wish to taste." I say seductively as I watch zoey's eyes light up and her face get red. "I don't know that seems... mmm wonderful" she said as she began to lick up my arm and then began to suck and bite more. I clenched my teeth as she bit my arm aggressively and I then pulled my arm from her mouth and heard her whimper. "You were the one who chained me to the support beam in the garden shed" she looked at me with a lustful look and tackled me and pinned me to the ground and pulled a knife and placed it on my throat. I sat there laughing as zoey licked the blood off my arm lick a puppy thirst for its mother's milk. "Now zoey you seem to be quite a interesting girl" I say chuckling as she stared into my eye with a dark emptiness I knew all to well. "Because! Your mine now!!! Only mine!!! MINE! MINE!! MINE!!! MINE!!!!" Zoey screams as blood dripped from her mouth. I looked at her with a sly grin and a raised brow. "Interesting" I said as I looked into her eyes they had want and pure desire. "And how May I ask will you take me away from here I am now the most powerful person in the state and not to mention my parents had been murdered a few days ago you really think they would just let me walk around without anyone watching me" I said in a whisper. "Your parents were murdered but not by that former staff member you fired it is clear to me that it was you" she said in a slow seductive voice.

I opened my eyes wide and all life left them an grab zoey by the throat pushing off the ground while grabbing the knife from her. She tried to stop me cutting my throat slightly, I then pinned her to the ground and placed the knife firmly against her cheek cutting her slightly drawing blood. "How is it you know this" I ask in a cold demonic voice. She giggled and stuck out her tongue to catch the blood that was dripping from my neck. "Tehe I can see it in your eyes master" she said seductively. "I know the look of a killer when I see one and you clearly murdered them and you loved it didn't you" she said as she cupped my crouch, I looked into her eyes and completely ignored her hand. "What do you mean when say you know the look of a killer when you see one...." I said in a dark voice. She leaned up and licked up some blood and whispered in my ear. "Because I like to kill people" she said and began to giggle. "Did you plan on killing me zoey dearest..." I said cutting a line down her cheek and neck causing her to whimper and bite her lip. "Mmm why do you tease me so I would never hurt you Orcus I just want to taste your blood it's so yummy" she says in a naughty way as blood begins to fall from the long cut down her cheek and neck. "Well listen to me zoey dearest... if you speak a word of what I've done I will kill you and let this cut remind you of what I said..." I said in a serious and nerve wrecking tone.

She looked at me with a playful look an licked my nose. "Just as long as you become mine....." zoey spoke in a bitter and stubborn childish tone as she started to unzip my pants. I through her hand off my crouch and stood over her as she got up and whipped the blood from her cut up with her finger and force her finger in my mouth making me taste her blood, I stared at her blankly but was unable to resist the wonderful taste of her blood and began to lick it off her finger "mmm I knew you wanted a taste my sweet Orcus" Zoey thought to herself as her eyes rolled back slightly and then walked away, "I'll have to keep an eye on that one" I said watching Zoey walk away like a cute school girl.

"I guess she is a stalker how fantastic.." I walked to my room I opened the safe and pulled out a whine glass filled with blood and took a sip. "Such a wonderful taste blood is and a elegant color." I spoke to myself and began to drink the blood slowly. But then my mind drifted back and began to think of zoey's blood it tasted so Devine. But she seemed to share my ideas and enjoyed my blood as if it was candy. "She may become a problem but what is her fascination with me hmmm" I thought to myself. I shrugged it off and then finished my glass of blood and then took a shower washing off all the dry blood on me and then went to bed.


Who would of thought Zoey was a possessive psychopath. Isn't she just a sweet girl and it appears Ocrus might have his hands full. What's gonna happen? Guess you will have to continue reading please enjoy and also please comment if you wish.

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