chapter 17: zoeys brother?

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I woke up alone zoey was gone and the house was silent, I looked at the desk and found a note. The note read, "good morning my love I hope to see you soon I am waiting for you down at the peer please come see me baby." There was a black lipstick kiss Mark at the bottom of it. "Hmmm... maybe I should get some air..." I got out of bed and went into my closet I got a black sweatshirt that has the right sleeve cut off and has a cut down the back like a cloak it goes down to the back of my knees and short in front like a elegant ball room vest but a tad more sinister, do to the full black color and the metal shoulder guard. I slipped on a pair of leather gloves and I put on a pair of black steel toe shoes.

"Well I suppose I should get going.." I said hiding a knife under my skin tight black t-shirt. I put on my hood and opened the front door to a bright sunny day, "what a lovely day..." I said covering my eyes. I walked down the stone walk way and looked out to see hundreds of people enjoying the beach. I then heard a foreign voice. "Morning neighbor" a man said in a happy up beat tone. Looked at him and his face went from happy care free to shocked, "hmm it appears he doesn't like my outfit or maybe it's my arm" I thought to myself as I looked at the red scared spiralled up my arm. I looked back at the man who was still stunned slightly and I faked a smile and bowed respectively "good morning to you as well" I said in my most polite manor like I was taught.

I continued walking and looked around sorta lost. "Damn I forgot where the peer is its been so long sense I have been to the summer home. Hmm ah yes this way." I said looking down the beach. I walked down the side walk and heard a strong voice, " hey freak!!" A guy said. I looked at him and it was obvious he was some what my age and he clearly was trying to impress some bimbo so he can get laid. "I'm talking to you ya fucking freak." He said pushing me backwards. Instinctively I stepped backward and locked my leg so I stopped and stood strong. The well toned guy with a six pack and strong arms, was shocked at how I was not fazed by his assault. "You better get back to your day at the beach pretty boy...." I said with a dark voice. As I said that all of the people he was hanging out with all said "oooohhh" causing the guys face to become red and at that moment I started to walk away. "Shit man you gonna let him do that" one of his friends said egging him on. And when I heard that my paranoia kicked in and I dropped down and did a leg sweep. As I did that I noticed his fist past above my head and I knocked him on his ass.

At that moment his friends got quiet and I ignored them all and continued walking to the peer. It's about a 15minute walk to the peer and I turned a corner and could see the peer but still had a long walk. Suddenly I felt a arm around my neck and I was pulled violently into a dark ally, and I was thrown against a wall. It was the guy from earlier. He held me by my throat and lifted me up off the ground, to my surprised I stayed still letting him choke me. It was difficult to breath extremely difficult, "your fucking emo little bitch who do you think you are embarrassing me in front of my friends and those hot chicks. " He said tightening his grip. I was almost unable to stay awake when all the suddenly he punched me hard I almost puked but he dropped me and I coughed uncontrollably. I laughed at me and kicked my right arm I grunted from the pain of the burn and clenched my fist. I then began to laugh slightly and began to laugh harder and louder. The guy picked me up and shoved me back against the wall. "What the hell are you laughing at freak." He said getting ready to punch me again. "The fact that you have no idea what I am..." I smiled like a demonic insane person. "What's that supposed to mean- " is all he managed to say.

I stabbed my knife deep into his stomach near his right hip bone. He looked a me wide eye and coughed up a small amount of blood as I dragged my knife across his stomach to his left hip bone. He let go of me and stepped away and he did so his guts started to spill out of his stomach. "What I mean by that is I am death my sweet ignorant child." I said as I placed my hand on his cheek gently. " and I am going to watch you die like the filthy animal you are..." I said bringing my knife to his cheek and sliding it down putting him slightly. "Get away from me someone!!! Help me!!!" He yelled desperately. I grabbed him an covered his mouth. "Shhh shhh don't scream just accept that you are nothing now but a corpse." I said smiling as I grabbed my knife and stabbed it in between his eyes.

I laughed as I heard the sound of his skull spilt, "now what should we do with your body hmmm." I thought as I spotted a man hole out of the corner of my eye. "That should do" I said pulling the man hole open and kicking his body into the hole. I watched as his guts started to disappear into the man hole like a person slurping noodles. I heard a loud splash and laughed covering man hole and continuing to the peer. I finally made it to the end when I found a girl with cute handle bar pigtails and a adorable black skirt and large black boots and a fishnet under shirt with a loose skull shirt over it. "Hello my love" she said. I smile as zoey looked at me with her cute outfit on. "You look cute" I said walking up to her. "So do you mister scar arm." She said poking fun at my right arm that has no sleeve. "I saw you had these clothes in your closet so I took them I found black lipstick in your mother's makeup bag." She said standing up. "I'm hungry I'm going to get us food wait here otay baby" I nodded at her as she walked away. I watched her and smiled slightly, suddenly I felt a tingles up my spine and eyes watching me I quickly turned around to see a sinister person in a black cloak walking towards me.

"Good morning sir circus Samuel atan." The guy said bowing respectfully. "How did you know who I was...." I said casually pulling up my pants but actually grabbing my knife. "Because your dating my little sister..." He said pulling out a knife and slashes at me. I quickly pull my blade out and stop his knife with mine. "Hmmm your a killer I can tell by how you blocked my slash." He said smiling. He pulled out another and stabbed at my face I blocked it with my hand but the blade landed between my fingers only able to slightly cut the web's of my fingers. "Gary stop it!!!" Zoey screamed running over and drop kicking him off me.

"I was only saying hello dear sister." he said chuckling. As he kicked the blood from one of his knives. "Hmmmm his blood tastes good." "I know that's why it's mine!!" She yelled holding my face to her breasts protectively. "You have a brother" I say mindlessly into zoeys breasts. "Yup Orcus this is my big brother Gary he tought me to kill" she said smiling as she moved my head to look at him like I was a play thing. "Um hello pleasure to meet you" I say holding out my hand. He glared at me and smirked, he reached for my hand and grabbed it firmly I felt a surge of pain from my burn and gritted my teeth. "Pleasures all mine boy...." He said chuckling evilishly.

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