chapter 13: Zoeys tricks

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I woke up suddenly chained to a pipe... again... only this time in a broom closet. I was barely dressed and found Zoey sleeping with her head on my stomach. "Zoey wake up please" I said watching her slowly open her eyes and tan like a kitten and stretched pushing her hands in my face and pulls on my cheeks. "Shhhhhhh orcus it is nappy time shhhhh" she said like a little child. I started to shake and squirm to wake her up and she giggled hugging my waist tightly. "Fine I gets up" she said looking at me smiling happily. She stood up and placed a necklace around me with a key on it. "Here's the key I'll meet you later when you get out Tehe" she said prancing out of the broom closet. "WAIT! You can't just leave me here!" I said concerned.

Two and a half hours pass by and I sit there struggling to grab the key, when suddenly a new staff member enters the room. "Whoa Jesus are you my boss?" He said chuckling looking at the ceiling trying not to look at me in my boxers. "The very same yes could you help me out please?" I asked with a casual manor. "Haha ya um sure" he said walking over to me. "The key is around my neck can you untie me I will be grateful if you could." I said looking at the key. "Sure haha" he said grabbing the key and begins to untie me."So rough night?" He said chuckling. "Yes indeed to be honest I don't remember how I got here. But I remember waking up to zoey sleeping on me." I explained. "Wow kinky" he said as he helped me to my feet. "Yes so it would seem. Anyways thank you I will find some way to return the favor. " I said bowing respectfully and shaking his hand firmly. "Don't worry about it just lets not make these meeting a rabbit shall we?" He said chuckling. "Agreed" I said smirking as I began to leave the broom closet with a slight limp.

It's been a for days sense that day I had saved zoey from that insect Chloe and my legs had been healing at a incredible rate. I am unsure as to why but it doesn't matter to me, but I have noticed zoey had begun to be more playful and mischievous sense then and its only gotten worse she would always try peek me interests as you might say by walking around nude and sometimes she would jump into my lap and nibble on my collar bones. And most recently she tired me up semi naked which raises more suspicions why can I never remember the night before? Anyways I continued to walk down the hall to my room and I changed zoey was no where to be found and it made me extremely paranoid. "What is she up too" I thought to myself. I began to walk down the longest hallway in my house and started to hear zoey giggling I couldn't see her or tell where her giggling was coming from so I ignored it and continued walking. Suddenly I felt feet press against my back and hand grab my shoulders and I fell to the floor, it was zoey tackling me, she sank her teeth deeply into my neck causing it to bleed profusely. I grunted and slightly moaned from the pain and clenched my fist as She greedily licked and sucked up the blood from my neck and it began to spread all over her face making her look like a baby who had just finished eating spaghetti with it all over its face.

Zoey giggled and turned me over so I was on my back and straddled me. "So you finally got out huh" she said smiling with her beautiful smile her teeth had my blood glistening off them. "I did yes no help to you" I said smirking. Zoey giggled and slowly leaned down to lick up more blood, I watched her smirking and suddenly lounged up biting her shoulder aggressively causing her to yelp and whimper as I bit so that it drew blood she gasped an I began to suck the blood from he neck and then licked up to her ear and whispered, "this is for tackling me" zoeys response was a weak little moan as she fell backwards on her butt. We both looked at each other with hazy eyes and sly smiles as the collar of our shirt began to change red from the blood spilling out of our necks. " shall we go find David?" I said standing up and holding out my hand to assist my darling zoey. She nodded shyly and took my hand I helped her up and we walked to the library where David and his family had been spending time together. "Orcus! Oh and zoey! Please come here I want you to meet my wife and children." David said smiling and pulling us to his family. "This is my wife Diana, and my two children Zack, and Amy." Diana hugged me and so did his children and zoey drop to her knees to hug David's kids when they let go of me. "They are so cute!!!!" Zoey said excited as she hugged them so tightly. "How old are they?" She asked. "Zack is five and Amy is four." He said smiling. "Awe so cute!! Orcus can we have one!!!" She ask like a child begging for a cookie. "Um I don't think we can take thereto kids zoey" I said laughing as I said that Diana and David began to laugh also. Zoey pouted and looked at me sad. "I meant can we have a baby" she said pouting, "wow looks like you might have your hands full" Diana said nudging my arm and winking at me as she poked fun. "Yeah you have no idea." I said slightly blushing from zoeys remark. "Orcus your only what 16 I think your old enough to have one" David said jokingly as he began to chuckle. "SEE!!! They agree let's have one!!!" Zoey yelled letting go of the children and jumps to me and hugs my leg. "Pwease!!!" She begged. Unable to handle what was happened I stood there stunned. "Um... maybe?"

Diana and David looked at each other shocked and David smiled and laughed. "Maybe you should ask Sofia first" he said pointing to Sofia walking in. "Ask Sofia what first?" Sofia asked smiling. "If Orcus and I should have a baby right now!!!" Zoey said excitedly. Sofia stopped in her tracks and looked at me with wide eyes. "ORCUS WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!" She yelled thinking I got zoey pregnant. "What I didn't do anything!!" I said feeling like a child who just got in trouble. "I wish orcus and I were having a baby pwease Sofia!!" Zoey begged pouting like a baby. "Zoey you are too young besides your older then orcus you should act like a young woman!!" "But if I am a woman I deserve a baby isn't that what women and men do?" I looked at Sofia and zoey arguing it over unable to leave because of zoey death grip on my leg I sat there blushing slightly and David and Diana were laughing at every remark Sofia and zoey made.

After all of this went down zoey and I were scorned harshly after Sofia saw the large bite marks on our necks. "She started it" I said like a child. Zoey just giggled at my remark and Sofia looked at her making her become silent again. "I don't care who started it that's not how you act understand." "Yes ma'am" we both said. We then went to the bathroom with Sofia and she cleaned or bite marked and bandaged us up. "You two are to old for me to be doing this but I know if i dont do this you will just let these thing scar over and not even bother or care if they get infected am I right?" She asked looking at us. We wouldn't even look in her eyes and we spoke softly again saying "yes ma'am" now I want you both to go and eat and no more biting understand?" We nodded and walked out of the bathroom.

"Well that was interesting" I said walking Down the hall. Zoey stooped in front of me and pushed me against them wall. "I still want a baby." She said with a pouty lip and watery eyes. "Don't please." I said feeling said by her cute little sad face. "Uh fine we can have one but not right at this second ok." I said giving in once she started to whimper. "Yay!!" She said spinning in a circle doing a happy dance she then bent over and little and pushed her butt against me firmly. "You better promise." She said winking and then began to skip away like a little girl. "She's going to be the death of me I just know it." I said smiling slightly.


Sorry about the wait but here we are hopefully you enjoy these. Please comment and asking me any question you like I will do my best to answer them, and thank you for those of you that have been reading this story all the way threw I hope you like it and continue too.

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