chapter 19: the darkness inside

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I woke up in the hospital there were police guarding the door to my room and they both hand there backs to me. I leaned up and shook my head I felt sharp pains throughout my torso and and arms. "Hold up there buddy take it slowly" a doctor said as he walked up to me trying to help me. "Why am I here and what are they for." I said weakly looking at the door."Hmm your pretty tough huh. Well they are here because you were attacked by a bunch of thugs and they want to make sure you don't try to run because they think your a criminal." He said explaining it in a extremely polite way. "I see thank you do you know if there is a girl waiting in the lobby for me?" I asked attempting to get out of bed. "There is, she said she was zoey and that she was your spouse. But I will go get her you stay ok" he said sternly  gesturing for me to stay in bed. So I nodded and got back in bed. The police looked at me with cold eyes that held hatred in them as if i was a wild animal, I smiled and waved " morning officer." They ignored me and continued stairing then looked back into the hallway.

Zoey limped into the room pushing her way past the doctor and hugged me tightly as she started sob. "Are you alright zoey?" I asked confused. "NO I'M NOT ALRIGHT!!!" She screamed at me. "I will leave you two alone sorry" the doctor said closing the door as he left. "What's wrong Sweetie?" I said confused. "You died last night" she said breaking into tears. "What?" I said completely lost. "Look!" Zoey said showing me the video I told her to take, She fast forwarded it to where the nine men had me surrounded. "Wait a minute this is when I blacked out..." I said as I watched.


"AAAGGGHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" I walked toward the men slowly and shakily. "What the fuck he's still moving." I guy said worried. "Shoot him again!" Another replied firing off more bullets into my body. As my body took every bullet the impact would jolt back, my shoulders and torso as they hit, but I continued to walk laughing maliciously. Suddenly one of them fired and shot me in the heart. I fell backwards to the ground and stopped breathing as a pool of blood started to form around me. "ORCUS!!!!" Zoey screamed as I lied there lifelessly. The men started to laugh an  high five each other until someone spoke. "You will pay for killing the man my sister loves...." Gary said as he pulled a knife from one of the men that had fallen by his hand. "Bring it you fagy little emo." One said as they all started to laugh. Gary began to run towards them and they shot out his legs he fell and slide across the ground at that point zoey dropped the camera and it showed at a wide angle everyone Gary, zoey, the nine survivors of the group and my lifeless body. Zoey ran towards the men with full intent to kill them when one shot her in the shoulder. She cried out in pain and continued to move towards them they then shot her ankle and smiled as one started to walk toward her. "I wanna have fun with this one." He said grabbing zoeys ponytails and dragging her over to a curb placing her on her stomach. "Save some for me man" one said unzipping his pants. "Get the fuck away from my sister!!!" Gary screamed crawling to zoey. "Shut up and watch!" One screamed grabbing him by his hair forcing him to watch as they lifted up zoeys skirt. "No! Stay away!!!" Zoey screamed struggling and kicking them. "Fucking bitch!!" One screamed smacking her. "Agh!!! ORCUS!!!" Zoey screamed desperately as she began to cry once she felt one of them grab her waist. "Save me!!!!" At that very moment the area shook suddenly moving dumpsters and causing ally light to flicker. My body began twitching and became engulfed in darkness. There was a ball of darkness where my body was and the men watched it completely terrified. Then the darkness began to enter into my body as if it was smoke, entering my mouth and nostrils. My body began to shake violently and both Gary and zoey watched unsure at what's happening, then my body went still and no longer moved. Suddenly the screen cracked and the video went black.

*end of video*

"Orcus remember what happened please." Zoey said with fear in her eyes. I looked at her and then felt a pain in my head as I was filled with memories of what had happened after that.

* memory*

"What the fuck was that." One of the men asked completely horrified. As they looked at one another trying to figure it out, I stood up and opened my eyes they were completely black and void of any light or even glare from street lights, They looked like a black void. "O-Orcus..." zoey said crawling over so she was out of reach from the men."Death is a beautiful thing.... a gift truly.... would you boys like to share this gift with me." I asked walking towards the men. "Stay away from us!!" They yelled backing away slowly. "You were going to rape my love and force her brother to watch..." I raised my right hand and my veins in my arm began to turn black as my hand became black. "I was dead because of you guys and as I lied their choking on my blood until my heart finally stopped I found out something would you like to know." I continued to stair into their eyes and smile as my eye turned into a grey color. "People say that once you die you see death and he shows you heavenly light or firey pits of hell. Well I must say there lies well except for the part about death hat is... hahaha oh yes he is definitely real..." "Your freaking me out man I'm out of here." One of them said as he started to turn and run.

He ran for exit of the ally when I appeared in front of him and punch his stomach. The black aura covering my hand entered the man's body and I then walked past him and let him fall to his knees. "Agh!! Agh!!!! No agh!!!!! " He screamed as he started to claw and rip the flesh of his stomach until he began pulling out his own guts. "As you watch your friend die I want you to know.... once you die that's it there is no heaven and Hel is but a fairly tail... when you die you spend for ever in black nothingness wishing to repent!" I said as I began to laugh. "Shot him!!" One screamed as they began shooting me again. This time they shot my head. I fell to the ground again, but I got back up and as they stood there in shock at the three bullet hole in my four head as I held out my hand opening it as the bullet fell out from my hand. "If you hadn't notice  by now.... I will just have to tell you.... Your going to die in such fun ways I might add so enjoy yourself please...." I said with a polite smile as I began to laugh psychotically. "Gentlemen I am death!" I said bowing. " and your time on this earth is up..." I said standing up and walking towards the men. They shot at me but I appeared behind them and shoved my hand threw one's stomach and pulled out his spine and used it to stab another in his throat I then grabbed two knives and threw them into two of the men who attempeted to flee. They stabbed into the base of the back of their skulls and as for the last four they stepped back into the darkness of the ally to hid and I smiled. "Bad idea..." at that moment blood splattered out of the dark covering every one in it and the body's fell out of it down before me. They looked as though they were run over by a lawn mower. "No one can hide from death......." I said as police pulled up and pulled there guns on me I shook my head and became confuse then suddenly passed out from loss of blood.

*end of memory*

"Um... zoey I-I am so sorry...." I said sincerely. "YOU BETTER BE!!!" Zoey screamed into my chest. She then kissed me deeply and snuggled into my neck and fell asleep sobbing I pet her gently and watched her sleep. I looked at my arm to see my veins were completely black. I shook and started to breathe worried about zoeys safety. "What am I....." I said to myself quietly.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment if you like I'll make another chapter soon....

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