chapter 18: "self defence"

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As Gary squeezed my burned hand my eyes rolled back and pulled my hand away. "How about you two spend time together trust me you will like him Gary he's so sweet. " zoey said smiling and she stomped over to me with her commando boots. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Fine fine come on then lets go for a walk." He said turning to walk away. "So tell me about yourself orcus." Gary asked curiously. "Nothing to tell..." I said carrying zoey looking at the ground. "Awe what you look like someone died before your eyes you poor baby" He said laughing. I gripped zoey legs tightly and looked at Gary. " what the fuck do you know about that!!. " I yelled putting zoey down and grabbing Gary's throat tightly. "D-did I hit a nerve." Gary said choking. "Porcus please stop" zoey said softly grabbing my hand. hesitantly I let go, "his mother died a few days ago..." zoey said in such a quiet sad tone. Gary shocked by what zoey said lookigg at the ground, "sorry I didn't know... Please forgive me..."

"He didn't mean anything by that Orcus we understand what you went threw..." Zoey said in a sad voice. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!!" I screamed at both Zoey and Gary. Zoey stepped back and looked at me scared, Gary looked at me furious and I turned away and screamed then punched the closest wall causing my stitches to re-open on my knuckles. "You think we don't know.... shut up you fool..." Gary said growling slightly. "W-when we were 5 years old. Gary and I were playing in the backyard when we finished playing we ran inside and saw two men. One was holding a gun to our mothers head and the other was ripping out my father's teeth with a pair of rusty pliers." Zoey said hesitantly. I started to calm down and turn and saw how scared zoey looked, "they then saw us laughed.... the man near our father stabbed a knife into his neck and then walked over to me he tried to rape me.... but Gary saved me... Gary forced his thumbs into the man's eye sockets and when he did that the man with the gun shoot our mother.... when he pointed the gun at us the policy had arrived..." Gary looked at me and spoke with a low voice."and when I turned 15 I hunted that bastard down...."

"I see... Please forgive me for yelling...." a soon as I said that zoey ran into me and Whimpered. "I am so sorry zoey I will never yell at you again I love you so much...." I said hugging her ever so tightly. "I love you to Orcus..." She said into my chest, Gary watched us and realized how much we cared for each other. "Come on let's go" I said walking home with zoeys hand in mine, Gary followed and suddenly we heard a noise, both Gary and I pulled out knives and held out our arms to protect zoey.Gary spoke quietly "Did you-" "mhm" I nodded looking around in the dark ally. "Hey freak where is our friend." A voice said from down the ally. There was a totally of at least 23 people walking down the ally toward us with a February of blunt objects. "zoey take this" I said handing her a phone that was set to record. "Push record just before it starts there's to many people to hide their murders so we're going to place this under self defence." I said smirking. "Smart I think we will get along well." Gary said chuckling as he tightened the grip on his knife. "I don't plan on looking my freedom to a bunch of drunken college douche bags. Gary let them hit first..." I said walking up to the group of people. At that moment zoey started to record.

As the large group of people walked towards me I clenched my fist. "I'm going to enjoy cutting you all down like weeds..." I thought to myself. I stopped dead in my tracks and watched as the group of people ran toward Gary and I. One of them swung a bat at Gary he wasn't as fast as me and it was going to hit him really hard from the muscles on the guy swinging it. Out of desperation I turned around and jumped slinging in the air and landing a powerful kick on the baseball bat. I saved Gary but took a large amount of damage to my foot. I grunt and felt a sharp pain in my back. "Orcus!" Zoey screamed as she watched one stab a knife into my back. "Agh!!" I screamed becoming pissed, Gary ran up and snapped the knock of the one who stabbed me. "That's for covering me." Gary said with a smile and a quick wink as he dived forward to avoid to guys lunging at him. I quickly composed myself and slashed at the guy in front of me I cut opened his thigh and he fell to the ground screaming I saw out of the corner of my eye someone running towards zoey I pulled another knife from my boot and threw it. The knife found its mark deep into the knock of the man running at zoey.

Two men started to throw punches ate I dodge each one skillfully and grabbed one and broke his arm then drove my knife into his chest. "You bastard!!" The other screamed taking a lead pipe and strikes me in my ribs. I felt them break from the strength he put into his swing. I used his rage to grab his hand and stabbed my knife throw his wrist and yanked it hard to the left cutting throw his bone and I manage to cut off his hand. Mean while Gary watched being chased he climbed up a dumpster and jumped back into his pursuers he close lined them then stomped on one's throat and then grabbed the crowbar from the lifeless body of a dead attacker and used it bash the other man on the ground head in. As he bashed the guys head in he laugh viciously. I watched him in amusement when suddenly the ones that hadn't run away turned and decided to corner me. Gary was busy with two others and didn't notice me being surrounded. There was about 9 of them cornering me, and at that vary moment two of them pulled a gun and didn't hesitate to shoot me 6 times in the stomach. I started to cough up blood and then blacked out.

Once I finally came too I was standing over the nine bodies of the men who cornered me and I looked at my hands. They were shaking and covered in blood there was a large puddle of blood around me from all the bodies and I looked up to see 5 police officers with guns drawn and they all had them trained on me. I dropped my knife and tried to remember what happened but suddenly I dropped to my knees and passed out from the loss of blood, all I could hear we're zoeys faint screams.


I am terribly sorry for taking so long to update this I have been forgetting to do it and have been trying to draw a special photo for my sweetheart. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment and like also feel free to ask me question I will do my best to answer them.

OrcusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ