getting you(sebryan)

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this story will be a little longer than usual as i wanted to add some more backstory.

Ryan leaned against the doorframe, watching Sebastian panic and pack his bag for their getaway trip. Ryan chuckled, "Need help?" Sebastian shook his head and stuffed everything in his bag. "Let's go," Sebastian said, pulling Ryan with him. "Not so fast, I need to make sure you've taken everything," Sebastian sighed, "I did take everything, come onnnn," "No, did you take your charger?" "Yes," "Headphones and airpods?" "Yes," "Your portable charger?" Sebastian frowned and rummaged around his bag, "Ah, no, there it is," He picks it up from his desk and shoves it in his bag. "See, I told you, you'd miss something," Sebastian rolled his eyes and pushed past Ryan, pulling his hand. Ryan chuckled and followed Sebastian downstairs. "We're ready," "Alright, let's go everyone."

In the car, Ryan and Sebastian were sitting at the furthest backseats. Sebastian had laid his head on Ryan's shoulder and was scrolling through instagram. Ryan was listening to music and subtly nodding his head. Sebastian had intertwined his fingers with Ryan as he fell asleep. Ryan didn't seem to mind, even though the members thought that Ryan hated physical affection. Truth be told, Ryan loved when Sebastian clinged on to him. He wasn't going to admit that aloud obviously. When Oliver hit the brakes, Sebastian woke up, startled. "Are we already there?" He rubbed his eyes. "Not yet, you can go back to sleep," "Mhmmm" Sebastian slurred half asleep. Ryan wrapped his arms around Sebastian, pulling him closer to him, "Here," Sebastian smiled contentedly and hugged Ryan back. Darren had looked back just in time, and snapped a picture. Ryan rolled his eyes and motioned Darren to look away. Darren happily turned back, posting the picture he just took on his story.

A few hours later, they had arrived at their destination. It was a small cottage on the countryside, a getaway from their hectic schedules. They were still going to post on social media, but not on youtube. Ryan gently shook Sebastian, "Wake up, idiot. We're here," Sebastian opened his eyes but instead of getting up, he pressed his face against Ryan's neck and gave him a small kiss, "Thank you for letting me sleep on your shoulder, hope it's not too strained," Ryan just chuckled and pushed Sebastian to get him off of him. All the other members were staring in awe at the cottage. "Your choice in girls may not be the best cuh, but your choice in picking getaway spots is elite," Regie said. All of them laughed and grabbed their belongings from the car. Ryan was carrying Sebastian's stuff as he was still half asleep. The cottage may have looked small from the outside, but on the inside, it didn't even look like a cottage. It had 3 master sized bedrooms, two smaller bedrooms, a full sized kitchen, open balconies, a literal freaking bar and what not. Ryan and Sebastian hurried to a room with a balcony as they loved taking pictures. When all of them had chosen a room, Kane was the only one left. He wanted to sleep in one of  the smaller bedrooms as he wanted to give the 'couples' alone time. All of them had rolled their eyes, but obviously, there was something going on.

They had arrived at the cottage at 5:00 pm. Even though there was light outside, none of them wanted to go outside to enjoy the view. Everyone was tired. Ryan on the other hand, walked to the lake inside the cottage grounds and sat on a bench near it. He put his airpods in and listened to music, looking around. A few minutes later, Sebastian had made his way towards Ryan. He sat beside Ryan, not making a noise. He pulled out his phone and took a picture of him and Ryan and sent it to Gela with the caption, "On the date that I never took you to" He took another picture of the lake and sent it to her as well. Ryan glanced at Sebastian's screen and laughed. "On the date you never took her to? Y'all dating?" "Nah, we aren't. It's just this flirtation thing going on. Just waiting for it to actually turn into something," Ryan just nodded. He knew he had no right to be jealous. But he was noticing how close him and Gela had gotten. He liked Sebastian. No, scratch that. He was in love with Sebastian. That was the only reason he was jealous. Sebastian laid his head on Ryan's shoulder and kept on texting Gela. Ryan tried not to pay too much attention to it.

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