take a break (oliryan)

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ship request from; kmnhbgfcdxfghj

Ryan looks up from his screen when he hears his door open. He is met with an obviously exhausted Oliver, but he still has a smile plastered on his face. "Manager Ty has to talk to us. Come downstairs. Finish whatever you were doing first." Ryan shakes his head, "It's fine, I was just practicing for a stream. He gets up from his chair and follows Oliver out of the room. When they get downstairs, all the members are sat on the couch or on the floor. Manager Ty motions for both of them to sit. Oliver sighs, as if he knows what Ty is about to say. "I have a request and/or a suggestion,Oliver. There's no need to sigh." Ty takes a deep breathe and continues. "I've been noticing a lot of the comments and the fans have been wanting two things the most. A tour. And more music. So...." He pauses. All the members look at him, wide eyed. "So like, you're telling us we could go to tour?" Regie asks. "Since the fans have been wanting it, why not give them one. This won't be as big as the last one, we'll only be touring like 10 cities, but it'll still be good." He pauses again and looks at Oliver. "Oliver, you'll have to make more music. I was just suggesting the tour, but since all of you have positive reactions, I will plan one out. But you just have to work your hardest. At least for the next two months." Oliver doesn't say anything but nods. "Alright, then that settles it. I'll go start drafting out a plan and I'll let you guys know when I'm done." With that, all the members left to do their thing. Oliver stayed on the couch and sighed. Ryan was sitting on the floor, his back resting against one of the couch legs. "Oli, are you okay? You look exhausted. You should go take a nap." He shakes his head. "No, I can't. I have to start working on new lyrics or else I'll not be able to get songs out before the tour." He stands up and leaves, leaving Ryan in the living room.

For the next few days, Oliver was working his ass off. In between filming videos and streaming, he was absolutely grinding his music. Mixing his pre-recorded verses, writing new lyrics, making new beats, recording more verses; He was absolutely crushing it. But, he was also crushing his health. He spent little to no time eating. He ate a quick few bites during every meal and went back upstairs to work again. Some days he didn't eat at all. He refused to come out of his room. He was yelling at anyone that tried to talk to him. That's why Ryan hesitated before turning the doorknob to Oliver's room. Oliver didn't look up but kept on doing his work. He had his guitar on his lap and he was live. Ryan sat on the couch beside Oliver's setup. Oliver looked at him and then at his phone. He picked it up and turned it to Ryan. "Since everyone was asking for Ryan, he's here. So say hi chat." Ryan ruffled his hair as he took the phone from Oliver, talking to the fans for a bit. Oliver was strumming his guitar gently. After a few mins, Ryan said goodbye and handed the phone back to Oliver. Oliver ended the live shortly after. "Oli, we need to talk." "About what?" "About this." He pointed at his setup and then at him. "If you're suggesting that I should come out of my room, then you should go." Ryan shook his head. "No, Oliver. You have been so irresponsible about your health, I need to intervene." "I'm perfectly fine, Ryan. I don't need intervention. I'll finish up this song and I'll take a break. Promise." Ryan sighs and leaves the room. He knows Oliver won't leave the room, no matter what. He also knows that Oliver most definitely won't take a break.

After a few hours, Oliver still hadn't came out of his room. Ty sat beside Ryan, who was sitting on the couch, on his phone. "Hey. Did you talk to Oli?" "I did. But he insisted on staying and finishing one last song. I'm pretty sure he's finished and started a new one." "God, this guy will absolutely wreck his physical health along with his mental health." "I know. But I don't know how to pull him out." Ty sighs and gets up. "Try talking to him again. See where it goes." Ryan nods and walks up to Oliver's room. He opens the door, without knocking. Oliver gets startled. He was laying on his bed, with his laptop on his lap. "Wow. You're actually laying down?" Oliver turns his laptop around to show Ryan the screen. "I'm still writing lyrics. Speaking of lyrics, I need help to record the next song. Two songs with just my vocals sounds boring, I want to re-record them with other members. I already did with Seb, I just need the others." Ryan doesn't say anything but picks Oliver's laptop up from his lap. Oliver protests but Ryan grabs both of his hands with one hand and sets down the laptop on the nightstand with the other. Ryan pins Oliver's hands above his head and looks at him. "You're going out with me, right this instant." Oliver shakes his head. "I'll go out once I'm done." "You'll never be done with your work. Come with me. You don't have options." Oliver squirms to get out of Ryan's grip. But Ryan keeps his hands pinned above his head and puts his knees on either side of Oliver. He gulps and tries to free himself again. But then he just gives up and presses his lips to Ryan's. Ryan smiles and kisses him back. "Come on now. Let's go. I've missed you so fucking much for the past few days." Oliver finally nods and Ryan pulls him up.

After they came back from the walk, Oliver was so tired, he went to sleep. Ryan was happy with how he finally pulled Oliver out of his state. He was leaning against the doorframe, smiling at Oliver, content with himself and Oliver.

thank you for reading!
again, i'm sorry for the slow updates. i'm trying hard to update as much as i can. but my exams start from tomorrow and i'm super stressed about that. on top of all that, antidepressants and adhd meds are literally killing my entire mood. but i'll try to be more consistent i promise. <33
i also started another book. it's an original story line, under the name "tell them" go check it out please!<3

(this story is not proofread, so it might contain some mistakes!)

nsb oneshots!!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora