heartbreaker (olegie)

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this story is slightly based on personal experiences. hope you guys like it.
(High School AU)

Oliver threw out clothes from his closet, desperate to find a good outfit. Sebastian leans against the doorframe, shaking his head in annoyance. "You're a senior in highschool and you still care about looking good? I'm a sophomore and I already don't care." "Looking good is self satisfaction. You look good effortlessly, so don't even start." "Shut up. You could show up in fucking jean shorts and people would make it a trend." Oliver rolls his eyes before finally picking out an outfit. Sebastian grabbed his clothes and went to change. The two of them lived alone with their two older brothers and it never really bothered them. Their parents were living in a different state, and they didn't want to move. Oliver was now making breakfast with Alex, his oldest brother. Sebastian walked into the kitchen, slinging his backpack on his shoulder. "I'm not hungry. We've got to go." Sebastian points at Oliver, "It's already 7:30." Oliver groans, "I just finished cooking." "I don't care. We have to go." Oliver grabs his backpack and keys, walking out of the kitchen.

Oliver parks the car and disconnects the bluetooth on his phone. Sebastian opens the door and gets out, "I'll go now. I have homework to catch up on." Oliver nods as he watches Sebastian enter the school. As much as he has to get out of the car, he doesn't want to. His phone pings and he grabs it, a smile appearing on his face. Regie, his bestfriend, who also happens to be his crush, just texted him.

Regie: Good Morning Oli ;)
Oliver: Morning :)
Regie: You at school yet? I already miss you.
Oliver: Awh, no one told you to change schools🙄.
Regie: Tell that to my dad.
Oliver: Sure bro. Anyway, I gtg. Class starts in 10. Bye :)
Regie: Bye ;)

Oliver practically squeals when he switches off his phone. Yes, Regie has a boyfriend. But it doesn't matter to Oliver anyway. Him flirting with Regie might be wrong, but he doesn't care. He steps out of his car, in a far better mood.

The day goes by slow. When he reaches home, he's exhausted. Sebastian plops down on the couch, not even bothering to take off his shoes. Oliver, on the other hand, goes to take a shower. When he comes out, he sees 2 missed calls from Regie and 1 missed facetime call. Oliver calls him back, Regie answers in half a ring.

Regie: Switch to facetime. Calling is pointless.
Oliver chuckles before switching to facetime.

"Goddamn. You're shirtless? You're gonna kill me with that." Oliver smiles before slowly panning the camera down. "And you only have a towel wrapped around your waist. God." Oliver chuckles,"Go call your boyfriend to flirt, not me." Regie rolls his eyes. "Forget that. I'm coming over." "What?" "Yeah. I'll be there in 20. See you then." He winks before ending the call. Oliver gulps and jumps up to get ready. After basically 20 minutes of just changing like 50 times, he hears the doorbell ring. He sprints downstairs and opens the door. Regie smiles at him and hugs him, before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Oliver blushes and touches the spot Regie just kissed. Regie was well aware of Oliver's crush on him. Oliver was confused why Regie did all this, even though he had a boyfriend. He wasn't complaining though. "You wanna go out? Or do you wanna stay in?" Regie asked. "Let's go out. Let me just go get my phone and wallet." Regie nods and follows him inside. Oliver grabs his stuff and both of them leave.

There was still daylight as it was only 5 pm. Regie and Oliver were walking in the park, fingers intertwined. This is not the first time they've walked like this. It feels so wrong but so right at the same time. He tries not to think about it as he walks with him to the lake near the park. Regie looks at Oliver, smiling when he sees a faint blush appearing on Oli's cheeks. "You're adorable." Regie says kissing him on the forehead. Oliver chuckles. "Let's sit on the bench." Oliver nodded. He was startled when Regie pulled him down onto his lap. Oliver was flustered. "What're you doing?" "I'm just gonna take a picture. Calm down." Oliver sat comfortably and Regie took a picture. He posted it on his story with the caption, "@olivermoy is so boyfriend ong"
Oliver hits Regie's shoulder playfully. Regie takes another picture of the lake and posts it too, the caption reading "Date with the one and only @olivermoy" Oliver just sighed in defeat.

Both of them were walking home now. Regie's phone rang so he stopped and picked it up. Oliver heard muffled yelling. Regie scrunched his nose and held the phone away from his ear, "If you're done yelling, let me explain. Me and Oliver are just hanging out. I was just kidding with the story captions. Chill out," Oliver heard some more muffled words. Regie just smiled and hung up. "What was that?" Oliver asked. "Just my boyfriend. Don't worry. Let me drop you home before Alex starts spam calling and worrying." Oliver just shrugged and walked with him.

Regie left as soon as he dropped him off on the front door. Oliver didn't complain. He was probably going to make it up to his boyfriend. He rolled his eyes at that thought before entering his home. Alex, Nick and Sebastian were eating dinner. "You hungry? Come eat." Sebastian said, pulling a chair beside him. Oliver sat down beside him and spooned some food onto his plate. His phone pinged 6 times in a milisecond. All of them glanced at Oliver. He groaned and turned his phone on. All of them were texts from Regie's boyfriend, Eric.

Eric: You're so desperate, you can't even keep your hands to yourself.
Eric: You're fucking disgusting.
Eric: Such a fucking slut my fucking god
Eric: Don't fucking go after other people's boyfriends
Eric: You disgust me. How can someone be this big of a whore?
Eric: Your entire fucking school is after you. Go date one of those bitches. Don't come after my man.

Oliver blinked back tears. Sebastian had read the texts and placed his hands on Oliver's shoulder. Oliver stood up and left.

He screenshotted the texts and sent it to Regie. He sent another text saying "I guess this is it. This is the end of our friendship." He put his phone on airplane mode and laid down on his bed.

The next day he woke up and reached for his phone. He turned off airplane mode and his phone instantly started exploding with notifications. He checked them and almost all of them were from Regie. He opened them and read through the barrage of texts.

Regie: What?!
Regie: Did he actually send those texts to you? I'm so confused
Regie: And wdym by "our friendship's over"?
Regie: I promise I'll sort this out. Are you okay?
Regie: Oli?
Regie: Oliver?
Regie: Oliver fucking Moy are you good?
Regie: Oliver fucking reply
Regie: It's late, you're probably sleeping.
Regie: Just called Nick. He said you cried. Did those texts really hurt your feelings that much? You never cry.
Regie: Call me when you see these. No matter what time.

Oliver started tearing up again. His finger hovered over the call button for several minutes before he received a call. Regie. He panicked but still picked up. "Oli? Are you okay?" "Yeah..." He whispered. "That doesn't sound promising. Are you sure you're okay?" "I am." Oliver said firmly. "I've talked to Eric and uh. He doesn't want us hanging out anymore. I'm sorry Oli-" Oliver hung up before Regie could even finish his sentence. He sank back into his bed, deciding to skip school as he slept his problems away.

He woke up again at 12 pm. More like he was woken up by Nick's banging on the door. He groaned and sat up, walking to the door and flinging it open. "What do you want?" He said, irritated. "I want you downstairs. Regie wants to talk to you." "Why is he here?" "No clue. He said he wanted to talk to you." Oliver sighed, absolutely frustrated. But he still stormed downstairs.

As soon as he was downstairs, Regie stood up and walked towards him. "Hey..." "Hi." "Why didn't you let me finish speaking?" "I didn't want an explanation Regie. This is not the first time your boyfriend has done this. And if it keeps on going on like this, I'm afraid I can't be friends with you anymore." "This is exactly why I broke up with Eric." "You what?" "I broke up with Eric." "Why?" "For you..." He paused and then, "And because I found out he was making out with other men." Regie looked down at his feet after saying that. Oliver didn't say anything but pulled Regie to him, kissing his forehead. He knew how much Regie liked Eric and he had put up with his cheating bullshit before. He didn't say anything but rubbed soothing circles on his back. Oliver knew, he had to be there for Regie. No matter what.

to be continued

thank you for reading!
this is just the beginning of this story and it's already this long. i might need to add 2 more parts to this, but I'll try to finish it in part ii. this is so easy for me to write compared to most of the other stories in this book, solely because this is part of my own life story. i'll give y'all the details in the next chapter. but for now, check out my insta: @/simpingforolivermoy. hope y'all liked this story!!

[★this story is not proofread, sorry for any mistakes!]

nsb oneshots!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora