healer ii (sebryan)

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t/w: mentions of extreme past abuse, angsty, sharp insults, many arguments, mentions of self harm, low self esteem, panic attacks. (basically every trigger warning ever)

And here it is. Sebastian, Oliver, Nick and Alex are standing infront of their parents' home. Ryan is with them too. Oliver didn't tell Ryan why he was taking him, but the sole reason of Ryan coming was to keep their dad civil. Their dad is almost never violent when there's company. Oliver pushes open the door. They are greeted by their mom hugging each one of them. "So nice to see you all together again. Come, your dad is waiting." Sebastian grips Oliver's sleeves, not wanting to confuse Ryan. Oliver smiles and nods at him reassuringly. Nick shows Ryan the way to their living room. Oliver's dad frowns when he sees Ryan but instantly recognizes him. "You must be, Oliver's friend, Ryan?" Ryan looked confused when their dad only mentioned Oliver's name but nodded and smiled. "Nick, can you show him the way to your mom's library? He can chat with your mom while I talk to you guys." Nick nods and takes Ryan to their mom. When he comes back, their dad's expression is stoic. Not showing how he's feeling. "So, Oliver. I've heard about your modelling achievements, very impressive." Oliver thanked him and added, "Sebastian has way more experience than me though. He was my mentor through this process." Their dad's reaction turns from happy to bored and annoyed within a second of mentions of Sebastian's name. "Why did you need us anyway?" Alex asks. "Nothing special. Can I not see my sons?" "Not in the middle of the fucking year, dad. There's a reason we don't meet with you." "And that would be?" "Your attitude to all of us." Alex says. "What attitude?" Sebastian speaks up now. "The fact that Oliver seems to be the only son you want to talk about. As if we aren't your sons." Their dad's expression turns angry. "Shut it! You aren't worthy of speaking directly to me. How dare you speak to me like that? I'm your father. Keep your gaze down and voice low while speaking to me. You're the worst one out of all and you expect me to treat you guys the same? You're nothing to me." Their dad stands up and all of them know he is about to slap Sebastian. Alex grabs his hand pulls him away. "That's enough, dad. He's our little brother and you won't treat him like this infront of us." Their dad grows furious and yanks his arm from Alex's grip. Sebastian sits, frozen in shock. Nick grabs his arm and pulls him out of the room. Sebastian takes a few deep breathes, trying to steady himself. "Come on, we're leaving." Alex says as he walks towards the front door. Nick goes to call Ryan and all of them leave. All of them except for Oliver.

Ryan was confused as to why they had to leave this early. He didn't speak up or anything. When they reached home, Sebastian just got out of the car and went inside. Ryan followed after him, stopping him just before he shut his door. "Sebastian, wait." Sebastian didn't resist and let Ryan in. "Now, do you want to explain? Or do you just want me to give you company?" Sebastian didn't say anything but slipped his arms around Ryan's waist. Ryan pulled him closer and ran his fingers through Sebastian's here. "Ever since we were little..." Sebastian started. And the he told Ryan everything. From his dad hitting him, to burning him with cigarettes, to literally smashing a glass bottle on his head. Ryan listened patiently, clenching his fists occasionally. "You're not gonna judge me for this?" Sebastian asks after finishing. "Why would I judge you baby?" "Because, I'm....well um I-I come from a somewhat broken family and I h-hurt myself." "Sebastian." Ryan said sternly. "None of this. None. Of. This. is your fault okay? None of it. Your dad was a horrible person and your mother was even more horrible for letting your dad do all that to you. They don't deserve to be called parents. It's all their fault and I will help you realize that. All you have to do is trust me. Do you trust me Seb?" Sebastian nods, breaking down crying. Ryan just hugs him and tries to soothe his pain.

After a few hours, when Sebastian is relatively calm, Ryan checks his cuts. He opens the bandages and cleans them. It is painful for Sebastian but he endures it. Ryan wraps it up and kisses the top of the bandage. "It'll take time for this habit to stop. But, I promise, I'll help you stop. Now, listen to me. When, anytime, you have an urge to cut, you'll come running to me, text me, call me. No matter where you are. Then, if I'm completely not here, you'll get a rubber band. Not those small ones that actually hurt when you snap them, you'll get hair ties. Here." Ryan hands Sebastian a hair tie. "Don't snap it continuously okay? Try not to make a habit of it." Sebastian nods slowly. "Thank you." Sebastian says. "Why?" Ryan asks. "Because, despite having Oliver, who I resented almost all my life, and my brothers, I never had a healer. But here you are. You were what I was missing in life. My healer."

thank you for reading!
so, i'll start off with an apology. i'm sorry for not updating regularly. i don't think i've ever talked about my living situations. i live with mentally and physically abusive parents and i have little to no access to a personal device or any device for that matter. i usually write on a notebook and when they're at work, i type it up in my grandma's phone or a home phone we have. i'm not allowed much social interaction except for the people that my parents have set for me. i'm not even supposed to be on social media. it's a prison living here. i started writing as an escape. not from reality, the reality will always be here. i was seeking an escape where people had fun, and they enjoyed life. life is not all rainbows and fucking sunshines. not even for the people who seem the happiest. i recently got a personal message on here asking how i write about the s3lf h@rm details. and truth be told, i know how to write it because i've been through it. it's my sad reality. i write about this, not to raise awareness, but to help people cope. i want people to understand that people don't cut for attention and that it's actually a real thing. i love you guys so much, and if i ever cave to my thoughts, you guys, my readers, will always be my favorite. thank you for validating my work. i love you.

nsb oneshots!!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora