ignoring you (jusdar)

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Justin was beyond confused on why Darren was avoiding him. He was staring at Darren, cooking and laughing with the other members. But as soon as he spoke, Darren would go quiet. He was frustrated but obviously, didn't show it. Justin didn't realize that he was zoning out until Ryan waved his hand infront of him. "Justin, you okay?" "Mhm, yeah I'm good." Ryan wasn't convinced but he nodded. Darren was done cooking as he started to plate the food. As he was passing the plates, he didn't give Justin a plate by himself, he made Ryan give it to him. Justin took a deep breath and pushed his food away. "I'm not hungry," he said, clearly pissed off. Oliver was confused, he got up from his chair, "I'm coming," he followed Justin to his room. "Justin, are you okay?" "Yeah, don't worry, I am completely fine," "I know you're not. You would never leave the breakfast table without eating, something's wrong," Justin sighed. He grabbed his pillow and hugged it. "It's just......" he trailed off. "It's just?" "Darren" "Darren?" Oliver frowned. "He has been ignoring me for the past i-don't-even-know-anymore weeks" "Why?" "Oh, you think I've a clue?" Oliver sighed and took the pillow from Justin and hugged him. "I have no idea what happened to him, but I can help you figure it out." "How?" he mumbled against Oliver's shoulder. "You'll see."

During lunch, Justin hadn't come down. Darren looked at all of them and frowned. "Where's Justin?" "Don't act like you care" Oliver spat back, rolling his eyes. Darren was confused and it showed in his face. "Confused?" Darren continued frowning but nodded. "Well, for starters, think about the last few weeks and then go talk to him." All the other guys looked confused. Sebastian already knew what was going on with Darren because Darren himself had told him about how much he liked Justin and he would very much not like to fall deeper as Justin didn't like him back, or at least he thought. Sebastian looked at Darren, raising an eyebrow. "Think about last few weeks? What are you on about Oliver?" Darren asked. "Wow, Darren," Oliver sarcastically clapped his hands, "I love the acting, dude, you could get yourself a main character role." All the guys frowned at Darren. "Whatever Oliver's talking about, you better go fix it," Kane said. "Darren," Sebastian said firmly, "Go talk to him." Darren shook his head, "I can't," "Why the fuck not?" Oliver banged his hand on the table. All of them flinched,"Oliver, calm down," Sebastian stood up and placed his hand on Oliver's shoulder. Darren stood up, "Fine." He walked up the stairs. Oliver stared after him, "I just hope everything goes back to normal," He sighed. Regie was staring at Oliver the whole time and he finally spoke up, "Oliver, sit down, please?" Oliver nodded and sat back down beside Regie.

Darren stood infront of his and Justin's shared room, contemplating if he should knock. His hand hovered over the door, as he tried to convince himself to knock. He finally knocked on the door, softly, he didn't know if Justin would even be able to hear it. But a few seconds later, Justin's voice, oddly raspy and shivering, was heard, "Come in," his voice was followed by a sniffle. Darren tensed up. "He was crying" Darren gulped and opened the door. He stared at Justin, at a loss for words. He had seen him at breakfast a few hours ago but he looked so different. His hair hung infront of his eyes, his eyes, bloodshot red, his cheeks and lips flushed a shade of pink and tears dripping down his cheeks. Darren stood there, debating if he should say anything or hug him. "What do you want?" Justin wiped his tears. Darren didn't reply and hugged Justin. He slowly ran his fingers through Justin's hair. Justin hugged back, clutching Darren's tshirt. "I'm sorry, Justin," Darren said. Justin pulled away and looked at him, "Why? Why did you stop talking to me, and clinging on to me?" "I'm sorry, Justin. But whatever I'm going to say now, is going to be very heavy on you," Justin just nodded. Darren sat down beside Justin, grabbing his hand and fiddling with his fingers. "Look, a few months ago, I started to get butterflies around you, I started to get nervous around you. Anytime you clung on to me, anytime you kissed my cheek, or cuddled with me, I got really really nervous. I didn't know if you liked me back and I just kept on pushing you away. I didn't want to hurt myself. But..." Darren trailed off, fighting back his tears. "But in the midst of trying not to hurt myself, I forgot I was hurting you too," Darren looked at Justin and sighed. Justin was shocked. He couldn't manage to form a sentence. "I know you don't like me back, Justin. It's okay-" Darren couldn't finish his sentence as Justin pressed his lips onto his. Darren's eyes widened but he kissed back. After a few seconds, Justin pulled back, "I hope that answers your question. Now take me out as redemption," Justin said. "Anything for you."

thank you for reading!
i'm still on vacation, but, i started working on it before coming on vacation, so i decided to finish it and publish it! the storyline isn't that good, and i'm sorry. but i'm trying my best. the next story will be of sebryan and the storyline will be really really good (my editor thinks so) stay tuned!

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