homesick ii

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Now that Sebastian was here, Ryan wanted to ask him about that girl. After dinner, when everyone was gathered in the living room, Ryan was laying on Sebastian's lap and scrolling through tiktok, he lost his cool. He saw a bunch of tiktok edits of Sebastian and that vacation girl. He got pissed and shoved the phone in front of Sebastian's face. "Who's this girl?" He said, as quietly and calmly as he could. "A random vacation girl. Why?" "Doesn't look like a 'random vacation girl' with the way you almost kissed her!" Sebastian looked at Ryan, thoroughly shocked. But his lips curled up in a mischievous smile,
"Awww, is someone jealous?" Ryan rolled his eyes and got off of Sebastian. "I'm going to sleep, goodnight." Sebastian stared at Ryan until he disappeared from sight. He sighed and got up as well. "Well, I'll go sleep now too, goodnight." "Just sleep?" Regie asked, "Ain't no way they 'just sleeping'," Darren added. "Probably gonna find them shirtless when I wake them up tomorrow," Oliver said. "Oh fuck off" Sebastian rolled his eyes and went to his room.

"Ryan, are you mad?" "No, obviously not! How could I be mad when my bestfriend is lying to me?" Ryan replied sarcastically. "I'm not lying." "Your lips were two centimetres away from touching, you had your hands around her waist, you picked her up and spun her around in one video, and you say she's just some random 'vacation girl'. Do you really expect me to believe you?" "Ryan. I was just trying to piss you off and it worked," Sebastian smirked."Fuck you, Moy" Ryan said before pulling his blanket up over his head.

The next morning Ryan woke up to Sebastian's arm around him and his face buried in Ryan's chest. He frowned but didn't move so as to not wake him up. Sebastian pressed his face deeper into Ryan's hoodie before his muffled voice came, "I missed this so much." Ryan frowned again but replied with, "Missed what, Moy?" "You, this, cuddling." Ryan chuckled and wrapped his arms around Sebastian too. "Well you've got to wake up now Sebby" Sebastian looked up at Ryan, his eyes surprisingly red and his cheeks flushed. "So you're not mad anymore?" "I wasn't mad to begin with, just being slightly overdramatic. Now get up, love" Sebastian gulped at the pet name. Ryan got up and tugged on Sebastian's sleeve, "Come on."

At breakfast, they were all seated together, Sebastian was sitting between Oliver and Ryan and Regie was beside Oliver. Whenever another member made Ryan laugh, he placed his hand on Sebastian's thigh. It would've been fine if Ryan's smooth hands weren't making direct contact with his skin, he was wearing shorts. At some point Ryan had unconsciously started rubbing circles on Sebastian's thigh and Sebastian's breath hitched. "Uh guys, I'm done, I need to edit a video and take pictures for instagram. If anyone needs me, I'll be up in my room," "The only person needing you is your roommate," Darren replied.

Ryan walked in a few minutes later, "I'm gonna go take a shower." Ryan grabbed his clothes and Sebastian noticed that he had only taken boxers and shorts. "Is he gonna come out of the shower shirtless? If he does, I might die" Sebastian thought to himself. A few minutes later, much likely to Sebastian's assumption, Ryan came out shirtless. He stared at Ryan. He only looked away when Ryan's voice came, "Like what you see, babe?" 'Another pet name, fuck' Sebastian thought. "Obviously I do Ryry, now put on a shirt," "Aww. Is Moy getting hard looking at me?" "Please, you're funny" "Not when I spit facts." Sebastian turned to Ryan, his focus had already drifted, and he wasn't in the mood for Ryan's teasing. "What do you want Ryan?" Ryan scoffed in response, "Seriously, Moy? You're this damn oblivious?" Sebastian gulped. Ryan uses his last name only when he's mad or teasing him. He was definitely mad. "Oblivious to what?" "Every goddamn thing!" Ryan spat. "You're oblivious to my painfully obvious signs, you're oblivious to the nice things I only do for you, and you only. You're oblivious to how I'm always letting you cling to me when you know for a fact that I hate touch or any sort of physical affection!" Ryan was frustrated and he was yelling. He looked at Sebastian, who was staring off into space, his eyes watering. Shit. Ryan thought to himself. 'He hates it when anyone raises their voice at him. What the fuck is wrong with you Ryan Nguyen.' Ryan walks closer to Sebastian and kneels to look at him better. "Don't cry, love. I'm sorry, I just got a little too frustrated. Come here," Ryan wrapped his arms around Sebastian, smiling contently when Sebastian wrapped his arms around him. "Seb?" "Yes" "Do you like me?" "Ofcourse I do Ryan, you're my closest friend" "No, not like that you idiot. Do you like me, like me?" Sebastian looked at Ryan like he was crazy. "Ofcourse Ryan! I fucking love you." Ryan smiled, resting his chin on top of Sebastian's head. "So, will you be my boyfriend, love?" "OFFUCKKINGCOURSE. I've been waiting for AGES for you to say this." Ryan smiled and kissed Sebastian.
And now, Ryan realized, that he wasn't homesick anymore.

thank you so much for reading!

If you like the stories, please let me know as i would love to hear recommendations too! requests for any plot is welcomed, as long it doesn't involve smut, because smut plots can be quite imaginative to people and i would rather write it myself. but if you have lime suggestions, feel free to drop them! i'm unfortunately not capable enough for writing AUs so if you do request them, i might not work on it immediately, but would work on it for sure in the future!

yours truly

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