love me (sebryan)

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Ryan sighed as he moved his boxes from the door to his side of the room. Sebastian followed closely after him with his stuff. Both of them were very tired from moving. Ryan started unpacking his stuff and keeping them in places. Sebastian, meanwhile, jumped on the bed and hugged the sheets. He was sleepy. Ryan huffed in annoyance as he pushed Sebastian to get him out of bed. Sebastian groaned and sat up. "I'm bored, we can do this later. Let's go to the rooftop," Ryan raises a brow, looking skeptical. "Please?" Sebastian asks. Ryan rolls his eyes and walks out the door. Sebastian claps happily and follows behind Ryan.

Once they're both on the roof, Ryan sits on the ledge, swinging his legs over it. Sebastian leans against the ledge and looks at Ryan. Ryan's face clearly looked tired and exhausted, but he was holding it together. Ryan looked back at Sebastian when he noticed him staring, "Bro, you good?" "Yeah, but I don't think you are," "Why's that?" Sebastian just shrugs and turns away. Ryan sighs and swings his legs back and forth. He tries not to let his obvious strain and exhaustion show. The last thing he wants is to make all the members concerned for him. With a tour coming up, he can't risk making everyone lose focus and only worry about him. Ryan was lost in thought and didn't hear Sebastian calling. Sebastian sighed and turned away. "I'll give you a moment, you clearly need it," Sebastian says before closing the door to the rooftop and going downstairs.

Ryan stays on the roof for a while, the hours blurring together. His phone was ringing but he was so lost in thought he didn't notice. When his phone rang a second time, he noticed. He answered the call and put it on speaker. "Ryan, come downstairs. You haven't eaten the entire day," "I'll come later, you guys eat," "No, come down. Now," Ryan rolled his eyes and says okay as he gets down from the ledge. He makes his way downstairs as Oliver approaches him. "You good bro?" "Yes, yes. I'm good," Ryan pushes past Oliver and walks to the dinner table. He sits down and grabs a plate. "Hi, Ryan. Social battery died already?" Regie asks. Ryan just shrugs. "I guess. I'm just sleepy." Regie shakes his head smiling, "Sure bro." Ryan huffs in annoyance and eats in silence. He gets up and notices Sebastian wasn't there. He frowns and asks Oliver. "Maybe he's gone to bed?" Ryan nods and walks upstairs to his bedroom. He's quite surprised to find their room all organized, Sebastian had already setup his PC and also Ryan's PC. The decor pieces they both packed were also put in the right places. The bed was also made. Sebastian came out of the shower, drying his hair with a towel. "I thought you'd spend the night on the roof," Ryan rolls his eyes and goes into the bathroom with his stuff. He comes out a few minutes later and just lays on the bed. Sebastian was on his PC, playing Valorant. Sebastian looks back at Ryan, peacefully sleeping. He smiles and turns off the lights and lays down beside Ryan.

Ryan wakes up the next day for the yelling coming from downstairs. He opens his eyes and turns to look at Sebastian. Sebastian had also woken up and he looked confused. "What's up with the yelling?" Sebastian asked in his undeniably hot morning voice. Ryan shrugs, "I just woke up too. Let's go check." Sebastian nods and gets out of bed. They walk downstairs and see Regie and Oliver arguing, about to get into an actual fight. Ryan looks at Darren, who was standing at the bottom of the stairwell. "What happened?" "Dunno, woke up to this." Ryan nods and makes his way downstairs. He practically yells on top of his lungs, "Oliver! Regie! Stop!" Both of them turn to look at him. "I don't know what happened with you two but don't be arguing like that at seven in the fucking morning." Ryan says as calmly as he could. He was tired and he didn't want this bullshit. "If Mr. Macalino would stick to the schedule and do stuff he is supposed to do, we wouldn't be arguing like this." Ryan frowns at Oliver's statement. Oliver elaborates, "Well, Regie here has a date today-" "I keep telling you it's not a date! There will be more than 5 people!" Regie interrupts. "I don't care, let me finish. Well whatever he has today is messing with our schedule. And we have a music video shooting today that we definitely can't reschedule. And he keeps telling me to reschedule when it's his poor planning that gpt us here." Ryan shakes his head and leaves the room. He wasn't in the mood for being the judge in any situation. His head hurt, his arms hurt, his entire body hurt. He grabbed a bottle of water and downed it. He was tired. Just tired of everything in general. He went back to bed and pulled the covers above his head and hugged his pillow.

No one bothered Ryan. Not even during shooting. Everyone saw how tired he was. Usually, they fooled around the set, hitting each other, tackling each other, making jokes while eating during breaks. But today, there was none of that. Or atleast, there was none of that with Ryan. He was sat in a corner during breaks on his phone, not eating. Sebastian and all the members were concerned but nobody had anything to do. Sebastian was now walking towards Ryan. He stood infront of Ryan. "Ry?" "What?" He snapped and looked at Sebastian. Sebastian was taken aback at Ryan's tone and stumbled back. "I-It's uh. I- um. I just, I-" Ryan shakes his head and stands up, pulling Sebastian in for a hug. He lets go after a few minutes. "I'll be with you guys in a bit, okay?" Sebastian just nods.

When they were back home, they could sense Ryan was still in a bad mood. So they didn't bother him. The next few days, they'd be free. Regie took Oliver out as a way to say sorry for stressing him out. Darren took Justin to meet his parents (they're dating). Kane and Ty went to meet their other siblings. Sebastian went out alone, trying to take a day for himself. But all he could think about was Ryan. He couldn't take it anymore and just went back home. Ryan was nowhere to be seen. He went upstairs. Ryan was on his phone, scrolling mindlessly. "Hey, Ry," "Hmm" Sebastian frowned. "Are you okay?" Ryan hummed in response again. Sebastian grabbed Ryan's phone from his hand and put it in his pocket. Ryan tried to grab it back but Sebastian pushed him away. "Ry, look at me," "What?"   "What's wrong?" "Everything is wrong. Every fucking thing. Waking up is wrong. Eating is wrong. Laughing is wrong. Smiling is wrong. Feeling any sort of happy emotion is wrong." Ryan says. "Now leave me alone." "Ry-" "Leave me the fuck alone!" Ryan yells. Sebastian tears up. "Why...." Ryan shakes his head and hugs Sebastian. "Shit, I'm sorry." Sebastian whispers under his breathe. "I just want you to love me." Ryan whispers back, "I already do," Sebastian pulls away. He looks Ryan in the eye. "What?!" Ryan smiles, the first one in a few days and kisses him. Kisses him.

thank you for reading!
i hit writers block. i have no idea what to write and how to write right now. so this one isn't that good, i'm sorry. i'll try my best for the next one (part ii of the last story). thank you for the support! (my story hit 1k+ i'm crying thank you all really😭)

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