smoking cigarettes on the roof(sebryan)

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t//w: smoking, drinking, other unhealthy habits. don't proceed if you're uncomfortable. 

Ryan rummaged in his drawer for his air pods and lighter. He grabbed his air pod and sighed in defeat when he couldn't find his lighter. He walked out of his room to look for Sebastian. "Hey Seb, can you come here real quick?" "Yeah, give me a minute," Sebastian pauses his game with Regie and walks towards Ryan. "You need anything?" Ryan drops his voice and whispers to Sebastian, "You seen my lighter?" Sebastian rolls his eyes and pulls his one out of his pocket. "Take mine for now, and let me know where you go, okay?" Ryan nods and walks back to his room. He lights his cigarette and sits on the balcony. It's evening so even if any of the members were out in the yard, they wouldn't see him. He sits cross legged and pulls out his phone to play some music. The light summer breeze hits his face, as he stares outside. He can hear the cars and every single commotion out in the city, but he feels calm. He leans his head against the wall, closing his eyes. He grabs his ashtray and puts out his cigarette. He reaches for another one as Sebastian walks in, holding a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses. Ryan flashes him a smile as he stands up. "We're not doing this in the balcony."

They find themselves at the rooftop. None of the members bother them when they go to the rooftop because sometimes Ryan needs alone time but Sebastian always accompanies him. So, they mostly never follow them when they go up to the rooftop. Sebastian sits on the table and Ryan sits on a couch surrounding the table. Sebastian lights his cigarette and attempts to make a smoke ring but failed. He huffed in annoyance. Ryan chuckles at Sebastian's behavior. "Keep trying, you'll get better," Ryan ruffles Sebastian's hair. Sebastian pulls his legs up and brings his knees up to his chest. Ryan pours shots of tequila. Ryan always questioned how him and Sebastian got to this point. How Sebastian and him started smoking together when Ryan never told anyone about his habit. He downed the shot without even flinching. He was far too used to this. Sebastian pulled out his phone and played a song.
"We fell in love in October? Seriously?" Ryan rolls his eyes. "Come on, the first lyric is very fitting to what we are doing," Sebastian says, singing the lyric.
Smoking cigarettes on the roof
You look so pretty and I love this view
We fell in love in October
That's why I love fall
Looking at the stars
Admiring from afar
Ryan playfully shoved Sebastian to stop him from finishing the lyrics. He pours himself another shot. Sebastian doesn't say anything and just stares at Ryan. He grabs the bottle from Ryan and takes a swig right from it. Ryan tries snatching it back but he stands up on the table instead. Ryan rolls his eyes and rests his body against the couch. Sebastian doesn't bother pouring shots and instead keeps drinking from the bottle. He stops when he feels tipsy.

"Ryan?" "Mhm?" "How did we end up like this?" "Like what?" Ryan asks pulling Sebastian closer to him. Sebastian got off the table and sat beside Ryan at that point. He rested his head on Ryan's chest. "Like this," he points at the cigarette between Ryan's lips and then points at himself. "Me and you snuggling? Or us drinking and smoking?" "Both. Don't you hate physical affection?" "You're an exception." Sebastian blushes and buries his face in Ryan's chest. Ryan chuckles as his phone starts ringing. "Hey Oli, we'll be back soon," He tugs on Sebastian's sleeves and notices that he has fallen asleep. He chuckles and kisses Sebastian's forehead and picks him up on his back. Whatever happened due to them starting to do this together, Ryan's enjoying it.
"I just hope you feel the same" Ryan sighs as he opens the door to the stairwell.

thank you for reading!!
again, i am so sorry if this is super confusing. but it's part two will make much more sense.
(sorry for the slow updates, i have way too much school work to catch up on😭)

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