i'm sorry (sebryan)

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Sebastian stared at Ryan as he played with Regie. Both of them were playing Fifa on their console and yelling at the screen. Sebastian chuckled when Ryan accidentally hit Regie with the console. "Fuck man, you gotta hit me that hard?" Regie said, rubbing his arm. "Sorry dude, that hurt?" "Obviously," Regie rolled his eyes. Sebastian brought some ice and handed it to Regie. "Thanks man," Regie said, pressing the ice on the place where he was hurt. They continued playing. Ryan only got up when his phone rang. "Hey, Jia. You need anything?" "Yeah, I'm coming over. That cool?" "Mhm, yeah. You should come," "Alright," Ryan hung up and got up. "Jia's coming, I gotta go get ready," "Uh, sure," Regie looked at Sebastian. Sebastian clearly looked pissed off. Ryan didn't seem to notice and just pushed past him. "You okay, Seb?" Regie asked. "I'll try to be."

As soon as the doorbell rang, Ryan sprinted downstairs and opened the door. Jia hugged him and walked inside. "I've missed youuu," Jia said, hugging Ryan again. "I've missed you toooo," Ryan said. Sebastian walked downstairs, dressed to go out. "You going out?" Ryan asked. "Yeah, I'll be back late," Sebastian said, eyeing Jia. "You'll be too preoccupied to give me attention, so might as well go," Ryan looked confused at that statement and just stared at Sebastian until he left. Ryan shrugged it off and pulled Jia with him.

Jia and Ryan had went out, they ate lunch together, went to an amusement park, all while spamming their insta stories. They weren't dating. And they knew they never would. But the Stars still thought they were together and kept on pressing. Sebastian was forced to endure all of the shipping. And now, he was forced to endure all the torture from Ryan's stories. He was frustrated and angry and pissed at all the pictures he saw. His last straw was when Ryan posted a picture of him and Jia hugging, Jia's face buried in Ryan's neck. He threw his phone on the ground out of furstration. "Woah dude, chill out," Jjang said before picking up Sebastian's phone and handing it to him. "Thanks dude, I gotta go know tho," "Okay bro, see you soon."

As Sebastian walked home, he was lost in thought. He knew Ryan wasn't dating Jia, but, the way they acted, made him doubt everything. He decided he would talk to Ryan at night. He was walking as slowly as he could, to give himself more time to think. But, he felt as if time just slipped away and in no time, he was standing infront of their front door. He took a deep breath before opening the door. He was hoping that Ryan wasn't back home. But, luck definitely wasn't on his side, as soon as he walked in, he saw Ryan and Jia on the couch, laughing about something. It made Sebastian's blood boil. He shoved his airpods in his ear and pretended not to hear anything. Ryan had called out to him, but he pretended not to notice. He walked to their bedroom, slamming the door shut. He took out his airpods and leaned against the door. He didn't know why, but tears started falling from his eyes. He wiped his tears, he was being stupid. He shook his head and went to the bathroom to change. When he came out, Ryan was laying on their bed, scrolling through his phone. He looked up when Sebastian came out. "Heyyy, you good?" Sebastian ignored his question and walked to his closet. Ryan frowned but tried to talk to Sebastian again, "Bro, you good? What's up?" Sebastian ignored him again. Ryan got pissed, "Dude, what's your issue? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Sebastian looked back at him, "Why do you care? Go back to Jia, stop bothering me," "Jia? So that's what this is about. Can you not be so over dramatic for one fucking second?" "Oh so now I'm being over dramatic? How about you stop acting for one fucking second and admit that you and Jia are dating," Sebastian spat back. "We are not dating! And even if we were, what is it to you, huh?" "It's nothing to me but the way you act with her and then deny everything is pissing me off," "It's absolutely none-of-your-fucking-business. Why do you care if I'm dating someone? Why do you care if I am hooking up with people? Can you not be so fucking egocentric all the time? What I do shouldn't matter to you!" Ryan was yelling now. Sebastian flinched, stumbling back. Tears now forming in his eyes. Egocentric? Is that what Ryan really thought about him? He fought back his tears, but couldn't. Tears dribbled down his cheeks, as he struggled to breath. "You should stop being so self-centered. You should stop thinking about yourself only. There are other people around you! You are the most narcissistic person in the entire group! And I hate narcissistic people!" Ryan finished. He hadn't noticed Sebastian crying. He finally glanced at him. "Shit," he cursed under his breathe. "So you hate me, huh?" Sebastian walked away from the room, towards their empty guest bedroom. He slammed the door shut and slid down the door. He hugged his knees and broke down crying. Ryan meanwhile, realized what he had just said out of anger. He practically sprinted towards the guest bedroom and banged on the door. Oliver was passing by, he looked at Ryan, raising a brow. Ryan ignored him and tried the doorknob. "Seb, please open the door. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please just open the door, for once, and please just hear me out." Ryan kept on banging on the door. A few minutes of trying later, Sebastian opened the door, just a fraction. "What do you want? You said you hate me, that's the end of it. I'll leave NSB and let you and Jia live in peace. That's what you want, right?" "No, Seb. Ofcourse not. Please, please just let me in." Sebastian hesitantly opened the door. Ryan definitely wasn't prepared for that. He didn't expect Sebastian's reaction. Unless. Ryan stood infront of Sebastian. He didn't know what to say. "Whatever I said back then, I didn't mean it. I was just angry because you were completely ignoring me. It was pissing me off. I didn't know what to tell you as I didn't realize what it was in me that felt this way," "So you went and flirted with Jia?" Sebastian scoffed. "Just so you know, Jia has a boyfriend," Sebastian rolled his eyes. But he was still teary eyed. Looking at Ryan, he couldn't hold it in anymore. More tears. This time, Ryan pulled Sebastian closer to him and hugged him. "Shh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry," "W-when you-u sai-id that you h-hated me, I j-just couldn't take it. I l-love y-you w-with all my h-heart and I c-could n-never l-live without you." Ryan smiled at Sebastian's words. "I don't hate you, Sebby. I love you with all my heart too." Sebastian wrapped his arms around Ryan tighter, sobbing into his chest. Ryan ran his fingers through Sebastian's hair. "I love you so much Sebastian. And I'm so sorry for not saying it earlier."

thank you for reading!
i don't even know what this is. so many things I see on vacation are giving me inspiration to write! enjoy!

nsb oneshots!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora