『 Ch. 03 』

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Finally, I'm almost there.

I let out a huff as I stepped over a fallen tree branch. I couldn't wait to get home; by the time I actually got there and finished my shower, the sun would probably be rising, though...

"Ugh." I sighed and finally made it to the clearing.

The cabin wasn't very big, but it wasn't small either. There was a small basketball hoop outside the house along with a few balls. I had lived here for about five or six years now. Ever since the fire. I shook my head and let the thought disappear. I would deal with that trauma eventually. Just not now.

"(Y/n)! Hey!!!" A voice suddenly erupted. I looked over and saw Crimm running through the front door and coming up to me.

"AGH! CRIMMSON-" She practically tackled me and wrapped her arms around me.

Crimmson was one of the other people who lived in the cabin with me. Aside from her, there was Abi, Jen, Lex, and of course, Leroy. So, in total, there were six of us. It was a nice group of people. From youngest to eldest, there was Lex, Crimm, Me, Abi, Jen, then Leroy. The respective ages being fifteen, eighteen, twenty-two, then twenty-eight, thirty, and thirty-six. We were all like family.

Abi and Jen technically were family; as in they were dating. But, I doubt it'll stay like that for long. I wonder when Jen will pop the question? It's painful to watch her try and ask without actually asking. Leroy also adopted Lex before they went into hiding.

"You were gone forever!" Crimm snapped me out of my thoughts and spoke. She drug out her 'r' and looked up at me.

"You act like I've never been gone this long?" I pushed her off me and sighed. "Also, I messaged Leroy, did she not tell you?" I made my way into the house with Crimm trailing me.

"Nahh, she's been busy all day writing and working things out with the other sectors." I opened the door and Crimm walked in before me.

"Ah; well, I'm sorry to worry you. I had to stop somewhere and get food."

"Oooh~ What was it??" She grinned as I closed the door and we walked to the living room.

"Breakfast, nothing too crazy. But, I do have some news that is crazy!" I finally made my way into the living room and Crimmson slumped onto the couch.

"Oh? Does it have to do with why you were out last night?" She smirked and gave me a curious look.

"It actually does~" I pulled out my phone and sent a message in the group chat.

GasLight GateKeep GirlBoss

You: yo
if ur home come
into the living room
i have some...

Queen: oo snap

Jen: How exciting!

I waited for a minute as Crimm questioned me, trying to figure out what I was going to spill. After everyone was in there, my smug grin had only widened.

"Sorry, Babe couldn't come. She's still out on a mission." Jen smiled softly at me.

"It's fine, I can tell her later-"

"So? What's the news!! Tell us!!"

"You are so impatient." I stared at Crimm with a disappointed look.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat. "As you know, we've had a target for a while now. A target by the name of 'James Sparce', aka a total douche?"

"Yeah!! God, I want him dead!" Lex punched the air, and I smiled.

"Oh yeah, he's the old guy, right?" I nodded and put my hands on my hips.

"So you might wonder why I'm acting so peachy while talking about him?" I smirked and could barely hide my joy. "Guess what Peach got the kill for him tonight~?" I gestured to myself and winked. A smug expression spread over my face as shock filled everyone else's.

"No way!! You're kidding right!? Pulling my leg??" Crimm stood up and ran over to me. I only grinned in response.

"Wait really? Congrats (Y/n)! That's so cool." Jen smiled and gave me a little clap. Lex, on the other hand, was just sitting on the couch flabbergasted.

"Aaw c'mon, I wanted that kill!!" She crossed her arms and pouted.

"Too bad too sad~" I laughed a bit as she threw a pillow at me.

"Aagh!!" I dodged it and glared at her. Lex then stormed off, half upset half impressed, and gave me the finger on her way out.

"Love you too!" I yelled at her but was hard ignored.

"I'm awfully impressed." I heard a voice to my right and looked over to see Leroy. She actually looked impressed. Which was weird; she was never impressed.

So I'm not gonna tell her about how I thought the guy in there was really very super steaming hot...

"Oh, uhm, thanks." I, honestly, was a bit stunned. She smiled and went to say something but was cut off by her phone ringing.

"Hold on, it's Abi..." She left the room with Jen trailing her. She gave me a thumbs up on their way out.

I waited a few seconds before grabbing Crimm and dragging her to my room.


"Shush." I closed my door and looked at her. "I need to tell you something."

I explained everything. The bar, the bouncer, the killing, the guy. What I left out was my opinions on his looks.

"So hold up. Someone saw you practically torturing some, supposedly, random guy, and he wasn't scared at all??" I nodded.

"I especially wanna know why he looked so..."


"H- FAMILAR." I blurted the word out and Crimm stared at me.

"I dunno. You and I both know you haven't told me enough about your past for me to start guessing." She got off my bed and opened my door. "I do know that I'm tired and wanna sleep, though." She closed my door and left me spiraling.

I took a deep breath and ran my hands down my neck and onto my shoulders.

I need a shower...

𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭&𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐞『 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 』Where stories live. Discover now