『 Ch. 11 』

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"And that makes sixteen!"

I wiped a mixture of blood and sweat off of me as I pushed the body into a river. I wonder how many Toby has gotten? Probably finished way earlier. He really is good at what he does.

I mean, he's good at a lot of things,,, like looking pretty. And cool. And hot... I could feel myself smiling and I ran my hand over hair. I let out a small breath as I made my way back through the walking trail. I finally got back into town, and by the time I was there, it was the sun seemed to start to rise. As I walked down the street, I saw a large group of people huddled around a window of a store; sitting in it was a bunch of Tvs.

What are they looking at?

I decided to go join them, I'd be quick, then I would go find Toby. I pulled my hood up and put my hands in my pockets. I didn't worry too much about any blood, it was still dark and they weren't paying attention to me at all. When I got close, I saw it was on the news channel.

"—Rodgers Arson and Murder case." What? "They have found and detained Tobias Rodgers after almost Eleven years since he murder his father in cold blood and lit his neighborhood ablaze."

No. No, no, no, no, no. This is a joke right? I'm hallucinating; just really tired??

"Many thought he died in the fire, but it's undoubtedly him. He's refused to speak thus far, but justice will be served for this monster." I felt a spur of anger come into me as my fists clenched. I slowly backed away from the TV then booked it towards the forest.

I need to go get somebody.

Fuck, Toby... What did you get yourself into??

I pushed through the door, my lungs hurt, but I never stopped running. I quickly got to the kitchen and grabbed Toby's phone, which suprisingly didn't have a lock on it. I looked through his contacts as quickly as I could until I found Masky's chat.

Its (y/n)
Toby's in trouble please come to the summer home
I'm begging you

Of fuckin course
I'll be there in about 10

Bring people you can TRUST


I sat the phone down and began pacing, I didn't know what to do. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt tears streaming down my face. I went back to the bedroom and sat down, trying to gain any amount of my composure back. I clutched my chest and tried to hush muffled the cries that escaped me. I felt like screaming, and I just wanted Toby back.

He's in trouble. Toby could die, they wouldn't let him out, right? For once in my life I found someone I loved. Someone I truly loved. Someone I wouldn't mind spending my life with, and I lost him. God dammit...

I could feel myself shaking and each breath I took came out shaky and soft. I felt as if I was going to pass out but I was never more alert. But, not alert enough to hear someone had entered the house; not until the bedroom door opened. I flung my head up and saw,,, Hoodie?"

"(Y/n), right?" He stood akwardly in the door before stepping foward and closing it. I stared at him with teary eyes unable to say anything. "Shame this is our first real conversation. Truly." I smiled a little from his lighthearted tone and he took notice.

"Tim is outside smoking. Fuckin' loser." He shoved his hands into his pockets before tilting his head. "Oh wait, you're the one who doesn't like swears aren't you? My bad."

"Whos Tim...?" I cocked my head to the side and his shoulder fell a bit.

"Oh he never told you his real name? It's Masky; He doesn't like being called Tim, though." He shrugged. "Not my problem."

I ran my fingers through my, now disheveled, hair with a slight smile. Hoodie let out an exasperated sigh and put out his hand.

"Come on, we should go talk to Tim, probably good you explain everything to him." I sniffled and reluctantly took his hand. He put his other hand on my back to provide some type of comfort. I looked up to only met with the strange masks he seemed to wear.

"Let's go get you some tea? It'll help with the nerves."

I sat on the couch, staring at nothing. I held a half empty mug of chamomile tea in my hands; I had stopped drinking it a while ago. I tuned out the sound of people talking in the other room and tried to focus on my breathing.

A creak on the floorboards made me aware of Masky coming into the room. I didn't spare the energy to look up, but he still sat down beside me. He sat in silence for a second before taking off his jacket, revealing a dirty red flannel.

"I called the woman in your contacts with the name 'Boss Woman'." I finally looked up at him, pairing it with a confused expression. "I thought it would be beneficial to see if you had anyone I could call. She's, uh, on her way." I froze for a second before looking away.

How did he get in my—

"It's really easy to open your phone when it's just 'Toby'." I felt my face heat up a bit and went to speak but I was cut off. "I don't care how you feel about him, just don't fuck him up even more. He's been through a lot." I looked back at him and he sat slouched foward, his hands interlocked. He looked tense. I smile a bit and sat my tea down.

"Brother." I piped up and took a deep breath.

"Huh?" He looked over at me and I met his gaze. His eyes reflected off the light and I could see they were a dark brown.

"Your name is Brother with a heart emoticon in his phone. He cares about you." I teared up a bit and pulled the blanket around me tighter.

"He cares about you too," He paused. "Plenty of people do." I glanced at him before letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Do you think we'll get him back?" I slightly turned to him and he leaned back on the couch.

"I'm sure we will. The police are stupid." I smiled a bit before he added another comment, "If we don't Slenderman will. He's not really one to take his proxies being trapped so easily." He paused for a second before letting out a small laugh.

"One time me and Br— uh, Hoodie— we got caught by the police up north. We were stuck for weeks before Slender came to save us. We joked about resorting to begging so we could get out." He seemed a lot less tense as his shoulders let down a bit. "He even told me to seduce one the guards..." He let out a louder laugh before covering his mask with his hand.

"I mean, that's kinda what I do." He looked at me and tilted his head as much as he could with the way he was sitting.

"I think I look good. It helps lure in people, mainly men, that happen to be a target." I smile and finally feel part of weight on my shoulders leave.

"Yeah, I get why Toby likes you," Huh.  "You're definitely a looker." He stood up and stretched a bit before turning to me. "Too bad I'm into men." He began walking away as I let out a small giggle. He turned back to me and waved for me to come with him.

"Come on; you wanna save him, we need a plan to get him out." I smiled a bit and stood up.

"Alright, let's get talking."

𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭&𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐞『 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 』Where stories live. Discover now