『 Ch. 08 』

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"Ah- no, no, shit!"

My eyes slowly opened as the sunlight poured through the curtains and left a warm tingle on my skin. I rubbed the dust out of my eyes and turned onto my side. I then realized the weight on top of me, I look down to see a large blanket laying on top of me. I smiled a bit, knowing that Toby had given to me.

I slowly pushed the blanket off and sat up. I stretched my arms above my head before tuning in to the quiet murmur in, what I assume was, the kitchen... I stood up and made my way to the noise. When I got into the kitchen, I saw a frustrated, mumbling, Toby.

"Is everything alright?" He jumped a bit before turning to me.

"Don't sneak up on me." He pointed a spatula as me,,, menacingly...

"I didn't 'sneak' up on you. I simply walked in, quietly." I grinned and he responded with an aggravated sigh. He sent a glare my way before turning back to the stove.

"I was t-trying to cook breakfast... but,,, uh, i-it's not working..." His voice got slowly quieter and he sheepishly stood there.

God, he is so cute...

"Do you want help?" I smiled and gestured towards the stove. He stood there for a second before hesitantly nodding. I let out a small laugh as I walked over to the stove.

"D-don't laugh at me..." I grabbed whatever scraps were on the stove and poured it in the trash.

"Alrighty... Pancakes?" I smiled and began to fix the stove. I looked over my shoulder and saw Toby lightly shrug. "Pancakes it is."

"Alright, now you just scoot it underneath..." I moved the spatula underneath the pancake and almost flawlessly flipped it. Toby stood behind me staring; he tried to not seem interested but he was really bad at pretending. It was cute. "Okay, you try."

I handed him the spatula and moved back. He looked at me with a worried look.

"B-but what if I mess up..." I give him a gentle smile and he let out a small sigh. He hesitantly approached the shoved before delicately grabbing the pan's handle. He, oh-so-slowly, moved the spatula under a different pancake and gently flipped it. His eyes immediately lit up but once he realized I was staring, he tried to look disinterested again. Nevertheless, I gave him a little clap and smile.

"Good job!" He handed me the spatula back and I turned back to the food. "Go sit and I'll be done in a second."

"Y-you sure...?" I hummed in response and he reluctantly sat down to wait for me. I could see him fidget with his fingers and bite the skin around them. I tried to ignore it but it was making me anxious.

"It's a bad habit isn't it?" He looked back up at me with a curious look. "Biting your nails." He quickly put his hands in his pockets and stared at the floor.

"Terrible habit to get out of, isn't it? I used to pick so bad I would bleed, it sucked." I slowly sit the pancakes on the plate and move over to the table. I smile at him as I grab two more plates.

"Don't wanna get too depressing here. Grab what you want, I'll get the rest." He silently, and hesitantly, grabbed a little over half the pancakes and, as said, I grabbed the rest. We ate in silence for a while before he spoke up.

"Im s-sorry..." I glanced up and cocked my head to the side.

"Hm? About what?"

"That I-I'm a horrible c-cook... Made you make the food." He seemed to tense up and give this guilty look; he acted like it was much bigger than it was.

𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭&𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐞『 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 』Where stories live. Discover now