『 Ch. 14 』

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"Who the fuck are you??"

Toby fully let go of me, and turned fully to the group of girls standing infront of him. It was only them here; so, he was rightfully confused. "And why are there tacky decorations everwhere?"

"Toby, this is my family; they helped rescue you from that hell hole." I smiled softly and gestured towards the others. "And for the 'tacky' decorations, you see,,, it's Christmas today." I half-smiled, still tired from earlier; but I tried to be excited.

I had almost completely forgotten it was Christmas. I had been so stressed for the past little bit,,, it just didn't cross my mind. I need to make something for Toby, I wonder if he ever celebrates Christmas?

"I guess,,, Can I g-get their name's?" Toby seemed extremely nervous and uncomfortable with the others in the room. I had been around him so often I could tell when his anxiety started picking up, but I was surprised that Leroy caught on too; especially as fact as she did.

"My name is Maria Leroy. And here we have, Crimmson, and Abbi. Jen is in through the kitchen cooking some dinner for everyone; whe wants everyone to be fed. Oh, and this," she gestured to her daughter loosely. "Is my kid, Lex." She spoke in a calm and respectful tone. She was trying really hard not to worsen Toby's anxiety it was building up.

"We're going to go back and help Jen. Im sure you two need to talk,,, and she could use our help." Leroy smiled; she and others said bye and went further in the house. I glanced over at Toby, who still looked nervous, but very also tired. I don't blame him, though. He's been through a lot in the past fourty-eight hours.

"You look exhausted," I took his hand and slowly began making my way into the livingroom. "Let's go sit down." He followed with no hesitation but I also didn't receive a response. It was a little worrisome; I didn't really see him upset like this very often.

We got to the livingroom and sat down on the couch, and I never let go of his hand. I knew I didn't need to hold him so tight, he wasn't going to dissappear. But,,, I guess I wanted a reason to hold hid hand. I knew I loved him. At first, it was just pure,,, infatuation, but now? I was head over heals, in love.

Why does the earth do this to me?

"I'm sorry." Toby suddenly spoke up and I turned to face him. I felt my heart stop for a second when I saw tears running hid face. He looked like he was trying so hard, not to sob.

"Toby?" I reached my other hand out to put on his shoulder, but he quickly pulled me into a tight hug. It caught me off guard, but I quickly hugged him back. I knew he needed this comfort right now, and I was more that willing to give that to him.

"I thought I w-would never see y-you again..." His voice was getting progressively more shaky and he pulled me in tighter. I could feel his tears soak into my jacket. I felt horrible for him. I didn't really even know what to say. I understand why he was upset, he had a reason to be. I took a deep breath and planned out what I could say.

"But you did, right?" I paused and pulled away so I could face him. I smiled, and his expression seemed to soften. "I'm still here. I was scared about you, too... I cried a lot that night. But, you're here now, with me; and were safe. We're together again." I smiled and put my hand on his cheek; he immediately leaned into it.

"Why do y-you like me so much? You haven't even known me for that l-long." The question suprised me and I felt heat rise to my face. I looked away and shrugged.

"I don't know. I just think you're nice,,, and funny. And you're charismatic, even if you can be a bit of a pain sometimes. I just love being around you; I l—," I paused when I looked up at him and he was staring directly at me. I froze up and panicked; I knew I said I would confess, but I just couldn't right now. "I really like you." I smiled and there was a bit of disappointment in his eyes. I saw him quickly brush it away as he rubbed his eyes. He let out a small laugh and stood up.

"That's enough of being sappy. I'm starving; let's go see if dinner is ready." He smiled and was back to his typical casual attitude. I frowned slightly but stood up, too. I just knew I messed this up.

As he walked away, something caught my eye. In the doorway, a mistletoe was hanging. I felt my heart flutter as I panicked. I could fix this, I could confess under it. Just as he stepped in the doorway, I spoke up.

"Toby, wait." He turned around with a confused look on his face. I walked up to him and tried to stay calm. "Can I,,, have another hug." After a pause, he laughed and wrapped his arms around me. I tried to think of something to say but nothing came out.

"Anything else, or do we get to eat dinner now?" He pulled away and my heart sped up even more. Anxiety was everywhere in my body. I glanced up at the mistletoe before looking back at the floor. I heard Toby shift in his place and then he spoke up.

"Oh,,, I know how these things work. Nina hangs them up each year to try and get a kiss from Jeff." Toby had a light tone of voice, but before I could do anything, he put his hand under my chin. He pulled my face up to look at him and I blushed very hard. "Here..." Toby leaned in and kissed me.


My eyes were wide open but I soon closed them and moved further into the kiss. He lips were suprisingly soft and he was a pretty good kisser, not gonna lie...

He pulled away, eyes still slightly closed. He smiled and dropped his hand.

"There, now we can go to dinner." He turned around and I stood there stunned.

What just happened????

Pov Switch (Toby's Pov)

Oh my god. Oh My God. Holy shit, I can't believe myself.

Fucking shit; I'm an Idiot.

My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I couldn't believe I just did that. I just kissed (y/n). There wasn't anything to it, though! We were under a mistletoe. That's the only reason why I did that. Yeah it felt okay, and her lips were really soft. And she smelled really nice... Also,,, for some reason, before we kissed, she looked a lot prettier than usual...

I felt my face heat up more as my breath slowed down. I realization hit me as I slowed down to a stop. I put my hand on my heart and I felt a wave of embarrassment come over me.

I thought about it; the kiss...

I fucking liked it.

𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭&𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐞『 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 』Where stories live. Discover now