『 Ch. 06 』

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This is taking forever.

"Uugh; I'm not an impatient person, but are we there yet??" I groaned as we walked through a path in the woods.

"Shut up. W-we're almost there." I glared at him as he sped up.

We had been walking for about an hour, and he refused to take a break. My legs were killing me, and Toby wasn't really wonderful company... He was interesting to watch, though. He would occasionally twitch or make a noise. I assumed it was from his tourettes.

I had never met anyone with anything like it. It was truly intriguing. I didn't ask about it, though, as to not make him uncomfortable. But, I was really curious. He had caught me staring a few times, but he didn't say anything.

"I never caught your name." He glanced back at me as I sped up a bit.


"You know my name, and basically every detail about my life. I feel like you should give me your name at the minimum." He looked over at me, awaiting an answer.

"Oh, uh, yeah." I smiled, "I guess that would be nice." A gave an over dramatic smile and sped in front of him and held out my hand. He hesitantly grabbed it, and I shook it.

"(Y/n l/n!) It's lovely to meet you!" I saw him smile a bit from under his mask.

"F-fuckin' weirdo..." He pulled away from my hand and took a left into the trees; I couldn't help but chuckle. "This way." He waved his hand for me to follow, which I promptly did. We pushed through the bushes and made our way into a semi large clearing.

"Oh wow."

There stood a quaint house. It looked old, but not exactly lived in. The grass was brighter than everywhere else in the forest. It looked honestly nice.

"Y-yeah... Uh, Sl— uh. my boss doesn't know I have  this..."


We walked into the house, and the interior was equally as pretty. The walls were painted a pretty blue, it was really inviting.

"How did you find this?" We kept walking and we eventually got into the living room.

"Oh uh,,, I walk in the forest s-sometimes." He sat his Hatchetts down in a small bin, it looked like something you'd put tools in. "It helps to b-blow off steam..."

He pulled hood down and took his goggles off. His hair looked really fluffy up close. Speaking of being up close, I could see his eyes were not in fact black, but a deep brown.

Damn, he can not get any hotter.

He glanced over my direction with those hot-as-hell eyes, and I saw him grin again.

"So, do you d-dress like this when y-your not killing shitty men?" He laughed a bit and gave me a smug look.

"First off, I don't just kill men. I kill people on my list and brag when I get a cool target. You just caught me on a rare day." He looked unamused and crossed his arms.

This gave me an idea.

"Secondly, I have different outfits to where in public, so I'm not recognized." I grinned then folded arms and leaned forward. "Why are ya' curious? Do you like when I dress like this?" He immediately tensed up and his eyes shot daggers at me, I couldn't help but giggle.

"No! I d-do not! If anything I p-prefered the short dress you had the other night..." I felt my face heat a bit and I smiled.

"Good to know~" I gave him a cheeky grin and then finally stood up straight. "So, do you have anything actually comfortable to change into?" He let out a small breath and gestured his hand down a hall.

"There should be c-clothes in the bedroom b-back there. And, uh... Last door on the r-right."

I went into the bedroom and closed the door. I hesitated but locked the door, I didn't think he'd come in, but I still wanted to prevent some weird fanfiction trope... I feel like I'm being meta for some reason? Weird...

I pushed the thought away and looked through the drawers. I eventually found a(n) (insert random band here) band tee. How dorky, and adorable. The shirt was quite large on me though, it was practically falling off my shoulders. If it was this big on me, how big was it on him? Yeah, he was tall, but not that tall...

I then pulled out some shorts that were entirely too large for me, they went down much too far down on my legs. Finally, to finish, some cool Cat socks to put on. I didn't really own any cool socks, I'd have to steal some of his. I was also mildly suprised, I didn't take him for the funky socks kinda guy.

When I went back into the livingroom and saw Toby siting on the comfortable looking couch, clicking through channels. I also saw that he had taken the rest of his gear off. He was now in only his black turtleneck and was sporting a new pair of sweats. Wish they were grey....

I was trying so very hard to not focus on his face. The mouth guard had blocked out the entire bottom half of his face, so I hadn't gotten a nice look at him. He had a large scar trailing up the side of his face coming from his mouth. It was gnarly and had to have taken forever to heal. It even had a bit of deformation... It was almost endearing though. It added to his charm. I could also see the stubble on his chin.

God damn this man is fine...

"You like (same band i dunno dude)?" He looked up at me before shifting a bit on the couch so i could sit down. He turned back to the TV and then finally found a channel to watch. It looked like a shitty comedy...

"Yeah, I g-guess...." He shrugged and glanced over at me. I don't think he knew I noticed, but I saw him really staring at me. More so my body, maybe he was just curious about my outfit choice...?

Still made me blush.

"This show is boring." I quickly pulled the remote from his hand and started to find a movie I wanted.

"H-hey! I was watching that!" He tried to grab it back from me but I used my foot to push his chest away. "Give it b-back!"

I giggled and he finally gave up. I found a channel that was playing a horror movie. It had just started, so I didn't miss much.

"Does it h-have to be horror...?" He squirmed a bit where he was sitting and looked at me. I gave him a smug look and moved a bit closed.

"Don't tell me you are scared of horror movies?" A faint red tint blushed his cheeks and I held back a laugh. "Don't worry! I'll protect you from the big scary monster~" He glared at me and I only gave a cheeky smile.

"S-shut up."


"That was so good!" I grinned and clapped a bit, "Hey, did you enjoy it Tob—" When I looked over at Toby, I saw he had fallen asleep.

I could myself smile, and I stretched a bit. I hope he's sleeping well...

I guess it's time for bed...

I used a blanket on the back of the couch to cover him, and then I walked to the bedroom. I plopped down on the bed and yawned.

I think I'm going to enjoy this...

𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭&𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐞『 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 』Where stories live. Discover now